St. Anthony Connects – The week of October 17 – 21


St. Anthony This Week

what a wonderful celebration we had on Friday with Jim Watson, the Mayor of Ottawa, Aviva, the chair of the Ottawa Catholic School Board and other key partners in the building of our new yard!

what a wonderful celebration we had on Friday with Jim Watson, the Mayor of Ottawa, Aviva, the chair of the Ottawa Catholic School Board and other key partners in the building of our new yard!

Monday, October 17

Tuesday, October 18

Musée de l’Histoire – juniors all day

IEP’s home today

Wednesday, October 19

Y Kids Academy – grade 6

Girls Gaelic Football Tournament, St.Gemma School

Wastefree Wednesdays

Swim to Survive – grade 3 class

Thursday, October 20

Girls Gaelic Football Tournament, Nora away

Wastefree Wednesdays

Thursday, October 20

Papa Jack popcorn

Go Girls group begins today for all grade 6 girls

Boys Gaelic Football Tournament – St. Gemma School

Friday, October 21

Pizza Day Today!

Swimming at Plant Bath grade 5/6 class (PM)


art work by Aimee talbot, a pencil artist we will be bringing into our school to some sessions

with our students

Teacher Notes for the Week


Kindergarten News for October 17-21, 2016
What an exciting week in Kindergarten!!  Even though it was a short week we always manage to pack a lot into four days.  Students were completely engaged during our two school-wide assemblies on Friday.  They listened with enjoyment to our Schoolyard Official Opening event.  Ask your child who came to present a special plaque?  (Mayor Jim Watson) They also loved our Earth Ranger presentation on Friday afternoon.  Ask your child about some of the special animals that came to visit.  ( a lemur, a bald eagle and a special lizard).
In Mathematics, the classes have begun to explore patterns. The students have been copying, extending, and creating their own patterns using coloured cubes, interactive software programs, and other objects in the classroom.
In French, the students are learning the names of various fruits and vegetables. They will be learning to distinguish between a fruit and a vegetable.
As part of encouraging healthy lunches and snacks, we would request that parents not include juice boxes in the lunch kits, especially those who order milk as we have noticed that the students are not eating their lunches. We encourage water bottles and each classroom has a water fountain in the classroom.
Thank you for your photo orders.  All orders are due on October 20, 2016.  If you would like a retake please let us know!
We hope you like your new blue St Anthony shirt if you are a JK student!  We are looking forward to a great week!
The Kindergarten Team


Ms Myers Grade 1-2 class


Congratulations to all the “Wonderful Ones” and “Terrific Twos” for earning last week’s “Superstars” trophy.  In religion, we have been talking about one of the great commandments that God asked His family to follow – “Love your neighbor as yourself”   – so it is very fitting that our class was recognized for their daily acts of caring and kindness.  In math we are exploring efficient strategies for counting large amounts of objects. The children conducted an “inventory” of various materials in our classroom – they soon figured out that they would need a “system” for counting!  Organizing objects into groups of five and 10 turned out to be really helpful!  This week the students will have an opportunity to work on Raz-Kids on our school iPads. Raz-Kids is an on-line resource that provides access to e-books to support reading. Students can read, listen to, and even self-record themselves reading these books. Reading comprehension quizzes are also available for each book along the way.  Your child can access Raz-Kids at home on a computer, tablet, or phone, by going to . The username for our class is mmyers52.  A few reminders… home reading and library books are due on Wednesday and photo orders are due Thursday, October 20. If you would like your child to have a re-take done on Monday, October 24, please write a note in the agenda. Have a great week!

Grade 2-3 Ms Moga’s Class


What a week in Grade 2/3! The students enjoyed our Grand Opening of the school yard, and are eagerly anticipating the new play structures. They learned about several endangered animals during the Earth Rangers presentation, which tied in nicely with our science unit.


Writing-  The students have been working hard on their recount writing and they are coming along nicely. Many are on the Editing and Revising step, on their way to completing their Good Copy. I have been meeting with each student as they reach this step to make sure they follow the editing checklist. We will continue working on these this week.


Reading- We began discussing Text-to-Self connections. This is when the reader connects to something in the story. I modelled how to do this, and students are now eager to make their own connections to our read-alouds. This week, we’ll work on making these types of connections that help us enjoy our reading and better understand it.

Math- We briefly reviewed the names of the coins and their values. This week we will focus on showing amounts (up to $1 for Grade 2, and up to $10 for Grade 3) in different ways (e.g. show $0.65 in two different ways using coins). This is an excellent and important skill that can be practiced at home or while out grocery shopping!

