St. Anthony Connects – The week of December 12 – 16

Special note to parents

Please do not park in the bus loading zone on Booth – this is causing lots of trouble for our vans who drop off and pick students up at the end of the day.  We will be putting up pylons on Monday to block the area.  If this does not work we will have to ticket cars in this area.

Thank-you for your cooperation

Mr. McGuire


St. Anthony This Week

Monday, December 12

Office Hours Rec Link Mondays 9:00 – 3:00PM

9:00 to 10:00 – Group 1 (50 Kids)
Kindergarten (46 students)
46 Students
10:30 to 11:30 – Group 2 (50 Kids)
Grade ⅘ Troccoli (23)
Grade ⅚ Colaiacovo (26)
49 Students


Tuesday, December 13


Guest Reader Session in Mrs. Rupnik’s class AM- 9:30 Tyson’s mom and 1:15 Aiden’s dad

Goodlife – Ms Troccoli -12:50

Wednesday, December 14


Grade 5/6 to St Luke’s Table

Goodlife Gymnastics – Grade 3 2:00 pm

Somerset West Community Open House – 4:00 PM


Thursday, December 15

Papa Jack popcorn 

Advent Liturgy  Week 3 – 9:15 am – all parents welcome

Friday, December 16

Pizza Day

Goodlife Fitness M Chartrand’s class

St. Anthony Super Stars

Teacher Notes for this week

Kindergarten News for December 12-16, 2016


There will be many opportunities to join the Kindergarten Groups this week at St Anthony School to take part in some fun adventures such as a field trip, an Advent liturgy, a neighbourhood walk to the mailbox to mail our Santa letters and Reading Buddies!


What a great week!  There is much excitement as we wait in joyful hope during the Advent season.  We are singing songs, participating in class discussions and sharing our great ideas as we begin to understand The Christmas Story.  Our students are very engaged during our weekly Advent liturgies.  They sing “Stay Awake, Be Ready!”  and “Light the Advent Candle”.  They know it is a special time when we listen to the gospel and the prayers.  Please join us this week on Thursday December 15th, 2016 at 9:15 for our Third Week of Advent Liturgy in the gym.

The Kinders attended our second Advent liturgy with the whole school on Thursday. This time some of the kinders got to participate by standing beside their older brother or sister as they read a prayer. Another student got to light the Advent candles.


Monday we will visit Starr Gymnastics for the last time.  Our students absolutely loved this experience and we were so lucky to go three times!  A special thank you to all of our parent volunteers!  The bus will leave at 8:40-8:45 am.  Please hop on the bus with us if you can! We will return by 10:20 am.

Tuesday we will get our jingle bells and musical instruments out as we march through the neighbourhood singing Christmas songs along the way.  We will stop at the mailbox on Rochester Street to put our letters in the mail to Santa.  We can’t wait to hear back from Santa this year!  Please join us if you can on Tuesday at 10:00am for our Santa letter walk!


Wednesday K1 has Reading Buddies with the Grade 4/5 class at 10:30 am.  We are reading lots of Christmas stories.  K2 visits the Learning Commons on Wednesday morning too!

On Friday we will say goodbye to Ms. Jasmine (ECE from Algonquin) and Ms. Henry (student teacher from Ottawa U). Our Kindergarten students were blessed to have such wonderful educators in training and as staff we were so fortunate to have these educators be a part of our Kindergarten Team.  We wish them continued success in their educational journey.  Ms Henry will be back in February 2017!

Thank you Ms. Jasmine and Ms. Henry!

Ms Myers’ grade one-two class

This week the children completed some amazing artwork in the style of Piet Mondrian, one of the founders of modern art. They used primary colours and simple lines to create versions of Mondrian’s “Composition in Red, Blue, and Yellow.” Come by our “gallery” in the hallway and take a look!

