St. Anthony Connects – The week of October 17 – 21


St. Anthony This Week

what a wonderful celebration we had on Friday with Jim Watson, the Mayor of Ottawa, Aviva, the chair of the Ottawa Catholic School Board and other key partners in the building of our new yard!

what a wonderful celebration we had on Friday with Jim Watson, the Mayor of Ottawa, Aviva, the chair of the Ottawa Catholic School Board and other key partners in the building of our new yard!

Monday, October 17

Tuesday, October 18

Musée de l’Histoire – juniors all day

IEP’s home today

Wednesday, October 19

Y Kids Academy – grade 6

Girls Gaelic Football Tournament, St.Gemma School

Wastefree Wednesdays

Swim to Survive – grade 3 class

Thursday, October 20

Girls Gaelic Football Tournament, Nora away

Wastefree Wednesdays

Thursday, October 20

Papa Jack popcorn

Go Girls group begins today for all grade 6 girls

Boys Gaelic Football Tournament – St. Gemma School

Friday, October 21

Pizza Day Today!

Swimming at Plant Bath grade 5/6 class (PM)


art work by Aimee talbot, a pencil artist we will be bringing into our school to some sessions

with our students

Teacher Notes for the Week


Kindergarten News for October 17-21, 2016
What an exciting week in Kindergarten!!  Even though it was a short week we always manage to pack a lot into four days.  Students were completely engaged during our two school-wide assemblies on Friday.  They listened with enjoyment to our Schoolyard Official Opening event.  Ask your child who came to present a special plaque?  (Mayor Jim Watson) They also loved our Earth Ranger presentation on Friday afternoon.  Ask your child about some of the special animals that came to visit.  ( a lemur, a bald eagle and a special lizard).
In Mathematics, the classes have begun to explore patterns. The students have been copying, extending, and creating their own patterns using coloured cubes, interactive software programs, and other objects in the classroom.
In French, the students are learning the names of various fruits and vegetables. They will be learning to distinguish between a fruit and a vegetable.
As part of encouraging healthy lunches and snacks, we would request that parents not include juice boxes in the lunch kits, especially those who order milk as we have noticed that the students are not eating their lunches. We encourage water bottles and each classroom has a water fountain in the classroom.
Thank you for your photo orders.  All orders are due on October 20, 2016.  If you would like a retake please let us know!
We hope you like your new blue St Anthony shirt if you are a JK student!  We are looking forward to a great week!
The Kindergarten Team


Ms Myers Grade 1-2 class


Congratulations to all the “Wonderful Ones” and “Terrific Twos” for earning last week’s “Superstars” trophy.  In religion, we have been talking about one of the great commandments that God asked His family to follow – “Love your neighbor as yourself”   – so it is very fitting that our class was recognized for their daily acts of caring and kindness.  In math we are exploring efficient strategies for counting large amounts of objects. The children conducted an “inventory” of various materials in our classroom – they soon figured out that they would need a “system” for counting!  Organizing objects into groups of five and 10 turned out to be really helpful!  This week the students will have an opportunity to work on Raz-Kids on our school iPads. Raz-Kids is an on-line resource that provides access to e-books to support reading. Students can read, listen to, and even self-record themselves reading these books. Reading comprehension quizzes are also available for each book along the way.  Your child can access Raz-Kids at home on a computer, tablet, or phone, by going to . The username for our class is mmyers52.  A few reminders… home reading and library books are due on Wednesday and photo orders are due Thursday, October 20. If you would like your child to have a re-take done on Monday, October 24, please write a note in the agenda. Have a great week!

Grade 2-3 Ms Moga’s Class


What a week in Grade 2/3! The students enjoyed our Grand Opening of the school yard, and are eagerly anticipating the new play structures. They learned about several endangered animals during the Earth Rangers presentation, which tied in nicely with our science unit.


Writing-  The students have been working hard on their recount writing and they are coming along nicely. Many are on the Editing and Revising step, on their way to completing their Good Copy. I have been meeting with each student as they reach this step to make sure they follow the editing checklist. We will continue working on these this week.


Reading- We began discussing Text-to-Self connections. This is when the reader connects to something in the story. I modelled how to do this, and students are now eager to make their own connections to our read-alouds. This week, we’ll work on making these types of connections that help us enjoy our reading and better understand it.

Math- We briefly reviewed the names of the coins and their values. This week we will focus on showing amounts (up to $1 for Grade 2, and up to $10 for Grade 3) in different ways (e.g. show $0.65 in two different ways using coins). This is an excellent and important skill that can be practiced at home or while out grocery shopping!

Science- We continue our focus on animals- this week we will begin investigating Insects.

Religion- We will focus on our “Samaritans on the Digital Road” Unit. In this unit, students will learn about participating in the digital world in a proactive, responsible and compassionate manner.

Have a great week!
Ms. Moga


Mrs. Rupnik’s Primary Language Class

         A great big thank-you to Mrs. Lim and Mr. McGuire for being our Guest Readers last week and visiting our class to read us a story.  If you are interested in being our Guest Reader and have some time to spare, consider volunteering for one session (about 10 minutes). Please write me a note in the agenda and I will contact you to set up a specific day/time.

         The Retelling Journal arrived home for the first time on Friday,October 14, 2016. The purpose of this Story Retelling Journal is to boost children’s understanding of stories we read in class. It works this way: I read a story to the class several times and discuss the story in great detail (i.e. characters, setting, plot, sequencing events of the story, main idea, problem, solution, ending, connections, etc.).  Then the children come home and tell the story to you in their own words.  Parents write the story as the children tell the story in their own words. Lastly, the children draw and colour a picture about the story. I hope your child was able to retell the story, “Six Big Apples”.  Please return the Retelling Journal to school on Monday, October 17.

       This week we will begin work on recount writing. Recount writing allows students to retell events from their weekend and describe past experiences.

          In order to help keep the class floors neat and tidy, we are requesting that each student brings an inexpensive pair of shoes that could be left at St. Anthony Catholic School. The shoes should be shoes he/she can put on easily on their own (i.e. without laces if your child is unable to tie his/her shoes yet).  Please be sure to write your child’s name in the shoes clearly.


Manzoli’s Grade 3 Class this week…

This week we look at a calmer week ahead after having a very busy week last week.  We had a wonderful assembly on Friday honouring our opening of our new school yard.  With many important people who attended.  The students were very excited when they were surprised with the Fire Department during their recess and also enjoyed a piece of cake to celebrate the occasion.  The students also had a great visit from the Earth Rangers and were able to learn all about those animals that are endangered and even got to meet some of them.  How exciting!

This week we can focus our attention to a full week of more learning.  Tuesday we continue to have our Friends for Life ladies visit once again.  We are about half way through our program. They have been doing such a great job in providing the students with tips and strategies on how to identify a red and green thought.  Wednesday will be our final day of Swim to Survive, the students have already shown improvement in their ability to jump, float and tread water.  Papa Jack popcorn Sale returns again on Thursday.

