St. Anthony Connects – The week of February 22 – 26


Our St. Anthony Superstars for this past week

St. Anthony This Week

Monday, February 22

Grade ones doing the school prayer this week

Grade 1 Myers













Tuesday, February 23

Orkidstra today after school in the Learning Commons


Wednesday, February 24

Wastefree Wednesday Today

Ms. Manzoli’s homework due today

Ski Day for Juniors at Mount Pakenham

ski day







Orkidstra today after school at Cambridge School


Thursday, February 25

Recycle Day at St. Anthony Catholic School- PLEASE recycle today – all material to be left inside  near the parking lot door

Orkidstra today after school in the Learning Commons


Friday, February 26

Kindness Project with Lindsey Barr in Mrs. Rupnik’s classes

St. Anthony Super Stars award

Pizza Day!


current plan

here is a current view of the plan for our yard.  The school Board is in the process of hiring a landscape architect who will put together a complete plan for the reconstruction of the yard.  Construction will begin this August

Teacher Notes for this week

 FDK News for February 22-26

We hope you enjoyed reading and reviewing the first report card with your child.  We are very proud of our FDK students and we will continue to do our best in all that we do!  Congratulations to our FDK students on all their great accomplishments this term!  Please feel free to contact the FDK team if you would like an interview at anytime!  Our door is always open to you and we would love to have parents visit at anytime!

We had a great week of weather!  We took advantage of the fresh fallen snow on Tuesday and used the school set of snowshoes to enjoy the 50 cm of snow!  Everyone was very happy to get outside and marvel in the winter wonderland!
We are continuing our theme of “I Care”.  It is amazing to see how quickly students are catching on and trying to find nice ways to show their kindness!  We are expressing and accepting positive messages.  They love watching our “Caught You Caring” graph grow as each child has many tickets on the graph already!  Keep up the great work!  We will continue to make graphs using concrete materials, such as stickers and our names on post-it notes, to show the answers to many questions.
We will begin to explore how things move and explain some causes and effects, we are always busy building different ramps, structures and tracks for our cars and marbles.
Ask your child to tell you about the great stories we are reading.  They enjoyed “Red is Best”.  We are continuing to use writing in play activities, such as making lists of names and painting words on paper!  I hope you are enjoying all the great works of art being sent home!  We have many artists in the group and the paint centre is always a busy place!  We could use some painting smocks, if you have any old men’s shirts they make perfect painting smocks!!
Thank you for your continued support,
The FDK Team!



Ms. Myers Grade One Class:

Last week’s snow gave us a chance to get out snowshoeing!  It wasn’t exactly the Mill of Kintail, but there was plenty of snow to enjoy right in our own yard!  The grade ones proved themselves very capable, indeed! As we continue our Lenten journey, we will be exploring the bible story of the Good Shepherd. This story highlights the theme of forgiveness and God’s unconditional love for us. The children came up with some great ideas of how we can follow in the footsteps of Jesus. We decorated a box for the canned goods being collected in support of the Shepherds of Good Hope.  Donations of canned vegetables and fruit, in particular, are most welcome. In math we will begin our unit in geometry as we explore 3-dimensional shapes. The “Wonderful Ones” will be leading the Morning Announcements this week. If your child has been asked to say a prayer, please have them practice reading it aloud to you in preparation. Thank you for remembering to return your child’s report card envelope to be used again in June! 

Grade 1 Myers 2

Ms. Moga’s Grade two class:

What a busy week we had in Grade 2! After the big snowfall, the students enjoyed getting out and using the snowshoes in our yard. We tested and tried using each of the six simple machines to help understand how they make work easier. We read the story of Jesus in the wilderness and discussed temptation, and keeping our Lenten Promises. Every student received his/her report card on Thursday. Please sign and return the envelope so it can be reused at the end of the year.

In Math, we have moved onto Measurement. In Grade 2, students are required to tell time to the quarter hour (e.g. 5:15, or 6:45). This week, we will review time to the hour and half hour on digital and analog clocks, as well as begin discussing time to the quarter hour. The students will practice telling and writing different times at each of our math centres. In Language, the students are continuing their explanatory paragraphs. Most of the students are finishing their first draft, and will be ready to proofread and edit this week. Our reading strategy focus continues to be determining importance in nonfiction. This strategy will help students locate specific information when they are answering their questions for their explanatory writing. In Science, we will be discussing mechanisms- machines that combine more than one simple machine (e.g. wheelbarrow, can opener). Students should have their ideas for their homemade mechanism ready by Thursday. We continue our Lenten journey this week. We will read about the First Passover, as well as the miracle of Jesus Feeding the Five Thousand. In Art, we will shift our focus back to music this week. We will be discussing timbre.

Have a great week!

grade 2 Moga

Mrs.Rupnik’s Class

Our school week last week was extra short because of the Family Day long weekend and record-breaking snowfall.  This week, we will catch up with our work, specifically the work on reading comprehension.  Students will begin to work on identifying the important part of stories we read.  We will also read ‘There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Rose’ and complete a sequencing activity.  The Retelling Journal arrives home on Friday. Be sure to sit with your child and listen to him/her retell this story.  Then write the retelling in his/her own words. Return the Retelling Journal to school on Monday, February 29, 2016.  To end the week, we have a special visit from Lindsey Barr, owner of World-Changing Kids (WCK) and author of the book, ‘Plant a Garden of Kindness, A Child’s Guide to Filling a Year with Weekly Acts of Kindness, planned. With Ms. Barr’s help, the students will complete an act of kindness with some FDK students and the toddlers of Dalhousie Daycare. 