Week three of Advent is already upon us.  We have been focusing on a different part of the Christmas story each week.  The children continue to enjoy adding a piece to our Advent calendar each day and are experiencing the joy of giving each time they deliver a card to someone in our school community.  In the coming week we will read the story of the Legend of the Poinsettia. It is a Mexican folktale that emphasizes the importance of giving from the heart. Remember to ask your child about it!  In math we will continue to focus on collecting data. The children will have opportunities to generate questions for their classmates and practice using a tally mark system to organize the data they collect.  In reading we are working on a decoding strategy called “Guess the Covered Word.” It encourages students to cross check initial letter sounds with what makes sense when they get “stuck” on a word. Ask your child to tell you about our “Guess the Covered Word” activity. This week our class will be leading the Morning Announcements. If your child has been asked to say a prayer, please have them practice reading it aloud to you in preparation. Mrs. Mullins, our home reading volunteer, will return to the class this Wednesday. Please ensure your child returns their Home Reading book this week. It sounds like very cold weather is headed our way this week…please ensure your child comes to school warmly dressed and prepared for the brisk air!


Ms Moga’s Grade two-three class

Writing- The students are almost finished their descriptive reports on animals! Once, finished, the students will have a chance to present their reports to our class to share their learning.


Reading- We began discussing visualizing last week! Many of the students realized they already use this strategy when reading. We will continue to read texts and practice describing the visualizations in our heads.

Math- We began our unit on addition and subtraction. This week we will investigate various strategies for adding (e.g. use doubles facts to find larger sums, bridge to 10 to solve addition problems).

Science- The grade 2s started the new unit on Movement. We brainstormed ways that many objects can move. We discovered that objects and people need a force (push or pull) in order to move. Next week, we will continue to discuss movement, as well as position.

Have a great week!
Ms. Moga

Mrs. Rupnik’s Primary Language Class

We have been talking about how preparing for Christmas is much more than buying and receiving gifts. It’s thinking about how we can be more like Christ and then doing something about it.  To help prepare for this festive season, the children have worked on various Advent activities from participating in Advent liturgies, learning songs like Away in the Manger and donating toiletries for St. Luke’s Table.


This week, we will write letters and cards to special friends of St. Anthony Catholic School (for example: Father Felix, our van drivers, etc.). We will also complete a sequencing activity about the Nativity story. Then we will retell the story using our own words.

We have completed the descriptive writing assignment called “The Best Part of Me”. Have a look at some samples. They are so creative!


Please return the Retelling Journal to school on Monday, December 12, 2016.


Ms Solymar’s Grade three class


December is flying by! The grade 3 students had another busy week working and preparing for the birth of our Saviour. Elfie has been very mischievous, hiding all over our classroom, but she helps us to remember to be kind to each other especially during the season of Advent. I am also very proud of the work that the grade 3’s have done in their French class with Mr. Girard. Their play was unbelievable and I know they worked really hard on it.
Coming up this week:
Math – This week we will be looking at the different types of graphs and how we can use them to demonstrate information.
Language – We will be exploring how there are “pebble” words and “rock” words and how we can use them to describe Christmas events!
Religion – This week marks the third week of Advent so we will continue on our exploration of the Advent season.
Reminders for the week:
1. Popcorn day on Thursday
2. Third Advent Liturgy on Thursday at 9 am


M. Chartrand Classes

This week in Mr. Chartrand’s classes, we started a robotics program brought to us

by Mr. McGuire and Lockheed Martin. We built 3 simple machines last Tuesday and

we will be building the VEX IQ robot this Tuesday. If all goes well we will be

participating in a competition. Here are a few pictures:


ROBOTICS​ (Science: Pulleys and Gears – Simple


1​ re année


We have begun the sounds “é” and “è”. There are phonemic songs to learn:

É, é È,è

Émilie Éléphant étudie à l’école Ève Escargot, Ève Escargot

Étudie à l’école, étudie à l’école dit è, ê, ë, dit ei, ais, est

Émilie Éléphant étudie à l’école Elle pêche dans la rivière

Toute la journée Elle pêche dans la rivière

(tune: wheels on the bus) è, ê, ë, ait, et, es


Students that are being reinforced at home are doing a great job recognizing all

the sounds and the word wall words. The word wall words this week are: métro,

fusée, pourquoi, travailler, donner​.​ ​If you have a chance, I have setup

links to activities on Quizlet on SEESAW.