Learning Goals:

In Mathematics we explored estimating numbers and discussed when estimating would be useful.  

Students will be assessed this week on their knowledge and understanding of number sense.  We will also move into our next unit of study which will be addition and subtraction, regrouping and borrowing and number facts.  

In Language Arts we continue with recount writing and look closer at the elements of a recount. The students will also be introduced to paragraph writing.  They will be given their new words of the week which are written in their agendas every Monday.  We will have our first word quiz on Friday.


  • Swim to survive on Wednesday
  • Papa Jack popcorn 1$ on Thursday
  • Picture orders due on October 20th  (retake date October 24th)

M. Chartrand Classes

This Tuesday, the grade 4/5 students are going to the Canadian Museum of History. I made sure that they will be both sessions will be in French: Un lien ancestral avec la terre et la Nouvelle France. We will also have a chance to watch “l’Afrique sublime” at the IMAX. On Thursday, during MakerSpace time, we will be working at the learning Commons and setup the Minecraft Network. I will also be absent on Monday.

1re année

En français:

Lecture / Reading: We are working on the sound “i” and “ch”. We are reading the comptine “Mimi la souris” et “La Chouette blanche”.

With a focus on Autumn and Halloween, the class is reading “C’est l’automne” et “l’Halloween de Maria” and the grade 2’s are also reading “Les animaux du Canada”.

Oral: Students will be presenting themselves in front of the class.

They will be able to answer: Comment t’appelles-tu? Es-tu un garçon ou une fille? Quel âge as-tu? Quand est ta fête? Où habites-tu? Quel est ton numéro de téléphone? Décrire sa famille.

Writing: Grade 1’s will be writing about Autumn things and Grade 2’s will be describing their Halloween costumes.

In social studies, we are working on mapping concepts with a focus on North America, Canada, Ontario and our community. The children will be able to explain that it is colder in the poles and hotter at the equator and then describe different ways in which people live in different parts of the worlds due to climate, location and physical features of their regions.

Please continue to practice the word wall words at home. Most students can now recognize all of the word wall words in stories and books now. The word wall words this week are:

froid bon / bonne peux manger J’a

4ième/5ièmeannée (français Immersion)

In French, our word wall words are:

en train de besoin insister intérieur médecin singe

We are focussing on the sound “in,im,ain,ein,aim” this week. Please continue practicing using these words at home. Students are asked to memorize 5 sentences from the week 3 and 4 list for Friday.

In writing:

The Menus are due Monday and their play/skit by next Monday. They will need time to memorize their lines. We will also do some explanatory writing about their favorite restaurant. They will pick a restaurant and explain why it is their favorite place to eat.

In Reading:

We will exchange our books on Wednesday and will be sending home Guided Reading books on Wednesday. Groups have been created and we will read together on Mondays and Thursdays.

4/5th grade (Science)

En Science, we did a quiz on “Les Habitats” with a focus on “Les Chaînes alimentaires”.  Our class did very well on an on-line test.  We will study the effects of human activity on food chains.  We will also watch and discuss a video on the effects of re-introducing wolves at Yellowstone National Park.  The 5 links for their food chain is due Friday.

4/5th grade (Sciences Sociales)

En Social Studies, we have focussed on the political boundaries of Canada and we will now focus on the physiographic regions, biomes and ecosystems. On Tuesday at the Canadian Museum of History, we are studying Canada’s Native people and New France.


M. Chartrand

M Girard’s French classes

2/3e Études Sociales : Qu’est-ce qu’une communauté agricole ? Localiser la péninsule du Niagara sur une carte de l’Ontario, climat (influence des grands lacs et types de cultures pratiquées)

3e Études Sociales : Les 3 régions physiques ontariennes, vidéo sur la région des basses-terres du St-Laurent

5/6e Immersion Français Oral : visite du musée du patrimoine et de l’histoire, film IMAX, 4 poèmes à répéter

Français lecture : le royaume p.24 à 29, choix d’une expérience scientifique

Études Sociales : les étapes pour devenir chevalier

Danse : préparer la tâche finale (pièce  «Fanfare for the Common Man» -Aaron Copeland)

Sciences : les propriétés de l’air chaud (Eurêka p.11 et feuillet 3)

Education Physique : techniques de marathon (Fun 2 Run)

Oct. 18 – Oct. 22

Mrs. Troccoli’s Grade 4/5 Team News

A short week proved to be a full week of learning and activity. The official opening of our new and improved school yard was well attended by parents, media and all the partners that helped make it a reality.  The happy students are the beneficiaries of the cooperative hard work. We certainly do help each other.

In math, we are using a variety of strategies to estimate, then calculate the reasonableness of addition problems that incorporate larger numbers.  The students should be practicing basic addition using mental math which will help them solve more difficult problems.

In language, we read the story “Catching the Moon”.  It is a story based on the true life events of the first female professional baseball player.  We used the reading skill of self-monitoring to fully understand the events and vocabulary of the story.  Ask your child to explain the story to you and the dream that became reality.  The students will be using a graphic organizer to help them write a paragraph about a dream they may hold close to their heart. They are learning to believe!!

The students are also enjoying their kindergarten reading buddies.  They are wonderful role models as they enthusiastically read stories to their younger friends.

We will be going on our field trip to the Museum of History on Tuesday and enjoying an IMAX movie – The Wilds of Africa. It should prove to be a fun and educational experience.

The students brought home their work folder on Friday.  Please look over the work with your child. The students are asked to make corrections and return the folder and work to school.

Homework duotangs will be sent home on Monday. Along with completing the activities in the duotang they are also required to read for 30 minutes on Raz Kids using their chromebooks.

The grade 4/5 team has been working hard, working well and making good choices.  Looking forward to a full week with my team. Thank you for your continued support!

Have a great week!

Together Everyone Achieves More

Mrs. S. Troccoli

Ms Colaiacovo’s Grade 5-6 Class

Oh my goodness, are we a busy group! Grade 5/6  passed another great week of learning and fun activity as we began our enthusiastic participation in the Y Kids Academy program on Wednesday; continued with Friday swimming lessons at Plante Bath; and welcomed the Earth Rangers folks at an exciting and educational assembly to close off the week; all whilst moving on with our regular curriculum activities!  



Students started presenting their book talks last week and will continue on Monday. So far, the presentations have been very informative and entertaining! Thanks to the students who took time to rehearse and to family members who helped them out.

Important dates this coming week:

Tuesday, October 18 – Junior Division trip to the History Museum and IMAX film

Wednesday, October 19 – Girls Gaelic football at St Gemma (no Y Kids Academy this week)

Thursday, October 20 – Boys Gaelic Football at St Gemma; Papa Jack Popcorn Sales; Go Girls Group begins for grade 6 girls during the lunch-hour

Friday, October 21 – Swimming lessons at Plante Bath


Plotting and Recording Organisms at Dow’s Lake for Biodiversity 




St. Anthony Connects – The week of October 11-14

Our new trees thanks to the City of Ottawa!!

