St. Anthony Connects – the week of April 20 – 24

St.Anthony Superstars for the past week - Ms Manzoli's class

St.Anthony Superstars for the past week – Ms Manzoli’s class

St. Anthony this week

Monday, April 20

Chromebooks going home today for all junior students

Hip Hop lessons

Celebrating Excellence – 4:00PM St. Paul H.S.

Tuesday, April 21

Table Tennis

Chess Club

Wednesday, April 22

office administrators day

Earth Day

9:00 AM – 9:30 AM presentation by Hydro Ottawa Bright Ideas Contest winners – the grade 4/5 class

Paul Dewar Schedule:

10:30am-11am paul and the grade 5 and 6 class do a yard clean-up

11am-11:30am we prepare the tree planting location (dig hole etc) and other invites arrive

11:30am tree planting

12pm (or likely a little earlier) DONE!​

Earth Day Schedule and Location for each class:

9:30 -9:45- FDK and Grade 1 classes to pick up garbage in the schoolyard

10:00-10;15 – PLC and Grade 1/2 classes to pick up compost materials (leaves and

twigs) in the schoolyard and garden area

10:00-10:30- Grade 2/3 class to weed the flowerbeds in the playground and to pick

up compost materials

10:00-10:30- Grade 4/5 to pick up garbage and compost materials (leaves and twigs)

in the parking lot

10:30-11:00- Grade 5/6 to pick up garbage and compost materials (leaves and twigs)

around the perimeter of the school

 Thursday, April 23

Little Horn Theatre



9:45-10:00 recess

10:00-10:40 (24) Gr 4/5

10:40-11:15 (24) Gr 5/6)

*get ready for lunch upon


11:15-12:15 LUNCH

Recycling Day 

Gum Day for Free The Children

Young Rembrandts

Friday, April 24

PD Day 

Teacher Notes for the Week

Ms Myers grade 1 class

Spring has sprung…and we are so grateful! The “Wonderful Ones” spring writing included phrases such

as “Good-bye snowpants,hello t-shirts!”, “Good-bye snowshoes, hello bikes!”, and another favourite –

“Good-bye hot-chocolate, hello lemonade!” Indeed we are enjoying the change in weather, but please

continue to check the forecast and ensure your child has appropriate footwear and rain gear if needed.

Our schoolyard can be very messy at this time of year! This week we celebrate Earth Day by participating

in our yard clean-up on April 22nd . We will also plant bean seeds in the classroom and look forward to

charting the changes we observe as they grow. A reminder that Friday, April 24 is a PD day.

Mr. Cooks Class grade 1/2

Word wall words this week are: WHO, DOUBT, NIGHT, FAST, and READ. As always, we will do activities using these words and will try to use them in our writing activities. In math this week, we are continuing with 3-D shapes.On Tuesday, we will be making shape skeletons using marshmallows and toothpicks. The children can bring them home to show you! We are hoping to move on to measurement by the end of this week. In science, we will be doing some experiments with liquids ad solids, learning about their properties and what happens when we mix them together. Wednesday is our Spring Clean-Up. I would suggest dressing the students in clothing that can get a little dirty. Our responsibility to this amazing event is to pick up compostable materials in our school yard (ie., leaves, twigs etc…). Rain date is Thursday. Also on Thursday, St. Anthony is holding a fundraiser to help families in need in other countries with buying a goat. Goats can do a lot for these families and we can help! There will be gum for sale and the students will be able to chew bubble gum at school. 50 cents per gum. Lastly, this Friday is a PD Day and there will be no school. Looking forward to another beautiful and blessed week! God Bless!


Ms Rupnik Primary Language Class

This week in the Primary Language Class, we will continue with our narrative writing unit.  We will use wordless picture books as a foundation for creative writing. Oftentimes students struggle with ideas and topics for narrative writing. Wordless picture books offers a visual platform for students, providing them with pictures to assist in developing storylines, setting development, character descriptions, sequencing of events, and much more. During centers, they will be introduced to a new wordless picture book app called Imagistory on our IPADS. This special app allows students to create and record their own stories using wordless picture books. Ask your child about Imagistory and the wordless picture books we used in our class this week. 

M Girard’s classes

2/3e Listening/Speaking to interact: asking and answering questions about ants, life in a anthill and similar students activities, Reading: Chez nous les fourmis (Visages 2)
4/5e Études Sociales: premières civilisations-réflexion: pourquoi la différence de matériaux dans la construction des habitations des anciens Grecs et Chinois 
5/6e Études Sociales: Les Amérindiens et la Nouvelle-France-résumé des changements dans le mode de vie des Amérindiens entre 1500 et 1745
4e Immersion Études Sociales: premières civilisations-comparaison du climat de la Chine ancienne avec celui de la Grèce antique, Arts: réflexions sur la vie et l’oeuvre de Vincent Van Gogh, Théâtre: initiation à l’impro(suite)


Adopt a Helmet!






Make a properly fitted helmet part of your bike riding experience. A helmet can help protect you and your

 Make sure the helmet has been safety certified – look for the sticker on the inside of the helmet.

 Helmets must be replaced every five years and/or after a crash or hard hit – even if it looks undamaged.

 Parents can set a good example to children by wearing a helmet.

 Remember, anyone under the age of 18 must wear a helmet – it’s the law.

 Put on the helmet so that it is not tilting backwards or forward. Then check the following:   

Two fingers distance from helmet to eyebrow

For more information visit or contact Ottawa Public Health at 613-580-6744.