We are reading “Un éléphant, ça trompe” and “Ève la petite chèvre” while the

grade 2’s will read “Bébé est entêté” and learn the more difficult “è” sounds.

We are also reading “L’hiver” book on Raz-Kids and the song “Jouez au hockey”


En écriture, ​we have started “how to make a snowman” and “describing how to get

dressed for recess”.

En sciences sociales​, We are focussing our week on the Mexican and Chinese

culture, clothing, arts and crafts, food, shelter, games, etc… In the New Year, the

grade 2’s will be creating a project on the country of their choice and compare it

to Canada

4​ ième​/5​ ième​ année (Immersion)

En Science​, Les Roches et les Minéraux and Les Poulies et

Engrenages through VEX IQ Robots have started. Our guided trip to

the museum of nature will be Thursday, January 19th. We have

learned about the rock cycle and how to identify minerals.

En Français​:

Our words this week are: ​arrière, à peu près, planète, poussière,

derrière, colère​.​ We have begun a new unit on “Au travail”​. The thematic

vocabulary includes: travail, profession, une carrière and different professions.

We will be focussing on “er” verbs au présent, le verbe “être” and “faire”. We will

also study adjectives that describe these professions such as sociable, créatif,

sérieux, coopératif, etc..

On oral: ​We our practicing interviewing classmates: Qu’est-ce que tu aimes

faire? We are will be playing role games: taking the role of a profession. They will

also have to create interview questions for a famous person of their choice and

then post them on Twitter.

In writing​, they will finish writing about what they would like to be when they grow

up with what traits and skills they need to attain their goal. We are also writing

Christmas cards.

En Dance​, students have now picked 2 songs for their creative Dance. Here are

the groups: Group 1 Aiden, Sophia D et Ayoub

Group 2 Sa Say, Arianne, Rin Dik

Group 3 Mandresy, Leandro Sophia N.

Group 4 Deborah, Zemhiret, Hannah

The Dance Smash is available on YouTube and on SeeSaw for them to create the

dance moves. They must choose 5 moves from each poster.

En musique​, The piano apps are on the Ipads and we are ready to learn the tune

“Ode to Joy”.

I’ve also started to teach and coach badminton after school on Tuesday’s and

Thursday’s. I have 18 students who are getting ready for our tournament in early



M. Chartrand

M Girard’s French Classes

2/3e Français oral : une prière pour le temps de l’Avent, vocabulaire du temps des fêtes, chansons de Noël

Lecture : «Dépêche-toi» avec deux «Prouve-le»

Écriture : Père Noël et la petite cheminée (parties 1 et 2)

3e Français oral : une prière pour le temps de l’Avent, vocabulaire du temps des fêtes

Lecture : chansons de Noël

 5/6e Immersion

Français oral : vocabulaire du temps des fêtes, un conte du moyen âge

Lecture : étude du texte de la chanson «Le roi d’à l’envers» de Marie-Claire et Richard Séguin

Français écrit : dictée décembre (71 mots)

Etudes Sociales : la ligne de temps du moyen-âge (fin)  

Sciences : la question finale (re : la démonstration de Rachel et Kaia)

Santé : les substances nocives (fin)

Éducation Physique : badminton (jeu en double)

Nixon’s Extended French Class

This week students presented their work and enjoyed group games in grades 3, 4, 5, and 6!