Our new trees thanks to the City of Ottawa!!

St. Anthony this week

Tuesday, October 11

Wednesday, October 12


Y Kids Academy – Grade 6 students (AM) Please see teacher note below

Wastefree Wednesdays

swim to survive Grade 3

School Council Meeting 6:30 PM

Planning for Halloween


Thursday, October 13

Guest Reader Session- Mr. McGuire to visit Mrs.Rupnik’s class


Virtual Field Trip to the Egg Farm

Link for registration:

Friday, October 14


Schoolyard opening ceremony – 9:30 am

Please join us on October 14th at 9:30 AM, in celebration of this success. The event will be an occasion to thank all of our partners and simply enjoy the new oasis that is St. Anthony’s new, much greener, schoolyard. Local media and community leaders will be present to celebrate the results of tremendous collective efforts.

9h30am – Arrival of guests (location gym or yard depending on the weather)

Begin with the blessing of the yard – Principal McGuire will welcome guests and acknowledge the key stakeholders in the yard renewal – The City of Ottawa, Aviva, the local community fundraisers, the Ottawa Catholic School Board, TD Friends of the Environment, the Community Foundation, Evergreen, Kaja Cerveny – architect, Thunderbolt Contractors

9h45am – Mayor and Principal talk to media

9h55am – Cut the ribbon, exchange of the Aviva $100K check (and maybe the check of other partners)

10am – Eat cake and talk (Learning Commons) students go back to class

1030 am – Guests leave


Earth Rangers Presentation – PM

The schedule for the afternoon would be:

1:00-2:00 – arrive and set up in the gym (if students could be seated and ready to begin at 2:00pm would be great)

2:00-2:45 – Earth Rangers assembly (Grades 1-6)

2:45-3:15 – pack up and depart

St. Anthony Superstars


Ms. Moga’s Grade 2-3 class were the winners of St. Anthony Super Stars this week.

Teacher Notes for the Week

EDP News (Extended Day Program)

The children are slowly getting settled and are now aware of their routines before and after school. We are excited to have had a few new children join our EDP.

The children made their name tags, and these are on the back wall in Room 27. The kindergarten children traced their names using bingo dabs.



Upon the school-agers’ request, we have a Beta Fish in Room 27.  The children named it ‘Mememomo’.  SA children are feeding the fish every day, and clean the tank once a week according to their responsibility schedule.  It is a good opportunity to learn how to care for another living creature.




After school, we have homework time for school-aged children.  If you would like your child(ren) to do their homework during  EDP time, please leave it in their school bag. 


October 7th PD Day

On the October 7th PD day, we had some Thanksgiving activities throughout the day.  We started to create an EDP Thankful Tree.  This activity will last the whole month of October, and it is on the wall outside Room 27. 
(NOTE:  EDP Program is closed on Monday, October 10th for Thanksgiving Holiday)


Kindergarten News for October 11-14


We hope you enjoyed a wonderful weekend with the family!  Happy Thanksgiving to all!  We enjoyed our Thanksgiving Mass on Thursday and we spoke about many reasons to be thankful, we are thankful for our families, moms, dads, sisters, brothers, grandparents, the earth and the world.
We will be participating in our Grand Opening of the school yard this Friday at 9:30 am.  Students are asked to wear their blue St Anthony T-shirts on Friday.  All new JK and new SK students will be given a new St Anthony shirt this week.

We welcomed Mrs. P to our KP1 class.  We are so fortunate to have an amazing educator with us.  The students transitioned very well to their new learning environments.  We enjoyed making turkeys, new orange playdough, blue slime and making holes in real pumpkins!  A great week of many new learning centres!


 Ms. Myers Grade 1-2 class

This week we welcome Mrs. Mullins to our class. She will be our Home Reading volunteer. Every Wednesday the children will choose a book with Mrs. Mullins and bring it home to practice reading. Please check your child’s backpack this Wednesday for a Ziploc bag containing the book your child chose as well as a reading record sheet.  Each week Mrs. Mullins will listen to your child read their book and they will choose a new one to take home.  Both library and home reading books are to be returned on Wednesdays!  Hopefully this will avoid any confusion with returning items.  Thank you for taking the time to read with your child each night using books in from school or those you may have at home – especially if the books are in your family’s first language!  Click on the following link to read about benefits of reading aloud to your child – it’s simple and free!   Have a great week!

Ms. Moga’s Grade 2-3 class

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you enjoyed the extra long weekend with family. Fall is truly here- mornings are quite cool and students should have a warm sweater or jacket to help keep them warm.

Reminders: This Friday, October 14th, at 9:30am,  we will have our Grand Opening Celebration of our new school yard. Local media and community leaders will be present and all are welcome to join us.

Writing-  Students are working on their own recounts of our Terry Fox Walk. They are working towards using the elements of the Writing Process (Planning, Rough Copy, Editing/Revising, and Good Copy) to complete a finished piece of writing.

Reading- The students are now familiar with the Fix-Up Strategies for when they don’t know a word, or don’t understand what they are reading. Our next reading focus will be Making Connections. We will begin with Text-to-Self connections- these are highly personal connections that a reader makes between reading material and the reader’s own experiences or life. An example of a text-to-self connection might be, “This story reminds me of a vacation we took to my grandfather’s farm.”

Math- This week, we will shift our focus to money. Grade 2s will be working on identifying coins up to $1, as well as counting, representing and comparing the value of a collection of coins with a maximum value of $1.
Grade 3s will be working on representing and describing the relationships between coins and bills up to $10, as well as, counting and representing the value of a collection of coins and bills with a maximum value of $10.

Science- We continue to explore different groups of animals. This week we will learn more about birds. Ask your child what makes a bird a bird? Hint: It’s not their wings, or that they can fly!

Religion- We will continue to discuss the different parts of the mass. Having visited St. Anthony Church last week for our Thanksgiving Mass, the students should be able to connect the pictures in our book to what they saw last week.

Have a great week!
Ms. Moga



Mrs. Rupnik’s Class

Congratulations to all the students in the morning class for their fantastic job last week at our Thanksgiving Mass. I am so very proud of all your efforts and hard work.

Once again we are lucky to have a wonderful online reading program called Raz-Kids this school year! This is a reading program that we have already started to use at school but your child also has the opportunity to use it at home as well.  Raz Kids provides students with hundreds of eBooks at their reading level. It also helps children improve recognition of word wall words, enhance oral reading skills, comprehension, etc. Your child will take home their own personal login information this week.