Mrs. Manzoli’s 3 / 4 class….

We had a few accomplishments last week, starting with our record amount of snowfall to our pizza party on Thursday.  We also managed to complete all our Digital Citizen presentations.  Great job done by all!  The students also received their first term report cards, I hope you took some time with your child to review their progress with them so that they have a focus for second term.  Interviews will only be scheduled on a needs basis.  

As we look forward to second term the Grade three’s will be focusing on EQAO preparations.  Ministry testing begins on the last week of May and students will be tested on their Mathematic and Language skills.  Please take some time to visit the web site for further information.  

This week we begin looking at narrative writing by looking at some important elements of a story.  In reading we will focus on the main idea of a story and how to retell a story.

In math we will begin looking at 2-D shapes in geometry.


  • Library book
  • Homework Due on Wednesday
  • Grade 4 ski trip on Wednesday
  • Pizza Day on Friday   

Manzoli - gr 3-4

 Grade 3 students investigating speed and direction when applying force to a moving object.

Mrs. Troccoli’s Grade 4/5 Team News

The last full week of February is already upon us! The blast of winter we got last week was a blessing for our ski trip scheduled for this Wednesday. The students will be able to enjoy wonderful ski conditions at Mount Pakenham.  Please ensure your child comes to school ready to spend the day outdoors.  Layers is a good idea with a good healthy lunch and plenty of water to drink.

The report cards were sent home last week with your child.  We hope you had some time to review the report card with your child.  There was lots to celebrate with recommendations for areas that could be improved upon. Term 2 is well underway with lots of learning ahead. Students need to remain focussed and to continue to put forth their best efforts.

Homework duotangs were sent home on Friday. In it you will find the outline and rubric for the storytelling project. The students have chosen a children’s book and should be practicing for their presentation which will begin on Thursday.  We look forward to being entertained by our peers.

Also, as part of their homework the students will be required to use their Chromebooks, to work on the web-based math program, Dreambox. They will focus on the numeration activities to help practice the multiplication and division concepts we are working on in class. They are required to spend at least 45 minutes on it over the course of the week.  On Friday I will be checking, through the teacher applications on the website, to see if they are completing the tasks in the unit.

We continue our Lenten journey by trying to be more like Jesus.  The students made posters to promote our school-wide Lenten project.  We are collecting canned fruits and vegetables for the Shepherds of Good Hope.  We are encouraging the students to bring in canned foods during this Lenten season.

Have a wonderful week!

Together Everyone Achieves More

M. Chartrand Classes

1re année

En français, we are working on the sound “gn”. We are reading the comptine “Agnès l’araignée”. They are reading two books “Ma Chambre” which focusses on things in the house and “Je peux voir” which is part of the Community Helpers unit in Social Studies. They have been writing about things they can see and about where community helpers work in our community.


Student A: Bonjour, je suis un pompier.

Je travaille dans une caserne de pompier.

Où travailles-tu?

Students B: Je travaille dans une garage.

Je suis un mécanique

In social studies they will continue to work on people and places in their neighbourhood and on living and non-living with a focus on animals.


4ième/5ièmeannée (Immersion)

En Science, they are beginning a unit on Structures and Mechanisms. We are focussing on Health this week with a focus on the effects of advertising on children and teenagers. They will be having a debate on Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi. They are also learning about reading the nutritional values on products and false advertising.


4/5th Grade Math

In math, we are continuing on Data Management and Probability. Children should be finished all the activities on Mathletics. Make sure they have at least 80% on all activities. We are focussing on graphing this week. They will do a unit test on Friday.


5/6ième année

In French, we are finishing our unit on “Le monde sous-marin”-”Under the sea” . We will be spelling the word wall words on Friday. The aquarium project is due Friday with presentations next week. In Social Studies, we have finishing up our explorers unit and working with the Apple app “La Tablette de Champlain”. In music, we are using the Ipads to play the piano. We are learning “Ode to Joy”.

Chartrand 1


4/5th Grade Science (English)

In Science, the grade 4 students have begun “Rocks and Minerals”. We are focussing on the Rock Cycle: Sedimentary, Metamorphic and Igneous Rocks. We have already begun to analyze rocks.

Chartrand 2

The grade 5 students have completed the unit test on Structures and Mechanisms. They are completing their bridge this week and presenting next Monday because of the Ski trip

Chartrand 4


Monsieur Chartrand






M. Girard’s classes

2e Français oral: La méteo quotidienne

Français lecture: texte «Boucle d’Or»(Arrimage)

Français écrit: répondre en utilisant des structures présentées dans le texte


3/4e Français oral: retour sur les actions du temps (ex. Le vent siffle), exercices d’écoute variés (Visages 2)

Français écrit: vocabulaire des actions du temps

Études Sociales : processus d’enquête (formuler des questions)


4/5e Immersion   Français Oral: Les expressions idiomatiques de la température (ex. Il tombe des cordes)

Français lecture: Étude d’une bande dessinée (présentation)

Français écrit: dictées février pour les 4e et 5e Études sociales : test sur les structures sociales en Grèce antique et en Chine ancienne