Grade 3: Students had fun playing classroom games to show their knowledge of when a word is masculine or feminine. With an understanding of the French definite articles, le et la, students had to identify which words from a list of vocabulary should be identified using le and which should be identified using la. Students were presented with a list of basic rules that explained when to use le et la before a noun, and a list of words that corresponded to those rules. Everyone had fun and students worked well in teams to help each other. Bien pensé!


Next week

French Language: Students will play in class games to help practice the rules related to using (de, du, des, un, et une), and begin to write sentences using these articles in Christmas related themes.


Grade 4/5: Students had fun playing classroom games to show their knowledge of when a word is masculine or feminine. With an understanding of the French definite articles, le et la, students had to identify which words from a list of vocabulary should be identified using le and which should be identified using la. Students were presented with a list of basic rules that explained when to use le et la before a noun, and a list of words that corresponded to those rules. Everyone had fun and students worked well in teams to help each other. During social studies, students enjoyed presenting and listening to the presentations of other classmates on ancient civilizations. Students also had the chance to ask questions to the presenters, and comment on the posters that each student helped to make. C’est vraiment bien!

Next Week


French Language: Students will play in class games to help them practice the rules related to using (de, du, des, un, et une), and begin to write sentences using these articles in Christmas related themes.

Social Studies:  Students will explain and examine significant differences between the ancient civilizations that they have been studying in class.

Music: Students will continue practicing singing the song “L’oiseau et l’enfant”, and work on the dynamics and pitch of their voice.  

Grade 5/6: Students had fun playing classroom games to show their knowledge of when a word is masculine or feminine. With an understanding of the French definite articles, le et la, students had to identify which words from a list of vocabulary should be identified using le and which should be identified using la. Students were presented with a list of basic rules that explained when to use le et la before a noun, and a list of words that corresponded to those rules. Everyone had fun and students worked well in teams to help each other. For social studies, students began to examine the conflict and collaboration encountered by Jacques Cartier and First Nations during Cartier’s voyages. For music, students continued to practice singing the song “L’oiseau et l’enfant”. Continuez à bien travailler!

Next week:

French Language: Students will play in class games to help them practice the rules related to using (de, du, des, un, et une), and begin to write sentences using these articles in Christmas related themes.

Social Studies: Students will write 3 consequences and 3 benefits in their journals about the stories of first encounters between First Nations and Europeans, and explain how these and other stories have helped to shape Canada.   

Music: Students will continue practicing singing the song “L’oiseau et l’enfant”, and work on the dynamics and pitch of their voice.  

Dec. 12- Dec. 16

Mrs. Troccoli’s Grade 4/5 Team News

The third week of Advent is upon us with all its joy and anticipation.  The students have been summarizing an article on the significance of this important time of the year and all the symbols that go with this liturgical season where we wait to celebrate the birth of Jesus.  Ask your child all the interesting information we have discovered through our readings.


The students will visit Starr Gymnastics once again on Monday morning.  They are to be reminded to dress comfortably to be able to participate in all the fun physical activities they will be engaged in.

In Language, the students are enjoying our Book Study “Hana’s Suitcase”.  Ask your child about the events that unfolded in Hana’s life during World War II.  The students will also be writing an explanatory story about how people celebrate Christmas in another country.  It will be interesting to learn about how the customs differ from how people celebrate this holiday in Canada.

In math, we will begin our next strand, Data Management.  Students will learn various ways to collect and organize data.  They will make pictographs and bar graphs.  The goals for your child are to learn to gather and organize information appropriately; to read and interpret tables, charts, and graphs correctly; and to understand and be able to explain how people use data.

Our next science unit is Rocks and Minerals.  The students will learn about the different types of rocks and minerals and how they are important to our Earth.

The homework duotang will be sent home on  Monday and must be returned on Friday completed with care and attention to detail.

The students continue to bring in items in support of St. Luke’s table. Thank you!!!  The Grade 4/5 team certainly is an example of “Good News”!

Have a great week!

Together Everyone Achieves More!

Mrs. Colaiacovo’s Grade five-six class

Whoa! We are keeping a frantic pace, but enjoying every minute of learning and fun in grade 5/6!