Some helpful hints:

  1. Have your child work on only one book at a time.

  2. First have your child listen to the book.

  3. Then have your child read the book.

  4. Finally have your child take the comprehension quiz. If your child does not pass the quiz the first time, have him/her listen to the book again and then try retaking the quiz once more.


Did you know that October is Library Month? Throughout the month of October, Canadians everywhere will be celebrating libraries as pillars of our community. Consider visiting your local public library with your child this month.

This week, we have our first Guest Reader sessions. The children have read the riddles and together we are trying to figure out who is coming to read us a book. Ask your child about this special event!


In the Grade 3 Class this week…


Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. Hope you had a chance to enjoy God’s creation with family and friends.  We had a busy week last week with the beginning of swim to survive and our wonderful Thanksgiving Mass.  As we enter another short week there is lots to look forward to again.  We will begin with Friends for Life on Tuesday.  Students are getting really good at finding that good thing that happened in their day.  Wednesday we will be going to our second swim to survive lesson.  Take a minute and ask your child what they learned during their time with the instructors.  

Learning Goals this week….

In mathematics, we will continue with learning about rounding numbers to the nearest ten and hundreds.  Something that we have been using is saying “Five and above give it a shove, Four and below let it go”.  We will look at wrapping this unit up by the end of the week and moving into adding and subtracting multiple digit numbers.  Students will also have an opportunity to explore another wonderful math site called Dreambox.  This can also be accessed at home, wonderful program that reinforces sense of numbers.

In Language Arts we will continue with our Daily Five stations and continue working on writing.

Students were given their first word wall words last week and will be given new ones to focus on this week.  We will have our first quiz on these words next week.  

In Religion we continue exploring our new resource “Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ”.  We have been discussing ‘What is a Catholic Community and what gifts we bring to these communities?’.


Oct. 11 – Oct. 15

Mrs. Troccoli’s Grade 4/5 Team News

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!  I hope everyone had time to count their blessings while enjoying time with family and friends. I’m thankful for my wonderful team!

In Language, the students are working on a media presentation on Digital Citizenship.  They are demonstrating their knowledge on being a good Digital Citizen and sharing it with a given audience. We will also be focussing on the reading strategy, Self – Monitoring.  Students will set personal purposes for reading and develop self-awareness about comprehension.  Students will be encouraged to be active readers and ask themselves questions to monitor their understanding.

In math, students will be tested on their understanding of place value.  This is an invaluable skill the students will use in all strands and in everyday life.  Our next focus will be on adding and subtracting larger numbers and using these skills to solve a variety of problems.

Our extended French class enjoyed a wonderful ballet presentation at the Rosemount library. They will be participating in a gym program, which includes a variety of fitness activities including dance and low organized games, offered by goodlife fitness, beginning this week.

Our Rosary program began last week and will continue on the first Wednesday of every month. This is a wonderful program that compliments our religion curriculum.

The homework books have been sent home with students to be used to prepare for their book talks.  They should be reading their book daily so that they have plenty of time to practice for their presentation.

So much going on – it’s all good!!!

Have a great week!

Together Everyone Achieves More

Mrs. S. Troccoli

Mrs Colaiacovo’s Grade 5-6 class

The grade 5/6 class continues a busy and exciting schedule. We wrapped up the place value strand of math with a very successful test and continue on with addition and subtraction facts. We finally finished Samaritans on the Digital Road and the students are in the process of producing their own presentations about being a responsible digital citizen. 

Many students successfully competed in the Board’s cross country meet on Wednesday, with several showing in the top 50 finishers! The students actively participated in our beautiful Thanksgiving mass at St. Anthony church on Thursday; from altar serving, to audio-visual assistance, to a trio of delightful singers, to kindergarten church buddies; they did it all! 

This coming week, the students will begin presenting their book talks in front of their classmates. Homework books will be sent home on Tuesday and must be returned by Friday. On Wednesday, we begin the Y Kids Academy program. We will be walking to and from the YMCA on Argyle St. and will depart eachWednesday at 8:35 promptly, so students must arrive at school on time!  In addition, students must also bring indoor shoes and a water bottle to the program.
Parents are invited and encouraged to join us for the grand opening of the “new” St. Anthony school yard on Friday at 9:30 a.m.We hope to share this exciting day with you!
Thank you for continuing to support your child’s journey of learning.

St. Anthony Connects The Week of October 13 – 16

Tuesday, October 13

Please vote for St. Anthony all this week

Oct 10 3-45











10: 50 Thanksgiving songs rehearsal in gym, gr.1-6

Wednesday, October 14

Wastefree Wednesday Today

Swim to Survive – grade 3, Maria and Angela

Thursday, October 15

Recycle Day at St. Anthony Catholic School- PLEASE recycle today!

Friday, October 16 

Thanksgiving Mass at St. Anthony – all parents welcome

Pizza Day

Teacher Notes for the Week

Ms. Myers Grade One Class:

We look forward to a short but busy week in Grade 1!  As part of our health and physical education curriculum, we will focus on the importance of proper hand washing. Using resources from Ottawa Public Health, the children will review the procedure for proper hand washing and the “Glitterbug” will help us find out if our hands are truly clean or not!  This is an essential habit for the children to practice, especially as we enter cold and flu season. A reminder that library and home reading books are due every Wednesday. Thank you for taking the time to read with your child each night using books from school or those you may have at home.  On Friday, October 16, we will celebrate our Thanksgiving Mass at 9:00 a.m. at St. Anthony Church.  You are welcome to attend!   

gr 1

Ms. Drapers Grade Two Class

The grade 2 class prepared for Thanksgiving by discussing what we are truly thankful for.  We enjoyed singing a Thank you song, making a hand printed turkey and an edible turkey!  We will continue practicing songs for our Thanksgiving mass and preparing for our first mass of the year on Friday October 16th at 9:00 am.  Please join us at St. Anthony Church.
We are busy counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s in our Math unit on Numbers.  Students used old calendars to create number lines, find numbers and to practice skip counting.  We will continue counting and grouping items into 10’s to help us count!
We enjoyed our Read-a-Loud called “The Thing I Saw Last Night.”  We were able to make many personal connections to this story!  Students love the opportunity to share their own personal connections with the class!  Many great storytellers in Grade 2!!
Library Day will return next Monday.  Gym days on Wednesday and Friday.  Happy Thanksgiving to all of our St Anthony School Community!

Mrs. Rupnik’s Primary Language Class

Welcome back from the Thanksgiving long weekend.  I hope you enjoyed some family time together.  Did you have an opportunity to try out Raz-Kids at home yet? A note was sent home last Thursday with personal login information and passwords. It is a wonderful tool because it helps children improve recognition of word wall words, enhance oral reading skills, comprehension, etc.  This week, I will begin showing the children how ‘think-marks’ work.  ‘Think-marks’ involves stopping while reading and thinking about the story on a deeper level. Students will learn to use post-it notes and record their thinking when reading with the assistance of myself and our wonderful volunteers.  This allows us to talk about our thinking and to better understand the stories we read. Our Thanksgiving mass is scheduled forFriday, October 16, 2015 at 9:00am. If you are available, please join us for this special celebration at St. Anthony Parish.  