Science- We continue our focus on animals- this week we will begin investigating Insects.

Religion- We will focus on our “Samaritans on the Digital Road” Unit. In this unit, students will learn about participating in the digital world in a proactive, responsible and compassionate manner.

Have a great week!
Ms. Moga


Mrs. Rupnik’s Primary Language Class

         A great big thank-you to Mrs. Lim and Mr. McGuire for being our Guest Readers last week and visiting our class to read us a story.  If you are interested in being our Guest Reader and have some time to spare, consider volunteering for one session (about 10 minutes). Please write me a note in the agenda and I will contact you to set up a specific day/time.

         The Retelling Journal arrived home for the first time on Friday,October 14, 2016. The purpose of this Story Retelling Journal is to boost children’s understanding of stories we read in class. It works this way: I read a story to the class several times and discuss the story in great detail (i.e. characters, setting, plot, sequencing events of the story, main idea, problem, solution, ending, connections, etc.).  Then the children come home and tell the story to you in their own words.  Parents write the story as the children tell the story in their own words. Lastly, the children draw and colour a picture about the story. I hope your child was able to retell the story, “Six Big Apples”.  Please return the Retelling Journal to school on Monday, October 17.

       This week we will begin work on recount writing. Recount writing allows students to retell events from their weekend and describe past experiences.

          In order to help keep the class floors neat and tidy, we are requesting that each student brings an inexpensive pair of shoes that could be left at St. Anthony Catholic School. The shoes should be shoes he/she can put on easily on their own (i.e. without laces if your child is unable to tie his/her shoes yet).  Please be sure to write your child’s name in the shoes clearly.


Manzoli’s Grade 3 Class this week…

This week we look at a calmer week ahead after having a very busy week last week.  We had a wonderful assembly on Friday honouring our opening of our new school yard.  With many important people who attended.  The students were very excited when they were surprised with the Fire Department during their recess and also enjoyed a piece of cake to celebrate the occasion.  The students also had a great visit from the Earth Rangers and were able to learn all about those animals that are endangered and even got to meet some of them.  How exciting!

This week we can focus our attention to a full week of more learning.  Tuesday we continue to have our Friends for Life ladies visit once again.  We are about half way through our program. They have been doing such a great job in providing the students with tips and strategies on how to identify a red and green thought.  Wednesday will be our final day of Swim to Survive, the students have already shown improvement in their ability to jump, float and tread water.  Papa Jack popcorn Sale returns again on Thursday.

Learning Goals:

In Mathematics we explored estimating numbers and discussed when estimating would be useful.  

Students will be assessed this week on their knowledge and understanding of number sense.  We will also move into our next unit of study which will be addition and subtraction, regrouping and borrowing and number facts.  

In Language Arts we continue with recount writing and look closer at the elements of a recount. The students will also be introduced to paragraph writing.  They will be given their new words of the week which are written in their agendas every Monday.  We will have our first word quiz on Friday.


  • Swim to survive on Wednesday
  • Papa Jack popcorn 1$ on Thursday
  • Picture orders due on October 20th  (retake date October 24th)

M. Chartrand Classes

This Tuesday, the grade 4/5 students are going to the Canadian Museum of History. I made sure that they will be both sessions will be in French: Un lien ancestral avec la terre et la Nouvelle France. We will also have a chance to watch “l’Afrique sublime” at the IMAX. On Thursday, during MakerSpace time, we will be working at the learning Commons and setup the Minecraft Network. I will also be absent on Monday.

1re année

En français:

Lecture / Reading: We are working on the sound “i” and “ch”. We are reading the comptine “Mimi la souris” et “La Chouette blanche”.

With a focus on Autumn and Halloween, the class is reading “C’est l’automne” et “l’Halloween de Maria” and the grade 2’s are also reading “Les animaux du Canada”.

Oral: Students will be presenting themselves in front of the class.

They will be able to answer: Comment t’appelles-tu? Es-tu un garçon ou une fille? Quel âge as-tu? Quand est ta fête? Où habites-tu? Quel est ton numéro de téléphone? Décrire sa famille.

Writing: Grade 1’s will be writing about Autumn things and Grade 2’s will be describing their Halloween costumes.

In social studies, we are working on mapping concepts with a focus on North America, Canada, Ontario and our community. The children will be able to explain that it is colder in the poles and hotter at the equator and then describe different ways in which people live in different parts of the worlds due to climate, location and physical features of their regions.

