St. Anthony Connects – The week of January 11 – 15


St. Anthony this week

Monday, January 11

Tuesday, January 12

Orkidstra starts again today

Wednesday, January 13

Girls Badminton Tournament

Waste free Wednesday

Thursday, January 14

Friends for Life program starts for the grade 5/6 class

Orkidstra  today

Recycle Day today 

Friday, January 15

Pizza Day!


Teacher Notes for this week

Full Day Kindergarten News January 11-15, 2016

Our first week back to school in 2016 was a big success!  Our students enjoyed our new snow hills in the yard and settled back into routine very quickly!  Thank you for sending extra socks and mitts with your child.  Waterproof mitts are very helpful in keeping little hands warm and dry while playing in the snow!
We focused on numbers, recognizing numbers, estimating numbers, showing one-to-one correspondence and demonstrating how to make a number.  Students are enjoying the many hands-on activities to learn about these important math concepts.  Ask your child to show you by using dice or counting simple objects at home such as Cheerios and pointing out numbers in your neighbourhood!  We love numbers!
In preparation for our Epiphany Mass we discussed the importance of the bright star and the wise men that followed the star to a very special place.  We used our Nativity sets to act out the story and to truly understand the importance of the birth of Jesus.  Students took part in our Epiphany Mass at the church.  Our Rosary visit with Ms Lucy focused on the Year of Mercy and on Mary.  We love this time learning how to pray the rosary.
We will focus on winter stories and what happens first next, then and last in our stories.  We will focus on retelling a story to show our comprehension.  We will read Stranger in the Woods, Snow and Getting Ready this week!
We look forward to a great week of learning in FDK!
We love our Reading Buddies in the Grade4/5 class!


Ms. Myers Grade One

We had a great first week back together!  The “Wonderful Ones” seemed to have returned with confidence! They came up with some interesting New Year’s Resolutions – you can check out their ideas on our bulletin board in the hallway! Thanks to those students who prepared readings for our Epiphany Mass – all were very well done!  This week we will read the old Ukrainian folktale, The Mitten.  We will read different versions of this tale and practice re-telling the story. In math we will focus on measuring length. The children will use terms such as “longer”, “shorter”, and “taller” to describe objects and distances as well as use items such as paper clips and snap cubes to measure and compare lengths.  Mrs. Mullins, our reading volunteer, will return this week so everyone should have a Home Reading Book to bring home on Thursday. Have a great week everyone!


Ms Moga Grade Two Class

Welcome to January 2016! I hope everyone had a peaceful two weeks off. We had a productive week getting back into school mode and continuing with lots of learning. The past week culminated with a beautiful mass at St. Anthony’s Church to celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany.

This week, students are asked to bring in a toy or object from home that they can use for writing a descriptive paragraph in language. We’ve been focusing on describing what objects do, look like, smell like, taste like, feel like, sound like, and how they make us feel.

In reading, we are focusing on asking questions. The students know that good readers ask questions at the beginning, during reading, and after reading. We will continue to practice this skill and discover that sometimes the answers are not found in the text.

In math, we are wrapping up place value. This is an important concept to grasp before we move into addition and subtraction with two digit numbers. I encourage practicing at home by asking how many tens, or how many ones are in a number.

In science, we are continuing the unit on Movement. Your child should have brought home a paper to review for the quiz that will be on Thursday.

In art, we have begun a unit on music. We will continue to discuss the instrument families and begin to discuss beat and rhythm this week.

In Family Life, we are discussing families and living in a relationship. The students have been eager to share about the uniqueness of each of their families.

This week, we began a unit in Health; we are discussing the difference between prescription and non-prescription medication. In gym, we are beginning to work on our travelling skills; we have started dribbling and passing with basketballs.

Finally, please return the letter sent home on Friday indicating whether your child will be receiving his/her First Reconciliation and First Communion.

Your partner in education,

Ms. Moga


Mrs. Rupnik’s Class

While writing in our journals this week, we will revisit our writing goals we set early in September and make some adjustments if necessary. We will also focus on our new ‘thinkmark’ related to asking questions (for example: what, who, when, where, why, how). After reading a story, students will ask questions related to the text and record their questions. Please ensure you are working with your child to complete the homework activities daily as part of the nightly routines. I will resend the RAZ KIDS login information home this week. Look for it in the agenda. This week, we also welcome Shauna Chalifoux to our class. Please read her introductory note: 

Hello, my name is Shauna Chalifoux! I am a speech-language pathology student at Dalhousie University, and I am honoured to be completing part of my final clinical placement at St. Anthony School. My hobbies include reading, painting, knitting, and hiking. I look forward to working with your child and the staff at St. Anthony School! Thanks, Shauna

Grade 3 /4 News for the week…

After what seemed a very long week last week the students have settled back into their school routines.  They were very excited that most of them had a new seating plan.  We ended our week with a beautiful Epiphany mass on Friday and the students did a wonderful job in their readings, we also had Christina and Tirza sing a solo during Communion, great job girls!   

As we move forward into this week we will be looking at what is descriptive writing in language and read stories using descriptive vocabulary.   We will explore what adjectives are and how they help when describing something.  Last week we worked on contractions as part of our words of the week and will use them as part of our writing.

In math last week we had a chance to look at what “Data” is and how we collect information to create various kinds of graphs.  This week we will work on what makes a good survey questions to collect data and create graphs from our data.   We will also work through the modules in the mathletics website.

The Grade 3’s have begun their new unit in science “Forces and Movement” while the grade fours will be looking at “Structures and Mechanisms”.  We will be using Discovery Education to guide us through this unit.

Things to remember…….

  • Library on Monday
  • Pizza day on Friday
  • Homework due on Wednesday
  • Orkistra begins again this week

Have a great week!