Manzoli Stars……. This week

Hoping all families had an enjoyable Thanksgiving Weekend.  As we enter in this short week we look forward to another swimming lesson on Wednesday.  Don’t forget your bathing suit and towel.  

We will be also having our first Thanksgiving Mass on Friday October 16 at 9:00.  Some students will be bringing home their part of the mass to practice.   


Homework folders:  students are bringing in their homework in pieces, please remind your child to have their homework completed and placed in folders provided.  We will be having our second word quiz this Friday and some children have not returned their notebook.  Having responsibility of their belongings is something crucial for proper learning to happen.  

We are also consolidating our number sense unit with a quiz on Friday.  Children should be able to:

  • represent numbers to 1000 (Gr. 3) 10,000 (Gr.4)
  • represent place value of ones, tens, hundreds, thousand
  • write numbers in expanded form
  • identifying greater/less numbers ( symbols < >)
  • round numbers to nearest ten and hundred


In language we are still working on “Listening to Read”.  We will begin using RAZ KIds an online reading program.  


Have a great week!

Mrs. Manzoli



M Girard’s French Classes

2e  Français Oral: «réflexes de conversation», téléfrançais épisode 1 Français Écrit: les parties du corps (fin des exercices variés avec ce vocabulaire) Études Sociales : océans et continents des hémisphères nord et sud

3/4e Français Oral: sondage «les différentes pièces de la maison» avec un partenaire, « La langue parlée dans la classe» (suite)  Français Lecture: «Une visite à la caserne de pompiers» (Visages 2 thème 5) Études Sociales : revision des océans et continents, les bornes géographiques du Canada

4/5e Immersion Français Oral: 4 poèmes (prononciation et expression)  Français Lecture: cycle de lecture  Français Écrit: histoire séquentielle : «Petit Tarzan» à finir. Danse : Éléments de danse 2 (les mouvements-présentation) Études Sociales :Les navires grecs 1 

St. Anthony Connects – The week of October 5 – 9

The Aviva Campaign Begins!! 

October 4 notice parent blog

Parents and community supporters – we really need your help this time.  Although we have added at least $20,000 to our schoolyard fund so far this year, we need $100,000.00 to totally transform the yard and create the yard our students dream of.  We need you to sign up for daily e-mail reminders to vote (voting starts October 6th).  The on-line form you need is below.  Please vote every day and get all your friends to vote too.  This year, our goal is to win the national prize!

Help organize the Best Halloween Party in Town!


We need help with :

-Awesome movie night.
-Pumpkin carving.

-Costume parade.

The kids (and parents!) are looking forward to this great event and we need you to make it a success.

Come share your ideas and land a hand.
Food and daycare will be provided.

October 7 at 6:30pm at St. Anthony School

More info : or 613-235-0340

Thanks to Ngun’s mom, Tial Men who works at the Hair Centre in the Rideau Centre.


Personal Care & Health Service 613-230-7600

cut hair

St. Anthony This Week

Monday, October 5

Squirmies today at lunch

Tuesday, October 6

Cross Country all day – at Terry Fox

Please vote for St. Anthony

Wednesday, October 7

Wastefree Wednesday Today

Please vote for St. Anthony

Swim to Survive Program starts 1:00 Grade 3

Parent Council Meeting at SAN – 6:30 all parents invited

Thursday, October 8

Please vote for St Anthony

Friday, October 9

Christian Community Day – PD Day no school today

Please vote for St. Anthony

Teacher Notes for this Week 

Ms. S’s Kindergarten Class
Thanksgiving Fruit Salad
As part of our discussion of giving thanks for the many gifts in our lives, we would like to celebrate by making a fruit salad together on Thursday, October 8th. We would ask that each student bring in a small container of fruit to participate in the process of making the fruit salad as a class community. The Kindergarten team would like to wish you and your family a safe and happy Thanksgiving.



Ms. Myers’ Grade One Class

Our Terry Fox Walk was a great success!  Thanks to all those parents who were able to help out for the morning.  We reached our fundraising goal and Mr. McGuire is now sporting a much shorter hairstyle!! This week we welcome Mrs. Mullins to our class. She will be our Home Reading volunteer. Every Wednesday the children will choose a book with Mrs. Mullins and bring it home to practice reading. Please check your child’s backpack this Wednesday for a Ziploc bag containing the book your child chose as well as a reading record sheet.  Each week Mrs. Mullins will listen to your child read their book and choose a new one to take home.  As Thanksgiving approaches we will be focusing on how we appreciate the gifts of God’s creation.  Happy Thanksgiving to all the “Wonderful Ones” and their families!

grade 1

News from Grade 2 for the Week October 5- October 9, 2015 Ms Draper

The St Anthony School Community did a great job raising funds for our Terry Fox campaign.  Thank you for making a difference!  We are looking forward to a great week of learning in grade 2.  The grade 2 class is enjoying our Science unit on animals.  We are sorting animals into categories and figuring out why they belong in each category.
In Family Life, we are learning that sharing our feelings is important and it helps people to better understand us.
The students had the opportunity to do some role playing for our Read-a-loud called “Should Children Choose Their Own Bedtime”.  They came up with some very convincing arguments in front of the group.  We are doing a great job writing in our daily journals and using ideas from books we have read to generate our own ideas.
We have wrapped up our unit on Patterning and growing number patterns.  The students enjoy using manipulatives to find solutions.
We will have the opportunity to prepare for Thanksgiving by creating some turkey art and discussing what we are truly thankful for in preparation for our Thanksgiving Mass on October 16th.  Happy Thanksgiving to all of our families!  Enjoy the long weekend, no school Friday October 9th and Monday October 12th.

Ms. Rupnik’s PLC Class

This week in the Primary Language Class, we will focus on journal writing using new vocabulary for the season of Autumn. As they write, students will be encouraged to center on the individual writing goals set last week (see picture). In our Social Language program, we will role-play how to start and end conversations with our friends. You may want to practice this skill at home too.  We will also create ‘thankful turkeys’ for our class bulletin board and talk about all the things we are grateful for in our lives.  


M. Chartrand Classes

1re année

En français, we are almost finished with work on  the letter E,e. I’ll be

testing the week 3 and 4-word wall words this week. We have completed the All

About Me unit and will be sending some of the work home. It’s on display outside

the classroom. We are beginning the Autumn Theme this week. October Word

Wall Words will be sent home Tuesday.

4ième année (Immersion)

En Science, we are finishing our unit on Light and doing our test Wednesday and

Thursday if need be. Please get started on your project creating a musical

instrument as it’s due October 22

4/5th grade (Math)

In math, we are continuing to work on Patterning and Algebra. We will hopefully

get into the lab this week to use MineCraft. The grade 5’s will focus on Algebra

for the next two week. Our unit will be done by November.