         The students presented their December book talks this week and I enjoyed their creativity and their insights. I am building a reading list for my Christmas holidays, based on their recommendations! We were lucky to have Mr. Moleski (a Board technology expert) visit the class on Wednesday morning to work with the students on a mini research project for  Advent on their ChromeBooks.

         We began the data management strand in math and students have been revisiting the concepts of mean, median, mode and range; constructing bar graphs and pictographs; and collecting and interpreting data. Next week we will continue to examine and graph data as it relates directly to us here at Saint Anthony.

The grade 6 students have been working hard on the Earth and Space strand of science. Ask your child to tell you their mnemonic device they are using to remember the order of the planets in our galaxy! The students will have a mid-unit quiz on Tuesday to check in on what they have learned thus far.

We have also been working on the special grade 6 rendition of a popular Christmas song and invite parents to attend our big premiere at the monthly school assembly on Wednesday, December 21.

We enjoyed the second Advent celebration as we gathered as a school community this past Thursday and I hope that parents will join us next Thursday, December 15 at 9:15 a.m for our next liturgy.

On Monday during second block we will be attending our second and final Starr Gymnastics session with the grade 4/5 class. On Wednesday morning, we will be walking to St. Luke’s Table to assist in preparations for their Christmas meal. Please continue to support this community organization by sending in personal care items. Help us fill our Advent train!

Please continue to check in with your child to ensure that he/she is staying up to date with work assignments.

Our Go Girls Group pose for their group picture.

Our Go Girls Group pose for their group picture.

Green Club News November and December 2016


The Green Club continues to do work around the school to promote a green way of life. We are working on energy conservation and minimizing waste. Students continue to lead monthly assemblies for   Wastefree Wednesdays. We also welcomed Roberta LeBlanc, an Ontario Dairy Educator, to St. Anthony Catholic School. All the students learned how we get our milk and milk products from the ‘farm to the table’. They even made and tasted their own butter. Late November, our post-Halloween Pumpkin bird feeders attracted some birds for us. Thanks Ms. Myers for capturing these birds on your camera! We also had our first Waste Audit for the school year. Students worked with Green Club staff members to gather garbage, recycling, and compost materials for a 24 period. We then weighed the clear plastic garbage bags and filled in the worksheets for our Ontario EcoSchools application. Finally the students assessed the data and communicated results to the whole school community during an assembly. They even created a Google Slide presentation with reminders and reduction strategies. Keep on going!



Hatch prepares students (ages 7- 17) for the 21st century by teaching how to write computer code using JavaScript in a fun and engaging way. Hatch has built a proprietary educational platform that is designed around the principles of self-paced and mastery-based learning to encourage children to challenge themselves and build their own digital portfolio from their library of 600  projects including Minecraft, Star Wars, Games, Art, Design Apps and much more!

Hatch after school and lunch time programs are 8 to 12 weeks in length, and your preference of start dates & times are available for the winter of 2017. After school programs cost $21 per hour per student, and lunchtime programs are pro-rated at $16 for a 45-minute session.

 In order for students to obtain as much hands-on coaching as possible, we strive to provide 1 instructor for each 6 students. As such, we can run a program for as few as 6 students, although most schools have over 15 students participate. Our programs are HST exempt due to a positive ruling from the government who believes in the educational value of Hatch programs.