Mrs. Manzoli

S Girard’s French Classes

2e Français oral:  conversation «perdu et retrouvé», la météo à Iqaluit (environnement Canada), chanson «Bonjour l’hiver»

Français lecture: volume Arrimage p.54 à 62, recherche du vocabulaire de la chanson «Bonjour l’hiver»

Français écrit:  Qu’est-ce qui ne va pas là ? (feuille 56)

Études Sociales : vidéo «là où je dors» avec Tara du Nord-Ouest québecois, la nuit polaire  

 3/4e Français oral: vocabulaire «Quel temps fait-il ?», conversation-réflexe avec les verbes avoir et être (retour)   Français lecture: texte «la région physique des Montagnes Rocheuses (la Cordillère)»

Français écrit: texte à trous «la Cordillère»  Études Sociales : localisation, relief et climat de la Cordillère

 4/5e Immersion  Français Oral: conversation «J’aime ce que tu portes aujourd’hui», vidéo «Motel Monstre 3»Français lecture: texte «La démocratie limitée d’Athènes»  Français écrit: texte des dictées 4e et 5e pour janvierÉtudes Sociales: comparaison des droits des citoyens de la Grèce antique du Canada, droits des femmes (1944)  Théâtre: ateliers d’improvisation

M. M. Chartrand Classes

1re année

En français, we will continue with on our winter unit and begin the sound “oi”. Writing

will now take up more of our time. They will begin with some descriptive writing

followed by procedural writing “How to build a snowman” They also have to learn a

short skit between two people who have lost a piece of clothing.

Oral: Bonjour _______________. Ça va aujourd’hui?

Non ça ne va pas. J’ai perdu ___________.

(ma tuque, ma mitiaine, mon pantalon de neige, ma botte)

De quelle couleur est ta _____ . ton _____ ?

Il / Elle est _______ (couleur)

Est-ce que c’est celui-là / celle là?

Oui c’est mon _____! Oui, c’est ma __________!

Non ce n’est pas mon / ma _________!

In social studies they will continue to work on people and places in their neighbourhood.

4ième/5ièmeannée (Immersion)

En Science, we are finishing up our unit on the body. This week will be on Thursday,

January 14h. . Then we will also begin Structures and Mechanisms.

4/5th grade (Math)

In math, we are beginning the unit Data Management and Probability. We will continue

to use Mathletics as a formative assessment tool. Today they will create a Google Form

to survey students on a topic of their choise. Expectations are that they finish all the

activities in the Data Management and Probability unit online by January 22

5/6ième année

In French, we are beginning our unit on “Le monde sous-marin”-”Under the sea” . We

will spelling /comprehension tests every Friday on the word wall words. The aquarium

project description will go out this week. In Social Studies, we are studying Spanish

exploration of the New World with a focus in Christopher Columbus. In music, we will

begin to learn about “Le solfège” and “l’époque Ancienne de musiques. We will use the

Ipads to play the piano in the upcoming weeks. Please read the book “Les instruments

de musiques” with them at home.

4th/5thGrade Science (English)

In Science, we will continue with Structures and Mechanisms. The grade 4 students

will focus on Simple Machines. In particular, How a catapult works. They will build one

in class. The grade 5 students will learn about external and internal forces and focus

on impacts on structures from natural occurrences. They will be building a bridge.

Please send with your children, materials such as Newspapers, magazines, straws, etc…

if you can to us build our bridges.

Mrs. Troccoli’s Grade 4/5 Team News

The Grade 4/5 team has returned from the holidays with a renewed spirit to continue with their strong work ethic and collaborative efforts.

We enjoyed reading the Epiphany story and celebrated the Epiphany mass with the school community. It  reminds us that we too want to follow the light and live our lives like Jesus.

We have begun Family Life, with our first unit Created and Loved by God. We will explore the Christian belief that we are made in God’s image, and that God knows and loves each one of us.  Because of this, we respect and value ourselves and others.

In Math, the students finished creating  their 2-D geometric house and described the shapes using attributes. The students will be given a test on Thursday to further demonstrate their understanding. The students can review by visiting Nelson Math on their Chromebooks.

In Language, we enjoyed a shared reading calledChendra’s Journal”.  We learned about one girl’s trip exploring the east coast of Canada.  Ask your child some of the interesting places and sites we learned about.  The students have begun writing a personal memoir about a meaningful event in their lives.  We look forward to sharing our stories.

Friday we begin our Book Talks.  Please have your child practice presenting their book talk so that they will be prepared to present it to the class.

Have a wonderful week!

Together Everyone Achieves More

 Mrs Colaiacovo’s class

Grade 5/6 students are settling well back into our routines. We are wrapping up the geometry strand in math with a unit test on Tuesday of this week. Students have been enjoying the Daily Five rotation for language arts as we establish the program and iron out the wrinkles. Your child should be finishing his/her novels and should be starting to practice his/her book talk presentations which will commence next Monday. Please take a few moments to listen to your child’s presentation and to offer feedback.
We enjoyed participating in the Epiphany Mass at Saint Anthony Church last Friday morning. The grade 5/6 class welcomes back Kimberly and Meghan from the Somerset West Community Health Centre for the Friends for Life program on Thursday this week during 3rd block. We are lucky to be able to benefit from this important program for the next 10 weeks. The girls’ badminton team will be attending their tournament on Wednesday, January 13 and the boys will go on January 20.
We have managed to profit from our Friday popcorn sales to raise funds for the year-end grade 6 trip. Thank you for your continued support for this initiative! Please note that the price of a bag of popcorn remains $1.00. Please also note that our next sale will take place on Thursday, January 21, due to the January 22 PD day.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Colaiacovo