Please continue to practice the word wall words at home. Most students can now recognize all of the word wall words in stories and books now. The word wall words this week are:

froid bon / bonne peux manger J’a

4ième/5ièmeannée (français Immersion)

In French, our word wall words are:

en train de besoin insister intérieur médecin singe

We are focussing on the sound “in,im,ain,ein,aim” this week. Please continue practicing using these words at home. Students are asked to memorize 5 sentences from the week 3 and 4 list for Friday.

In writing:

The Menus are due Monday and their play/skit by next Monday. They will need time to memorize their lines. We will also do some explanatory writing about their favorite restaurant. They will pick a restaurant and explain why it is their favorite place to eat.

In Reading:

We will exchange our books on Wednesday and will be sending home Guided Reading books on Wednesday. Groups have been created and we will read together on Mondays and Thursdays.

4/5th grade (Science)

En Science, we did a quiz on “Les Habitats” with a focus on “Les Chaînes alimentaires”.  Our class did very well on an on-line test.  We will study the effects of human activity on food chains.  We will also watch and discuss a video on the effects of re-introducing wolves at Yellowstone National Park.  The 5 links for their food chain is due Friday.

4/5th grade (Sciences Sociales)

En Social Studies, we have focussed on the political boundaries of Canada and we will now focus on the physiographic regions, biomes and ecosystems. On Tuesday at the Canadian Museum of History, we are studying Canada’s Native people and New France.


M. Chartrand

M Girard’s French classes

2/3e Études Sociales : Qu’est-ce qu’une communauté agricole ? Localiser la péninsule du Niagara sur une carte de l’Ontario, climat (influence des grands lacs et types de cultures pratiquées)

3e Études Sociales : Les 3 régions physiques ontariennes, vidéo sur la région des basses-terres du St-Laurent

5/6e Immersion Français Oral : visite du musée du patrimoine et de l’histoire, film IMAX, 4 poèmes à répéter

Français lecture : le royaume p.24 à 29, choix d’une expérience scientifique

Études Sociales : les étapes pour devenir chevalier

Danse : préparer la tâche finale (pièce  «Fanfare for the Common Man» -Aaron Copeland)

Sciences : les propriétés de l’air chaud (Eurêka p.11 et feuillet 3)

Education Physique : techniques de marathon (Fun 2 Run)

Oct. 18 – Oct. 22

Mrs. Troccoli’s Grade 4/5 Team News

A short week proved to be a full week of learning and activity. The official opening of our new and improved school yard was well attended by parents, media and all the partners that helped make it a reality.  The happy students are the beneficiaries of the cooperative hard work. We certainly do help each other.

In math, we are using a variety of strategies to estimate, then calculate the reasonableness of addition problems that incorporate larger numbers.  The students should be practicing basic addition using mental math which will help them solve more difficult problems.

In language, we read the story “Catching the Moon”.  It is a story based on the true life events of the first female professional baseball player.  We used the reading skill of self-monitoring to fully understand the events and vocabulary of the story.  Ask your child to explain the story to you and the dream that became reality.  The students will be using a graphic organizer to help them write a paragraph about a dream they may hold close to their heart. They are learning to believe!!

The students are also enjoying their kindergarten reading buddies.  They are wonderful role models as they enthusiastically read stories to their younger friends.

We will be going on our field trip to the Museum of History on Tuesday and enjoying an IMAX movie – The Wilds of Africa. It should prove to be a fun and educational experience.

The students brought home their work folder on Friday.  Please look over the work with your child. The students are asked to make corrections and return the folder and work to school.

Homework duotangs will be sent home on Monday. Along with completing the activities in the duotang they are also required to read for 30 minutes on Raz Kids using their chromebooks.

The grade 4/5 team has been working hard, working well and making good choices.  Looking forward to a full week with my team. Thank you for your continued support!

Have a great week!

Together Everyone Achieves More

Mrs. S. Troccoli

Ms Colaiacovo’s Grade 5-6 Class

Oh my goodness, are we a busy group! Grade 5/6  passed another great week of learning and fun activity as we began our enthusiastic participation in the Y Kids Academy program on Wednesday; continued with Friday swimming lessons at Plante Bath; and welcomed the Earth Rangers folks at an exciting and educational assembly to close off the week; all whilst moving on with our regular curriculum activities!  



Students started presenting their book talks last week and will continue on Monday. So far, the presentations have been very informative and entertaining! Thanks to the students who took time to rehearse and to family members who helped them out.