5/6ième année

In French, we are nearly done our unit on Au Restaurant, we have our second

dictée on Tuesday. Please practice at home. The project and presentation is

due October 23

premières nations rencontrent les premiers explorateurs”. We will focus on the

Inuit in the next few weeks. The Word Wall Words this month will be focussed

on our Social Studies unit.

4th and 5th Grade Science (English)

In Grade 4, we have introduced natural and artificial sources of light. We are

learning about properties of light: opaque, translucid and transparent objects.

In Grade 5, we will continue working at our centres learning about the different

humans systems and how they are all interconnected.


In Kindergarten, we are continuing to focus on the letters A, a and S, s. We are

focussing on demonstrating an awareness of health andy safety practices and a

basic awareness of their own well-being.

M Girard’s Classes

2e  Français Oral: «On parle de soi» (livrets Qui suis-je ?), «La langue parlée dans la salle de classe» (suite) Français Lecture: Arrimage 1 (pages 26 à 28) Français Écrit: les parties du corps (exercices variés avec ce vocabulaire)


3/4e Français Oral: les différentes pièces de la maison (vocabulaire) « La langue parlée dans la classe» (suite)  Français Lecture: «Une visite à la caserne de pompiers» (Visages 2 thème 5) Français Écrit: pronoms personnels et conjugaison des verbes en –er (suite)


4/5e Immersion Français Oral: «La langue parlée dans la classe» (suite) Français Lecture: texte informatif «L’Action de grâce» Français Écrit: présentation des Dictées octobre pour les 4e (50 mots) et 5e (39 mots).Danse : Éléments de danse 2 (les mouvements-présentation) Éducation Physique :Fun to Run (techniques de course de style marathon) 


News in grade 3/4. Manzoli’s Stars…..

This week we focus on giving thanks as we prepare for our Thanksgiving Weekend with family

and friends. We will discuss the diverse ways we celebrate and compare to the Canadian

Thanksgiving. On Wednesday, the grade 3 students will be going to their first swim to survive

swimming lesson at Plant Bath, starting at 1:00. Please remember your bathing suit and towel.

We continue to work on our Daily Five language stations. This week the students will be

introduced to our “listen to reading” station. They will be able to listen to texts using a program

called “raz kids”. They will be provided information to use this reading program at home too.

Please ensure that you continue to check your child’s agenda nightly. Reminder that tomorrow

is library day, please have your books at school.

I would like to wish you all a very “Happy Thanksgiving Day”!


Mrs. Troccoli’s Grade 4/5 Class

September went out on a high note!  The Grade 4/5 Class along with the 5/6 class took the lead during our Terry Fox Event as we enjoyed a wonderful high energy walk with the entire school to Dow’s Lake on a beautiful fall day.  All in the name of Cancer research!  We exceeded our goal of 350 dollars and enjoyed watching our good sport, principal, Mr. McGuire, get his hair buzzed in front of the entire school!  An event certainly worth celebrating!

In Math, we will continue to look at large numbers. We will use numbers that relate to real life situations and represent them in a variety of ways. Have your child read numbers to you from newspapers, magazines, on TV, while shopping or on signs you may pass. In addition, students should be practicing their multiplication facts to 5 so that they may recall them easily.

In Language, the students have been introduced to “Read to Someone”, our second station in our Daily 5 routine.  Ask your child to demonstrate this skill with you as they share a book they are reading. We have also been reading different texts and identifying the writer’s point of view. They are sharing ideas through discussions and writing on how different situations can have more than one point of view.

Here we come October!  



Ms. Colaiacovo’s Class

The grade 5/6 charged full-speed ahead into October, continuing the great work ethic that they established during the first month of school.

The place value portion of number sense and numeration will wrap up this week with a review of what we have learned in preparation for an upcoming test. Students are encouraged to challenge themselves by looking at numbers outside of the classroom (magazine articles, newspaper reports) and finding different ways to represent those numbers. 
We spent the latter of September getting to know a true Canadian hero, Terry Fox, a little better through the novelRun by Eric Walters (ask your child to summarize/retell the story to you!); and through various media literacy, oral communication, and writing activities. We continue to focus on the importance of conventions in their writing, such as capitalizing proper nouns and words at the beginning of sentences, and using proper punctuation in their writing. 
Students have also required reminders of the responsible use of the Chromebook or laptops which they have been privileged to receive. They must ensure that they come to school prepared with charged devices each and every day. Please follow up at home on this discussion with your child to reinforce the importance of this responsibility.
The boys’ and girls’ soccer teams performed admirably at the Board tournament, and we expect that the Cross Country meet this Tuesday will be equally successful.
Thanks for your continued support on the homefront.

St. Anthony Connects – The week of December 15 – 19

Holy Trinity visit to St. Anthony - our kids have a wonderful time!

Holy Trinity visit to St. Anthony – our kids have a wonderful time!

Principal Report to school community

Our regularly scheduled school council meeting was cancelled due to weather this week, so I will give a brief report here for your information.

i.  Programs at school: Right now, we have the chess club running – it is certainly the most popular club in our school thanks to Mr. Wayne NG, who runs the program every week.  Squirmies and Young Rembrandts are taking a break for Christmas right now but I hope to run both programs again in the new year.

Little Horn Theatre continues at our school.  We have one more session with our hip hop artist Katie Gauthier and i would like to find a way to offer a lunch-time hip hop class in the new year.

We are still working on getting a table tennis program going, but we have yet to acquire tables.

Aviva Campaign: Unfortunately, we were not successful in our bid to get into the finals.  We estimate we missed by around 100 votes – good, but not good enough.  We will now pursue other options including the City of Ottawa (for trees) – a volunteer organization that helps to depave yards like ours, TD Friends of the Environment and Evergreen Canada.  We certainly haven’t given up.  We support all of you who voted for us every day during this long campaign!



Maker Spaces:  This is becoming a great activity for our kids.  Students are coming to our learning commons to make things with electronic kits like Makey Makey and littleBits.  We are also using lego, and other building kits.  We will be adding calligraphy and knitting to the collection of activities that will be available soon.  The maker space is a great way for kids to be innovative and creative.  Last week, our teachers received some training on these creative spaces from Maker Junior, a terrific group here in Ottawa that specializes in offering workshops on making for children across the city.  We have more ideas for the new year!


Holy Trinity Visit:  We had a great visit from Holy Trinity this week!  The kids love this and look forward to the visit all year.  The Trinity students did activities in the classes before lunch then played all recess with the kids.  The finished off with a great show involving all the kids in the gym after lunch.  The Trinity students also brought loads of Christmas baskets which we will be distributing this week to families in need.