Important dates this coming week:

Tuesday, October 18 – Junior Division trip to the History Museum and IMAX film

Wednesday, October 19 – Girls Gaelic football at St Gemma (no Y Kids Academy this week)

Thursday, October 20 – Boys Gaelic Football at St Gemma; Papa Jack Popcorn Sales; Go Girls Group begins for grade 6 girls during the lunch-hour

Friday, October 21 – Swimming lessons at Plante Bath


Plotting and Recording Organisms at Dow’s Lake for Biodiversity 




Depave Paradise! The beginning of the greening of St. Anthony School


Today we starting on a great journey that will change the face of St. Anthony School.  A group of dedicated volunteers from Ecology Ottawa, teachers, parents and one student worked up to seven hours to cut into tones of pavement and gravel.  We filled an entire dumpster and created a huge pile of gravel too – all of this will be recycled by our contractor whose main job so far has been to cut into the old asphalt so we could pry it up and remove it from the yard.




The project was funded by Green Communities Canada who received funding from RBC .  Evergreen Canada did the design work and Ecology Ottawa administered the entire project.  What a great group of partners.  I am so grateful that there are foundations and corporations that really want to get to work with schools like ours to make a better environment for our kids.  This is how we must do things, look for great community partners who will continue to work with our school to fund depaving, the arts, recreation programming – anything that will make the educational experience richer for our students.


We have worked with so many wonderful groups this year – Opera Lyra, Little Horn Theatre, Table Tennis Canada, Evergreen Canada, Young Rembrandts, Learn to Play, Fun 2 Run, MASC, Organic Growers of Ottawa, Big Kid Entertainment, Christie Lake Kids,  the YMCA, Social Rec Connect and Somerset West Community Health Center, and all our political representatives- all these groups and individuals have worked hard to provide a richer environment for our students.  What a great privilege to work in such a wonderful community!

I want to thank all the groups who are working hard to give our kids something special as part of their educational experience.  We really appreciate all you have done and all the time and resources you have poured into our school.  You are part of our community and you are all doing wonderful work.

With help from our partners and new ones to come, we will continue our depaving work at St. Anthony and will continue to dig up the rotting asphalt that retains stormwater and winer melt, creates hazards for our kids and actually contributes to Global Warming.

A great day for our school – thank-you to all the volunteers and foundations that made this possible!

ecology ottawaevergreengreen communitiesRBC Blue Water



You can read more about what we accomplished together as a community here in this Ottawa Citizen article

More community partners!

Every day I am meeting more people!  The area surrounding St. Anthony is incredibly well served when it comes to community services.  I still have lots of people to meet, but here are a few of the people who will be working with us this year.

Social Rec Connect is a group that helps kids get connected to social recreational opportunities in the community.  They are affiliated with Christie Lake Kids and they offer an incredible service to the kids in our area.  It makes such a huge difference if kids are connected to their community recreational programs.

I think this group has lots to offer our community and I am hoping that they will be able to use some of our vacant space here in the school this year.  Any program that makes a real effort to connect kids to their community really has to be supported.

The YMCA offers an after-school program to around 30 of our students.  This includes homework help to families who are interested.  The spots in the program can be subsidized if needed.  The program will be coordinated this year by Allison Cunningham.  They will use the gym daily and have a permanent room for all of their activities on the third floor.  The YMCA will also be offering the Y Kids Academy again at St. Anthony.  This is a terrific program that encourages junior students to become more active and adopt a more healthy lifestyle.  I am so excited to have this program at our school!

Young Rembrandts is a great program that will be offered after school here at St. Anthony.  The program has worked with the YMCA before and we are looking forward to them setting up shop here at our school.  Subsidized spots will also be available for young artists who would like to take part.  These folks run a very organized program and their instructors are excellent.  They too will be located on the third floor, right next to the YMCA!

I met Cori Thompson-Smith, the coordinator of Children and Youth Services today.  The Centre runs a wide variety of programs for all ages.  They run Headstart Nursery Schools, playgroups, a clothing cupboard and parent support to name just a few.  You can see the incredible range of programming here.  I am sure that we will be doing lots of creative work together this year to better serve our community.

So – these are just a few of the groups that will be working with us this year.  There are more, but this is enough for one post.  I really see that St. Anthony is a hub for the community.  We offer facilities for Dalhousie Day Care, the YMCA, soon hopefully Young Rembrandts and Social Rec Connect and we want to do more.

If you have ideas, please let me know!