Marian Small – 6:00PM February 11th – all parents and teachers invited – this is an important presentation open to all parents.  Marian Small is a local expert on the teaching of math and she will be presenting to parents and interested teachers in February.  This will take the place of the usual school council meeting for February.  This event is sponsored and organized by school council and we really encourage all parents to attend this important session.  We will be sending out a formal invitation in January so we will have a better idea on numbers for this session.

Christmas baskets:  The Christmas baskets will be distributed on Wednesday of this week.  We would like to thanks the students and staff of Sacred Heart and Holy trinity Catholic High Schools for assembling these baskets for us!

Finally, I would like to wish all of you a happy Christmas and some good quality time together with your families.  St. Anthony Connects will return in the new year.

Mr. McGuire

St. Anthony This week

Monday, December 15

waste walkabout

FDK1 Ms. Greenwood’s class is having a Christmas lunch tomorrow with turkey and all the fixings 🙂

Advent in the gym – 2:00 PM


Tuesday, December 16

Cathlee O’Connell to read with Mrs.Rupnik’s class

chess at lunch

waste walkabout

Dorothy reading with Mrs. Rupnik’s class

Mr.M 002


Nativity Play Rehearsal-Gym

Wednesday, December 17

Visit to St. Vincent – 1:30 PM

Christmas baskets going out all day today

Thursday, December 18

Monthly Assembly

Friday, December 19

waste walkabout

PJ Day, popcorn and movies all grades



Teacher Notes for the week

Ms. Rupnik’s class:  This week in the Primary Language Class, we will continue to work on vocabulary related to Advent and Christmas in oral and written form. We will make personalized Christmas ornaments to take home and finish our cards for the people of St. Vincent Hospital. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and much joy during the holidays! Classes resume again on Monday, January 5, 2015. 

M. Girard’s classes: 2/3eLittératie: Présentation du schéma du récit «Dépêche-toi» with a partner
4/5e Musique:flûte à bec, right hand B-D-G-A and C fingering
5/6e Études Sociales: les responsabilités des gouvernements provinciaux
4e Immersion: Santé-trois repas équilibrés(guide alimentaire canadien)
                      Danse: «des bras et des mains en folie»(vidéo Ophea)

Ms. Myers Grade 1: 

It will be a busy week of “returns!”  Please ensure your child returns his/her library book, home reading book, and December homework.  We are looking forward to sharing any graphs that were completed at home as part of our data management studies – these graphs can be sent in any time this week. The children are looking forward to participating in a short Nativity Play as part of our Third Week of Advent

Liturgy, Monday at 2:00 p.m. Join us if you can!

Ms. Manzoli’s grade 2/3 class:  On Tuesday afternoon, I will be having a craft day. We are making gingerbread houses and Christmas Craft.

On Friday we will be baking gingerbread cookies.

St. Anthony Connects – The week of November 24 – 27


here is the concept drawing of the yard as envisioned by the students of St. Anthony

Nov 23

We are now coming to the end of round three. We are in 6th place and 967 supporters – I hope all parents and students are supporting us in this campaign – the next round will be very competitive. To register and vote, please go to and vote! Students can vote with their parents’ or guardians’ permission.

There will be daily bulletins on Facebook once the semi-finals begin.

St. Anthony this week

Monday, November 24

Waste Walkabout

lockdown practice this morning

Squirmies – 11:30

Last day of voting for Asphalt to Oasis

Asphalt to Oasis

Asphalt to Oasis

Tuesday, November 25

chess club

Big Kid Entertainment – afternoon activity to address cyberbullying

Wednesday, November 26

Waste Walkabout

Andrew Harvey from Evergreen in to review greening plan with Green Team

Thursday, November 27

Notre Dame visit to St. Anthony – AM

Toothbrush program begins for kindergarten students

Friday, November 28

NAC – Somi Kim classical singer from Sochi Olympics – all juniors attending

Waste Walkabout

Teacher Notes for the week

Dans la classe de Mr. Chartrand:

Grade 1/2

The students are beginning a unit on winter (l’hiver).

On Monday, I’m sending home a vocabulary page with 2 winter stories to cut out and read. Please try to read the stories with your child.

The grade 1’s are working on creating descriptive sentences while using a model, while the grade 2’s are working on procedural writing (how to make a snowman and steps to wash your hands.)

The grade 2’s will be doing a world community (country of origin) project soon. We are finishing our unit on Rules and Responsibilities.

The words wall words for this week are: ne… pas (negation), garçon, fille.

Grade 4 (Immersion)

The animal habitat projects are due this week. We will be presenting them in December. The unit test is December 4th. Bonne Chance!

I have sent home a test review sheet.



M Girard

2/3e Littératie: texte «Dépêche-toi!», lecture et deux «Prouve-le»
4/5e Pédagogie de l’enquête: mise en page des résultats de la recherche
5/6e Études Sociales: «la démocratie en action» (le système parlementaire canadien)
4e immersion: choix d’un poème de Noël et réflexes de conversation. 

Ms. Rupnik’s class:

This upcoming week, we will continue our work on descriptive writing. We will finish our graphic organizers to describe ourselves.  We will then transfer the specific details and adjectives from the graphic organizers to paragraphs.  We will also welcome a new volunteer to our afternoon class, Ms. Stanyar.  She lives in our community and has very generously volunteered her time to our class for more than 6 years.
Ms Manzoli’s class: 

This week we say farewell to Mr. McCulley, we wish him success in his future teaching career. We will be beginning our presentations to the class on our countries. We will also be participating through skype with a grade three class from Edmonton.


St. Anthony Connects The Week of October 27 – 31

Junior Art

Junior Art


Teacher notes:

The Kindergarten classes:  

The Kindergarten students are invited to wear their Halloween costumes to school on

Friday, October 31st. Please ensure your child is safe and comfortable in his/her

costume and that a bag be included in the knapsack to hold the costume. They will be

allowed to wear the costume until lunch time and then they will remove the costumes

and place them in the bag for the remainder of the day. Labelling props is

recommended to ensure all the parts of the costume return home with your child’s


We ask that plastic weapons (i.e. pitchforks, swords, and guns) stay at home.

Your Kindergarten Team

Ms Myers: This week in Grade One….

 Our Home Reading Program will begin this week! Mrs. Mullins is a dedicated volunteer who will

visit each Wednesday and read a book with each student. Your child will bring home this book to

read with you. The Home Reading Books and Library Books will both be returned on

Wednesdays – this should keep the routine easy to remember!!

 The children are very excited about our Raz-Kids on-line reading program! Remember to

download the free app if you are connecting from an iPad. If you have difficulties, please let me


 We will enjoy several math and literacy activities that are connected to Halloween this week 

Ms Rupnik’s Class:  We will wrap up our unit on Halloween this week. Our language lessons and tasks will include sequencing 6-8 pictures to explain how pumpkins grow. We will also decorate a pumpkin for our school-wide contest. Later in the week, we will carve a pumpkin and work on adjectives to describe the pumpkin, inside and out.  I will draw for one student to take the carved pumpkin home on Friday. Remember to return the October homework calendars on Thursday, October 30, 2014.

Ms Manzoli’s Class:  The grade 2/3 class has a week full of events, beginning with, pumpkin carving on Monday. On Tuesday our school nurse is coming in to talk about ways to stay healthy including hygiene . On Wednesday we have a Lego presentation with hands on activities. Thursday progress reports go home and on Friday it’s Halloween, come to school with your costume and have a fun filled day with various activities. Have a safe and Happy Halloween!🎃👻

M. Girard’s classes: week of Oct 27,

 2/3e : La fête de la citrouille (activités diverses)

4/5e : Rédaction d’une annonce d’animal perdu

5/6e : Etudes Sociales -Droits et responsabilités du citoyen canadien

4e Immersion: Arts Plastiques -décoration d’une citrouille, Education Physique -évaluation des techniques de course (Fun 2 Run)  

St. Anthony This Week

Monday, October 27

BYOD – students are now allowed to bring in their laptops, tablets or smart phones.  They will be kept secure in the classroom in the class tech tub.  Devices are not to be brought outside and gaming devices are not permitted.  The devices are to be used for educational purposes in the classroom.

Andrew Harvey from Evergreen in all day to consult staff and students about the greening of our property


Andrew is from Evergreen – this is from their website:

We believe we can solve even the most pressing urban environmental issues by bringing diverse people together, inspiring them with possibilities and engaging them in identifying solutions and taking action. The need has never been more urgent.

To help create greener, more sustainable cities, we focus on four key areas:

GreenspaceChildrenFood and CityWorks

Evergreen will meet with all our staff and students to come up with a plan to continue the greening of St. Anthony School

fire drill scheduled for 10:15-10:30 (weather dependant)

Squirmies – 11:35 – 12:15

Maker Event in the learning commons – grade 5/6 class, – this is a really important event for our school.  We are starting something new – a makerspace.  This will be a space in the learning commons for students to create and innovate.  These are the skills that will be so important for all of our students in the future.  You can read more about makerspaces here.

Here is a short video of one of the tools we have purchased for our makerspace – a Makey Makey kit


Tuesday, October 28

Andrew Harvey from Evergreen in all day to consult staff and students about the greening of our property


Andrew Harvey meeting earlier in the year with the Green Team

Wednesday, October 29

Blockheads comes to St. Anthony – grade 2/3 – this will be a very exciting activity for the grade 2-3 students.  Blockheads is a group that uses lego to teach concepts to students.  This activity will focus on math

a Blockheads workshop from their website.

a Blockheads workshop from their website.


Thursday, October 30

Oct 26-3

Fun2Run program Ghost Run for the juniors!  This will be the culmination of a 5-week program to introduce our juniors to running as a fun way to keep in shape.  The run will start at the War Museum and end near the Bytown Museum – a unique event for our kids!

here is an excerpt from Michael Stashin’s website – Michael is the designer of the Fun2Run Program:

Michael is a running instructor ( working with the Healthy Active Living and Obesity (HALO) research group through the CHEO Foundation to promote healthy active living among kids in the Ottawa region. Collaboratively Michael and HALO developed a Fun2Run non-competitive running program for elementary school children grades 4 through 6. The Fun2Run program will be piloted within St. Anthony School and endorse the concept of running as a fun easy activity based on the application of efficient running technique.

Progress Reports going home today


Friday, October 31

Hip Hop day with Katie Gauthier – for all students in the gym – this is the beginning of the Little Horn Theatre Program – this is the beginning of an arts program that all our students will take part in throughout the school year.  Little Horn will expose our students to drama, dance and music created by a variety of Ottawa artists.

Halloween!  Students are allowed to wear costumes!!  

We ask that plastic weapons (i.e. pitchforks, swords, and guns) stay at home.

Don’t forget to vote for us – tell all

your friends –



Oct 26 - 1-20 PM

Bringing Change to our community and St. Anthony School – the Aviva Campaign

We are in round one of the Aviva Campaign – our proposal is to transform the St. Anthony yard into a green haven for the entire community; a place where children can play and be with their friends.

Why now?

Fifteen years ago a greening project was started here to take out some of the old asphalt and add some trees.  Now, we want to finish what was started.  We want to get rid of the asphalt and replace it with a child-friendly play surface.  We want to build real play structures for our kids and we want more trees to bring life to a yard that really needs to be reborn.  We can do all this by winning the Aviva Community Fund campaign.  We need your support!

 click here to vote for us! 





Where are we now – September 30 4:15 pm


St. Anthony – a busy few days!

This week has been very busy at St. Anthony!  Each event deserves its own blog post, but there simply hasn’t been the time.

Yesterday, we had our annual Terry Fox event.  We had a great walk to Dow’s Lake and back led by Sam, a former student from St. Anthony.  Sam is now in grade 10 – he had the same cancer that Terry Fox did and he is doing very well.



            Sam leading the way

Later, after we all returned to the school we had a great pep rally to celebrate raising over $340.00 for the Terry Fox Foundation.  Mr. McGuire had agreed that if the school reached $300.00 he would dye his hair pink!  Sam then turned Mr. McGuire into a principal with really pink hair.

Mr. McGuire also agreed to become a princess if the school raised over $300.00.  So zap!  Mr. McGuire became a princess!

Mr. McGuire as a princess

What a wonderful day – what terrific spirit  The kids chanted “I am Terry” the entire time they walked.  Some admitted afterwards that they were a little hoarse after all the yelling!

The next day – Thursday artist Shayna Tate spent the whole morning talking to staff and kids about what they would like in a mural for the school.  The mural will be painted starting Monday and the ideas of our students will be represented in the art work.  Our students will do the painting along with Shayna’s help.

Shayna Tate gets ideas from Ms. Nelson’s class

The students are very excited about the mural – all of you will be able to see it as you enter the front of the school – look for changes starting September 29!

While this was going on, our boys were playing soccer at McMaster Catholic School.  They played really hard and even practiced between games!

Here is a short video from today’s tournament. They did a great job!


Tomorrow, we start our Fun2Run Program.  We are the only school doing this program.  We are working with CHEO to help kids in grades 4,5 and 6 get and stay fit.  Our instructor Michael Stashin is a a running instructor based in Ottawa Canada who has a passion for introducing runners to simple changes they can make in their technique to reduce the amount of effort as well as the potential for injury due to impact.  Michael will be running 14 marathons in 14 days and he plans to finish at our school!

We have also launched our Aviva Campaign this week.  We want to win a grant for $100,000.00 to transform our school yard.  We will need your help!! Voting starts on September 29th.  This will be a really big campaign at our school and we will need every  parent to help us!

Here is the link to find out how to vote.

We want to win – we need your help!


This has certainly been a great week and there is more to come!