Registration for January classes starts soon – we will be running a lunch-time program.  Subsidies are available

Christmas Activities in the next two weeks:

Ms Rupnik’s Class

We will continue to write  letters and cards to friends of St. Anthony Catholic School (i.e., Father Felix, Mr. Bob, Mrs. Kealey, Mrs. Dorothy, our neighbouring K classes, etc.) that we started today. 
We will decorate ornaments for these special people and deliver them…. 
We will continue with our Advent story as we light the candles weekly on our Advent wreath. 
Also we will do a school walk-about for our Christmas Scavenger Hunt (a follow up activity will be send home too)… 
We will learn our 2 Christmas songs: Away in the Manger and I’m a little Santa…. with actions! 
Tues Dec 13 Santa Letters…walk to the mailbox, we will have jingle bells and musical instruments and fun hats to wear as we walk and sing through the neighbourhood until we reach the mailbox on Rochester Street.  Notes will go home asking for parents to join us too!!  
Wednesday December 14 Reading buddies with K1 and grade 4/5 reading Christmas stories…
Thursday Dec 15 Advent Liturgy at 9:15 JK/SK students with their older sibling will do various readings, (note and reading to parents going home on Monday)
We are making special ornaments but they are gifts for the parents!  We are planning a few things the last week but will confirm with the Team and then we will send you an update!
Grade 6 Ms Colaiacovo’s class
The grade 6 (extended class) will be performing a (short) original song at the assembly on the 21st.

St. Anthony Connects – the week of November 28 – December 2


Ottawa Public Health is currently mailing notices to families if a student in the household has incomplete immunization records.  If you receive such a notice, in order to prevent a future suspension from school for non-compliance with the Immunization of School Pupils Act, please note that it is a parent/guardian responsibility to ensure that Ottawa Public Health receives the required immunization information.  You may contact them at:  Website: Update your child’s records online   Telephone: 613-580-6744   Toll free number: 1-866-426-8885   E-mail:

St. Anthony This week

Monday, November 28

Rec LINK Office Hours


Nahima Mohamed,
Family Coordinator
OCH Foundation for Healthy Communities
Office: (613) 422-1555
Mobile: (613) 857- 5677
Fax: (613) 422-4556
Dalhousie Community Centre
755 Somerset Street West, 3rd Floor, Ottawa, Ontario K1R 6R1


Monday, November 28th
9:00 to 10:00 – Group 1 (50 Kids)
Grade 3 Ms Solymar  (16 students)
16 Students
10:30 to 11:30 – Group 2 (50 Kids)
Grade ⅘ Troccoli (23)
Grade ⅚ Colaiacovo (26)

Tuesday, November 29


Lunch Lady in today order here

Goodlife – Ms Troccoli 12:50 – 1:50


Wednesday, November 30

Wastefree Wednesdays


Y Kids Academy – Final session

Guest Reader Session in Mrs.Rupnik’s class- AM- Grade 4 student at 9:30 and 12:15-12:30 Ms. Lindsey Barr

Goodlife Gymnastics – Grade 3 Ms Solymar


Thursday, December 1

Papa Jack popcorn

Our 5/6 class will be selling Papa Jack popcorn every 2nd Thursday until the end of the year. $1.00 per bag.

Advent Celebration – 9:15

Friday, December 2

Pizza Day today!

Goodlife Fitness M Chartrand’s class

St. Anthony Super Stars

Kindergarten News



All the students learned so much from the dairy presentation. The workshop was very engaging as they got to touch what cows eat, sort foods into the four food groups, and even get to make and taste their own butter.
In French, we are continuing with learning the parts of the body through songs and various learning activities. This week we will continue to practise using the sentence structure ‘Je mange’ (I eat). Some of the SK students wrote the sentence in their journals and sounded out the spelling of French food words.


In Math, we are continuing to measure objects and structures in the classroom. On Friday, K1 made play dough and helped with measuring out the quantities of flour, salt, and cream of tartar.

Please continue working with your child on letter and sound recognition. If they know all the letter sounds they can begin to sound out words and start to read some sight words such as I, am, see, look, in, and it.   We continually work on printing names, first and last names or first letter of their name, recognizing that each child is at a different stage.  This one-on-one activity is providing each child with the opportunity to see growth and accomplishment everyday!  They are very proud of their name books! (And so are we.)
Advent began on Sunday and every week the Kindergarten students will take part in the school’s Advent liturgy on Thursdays.  We look forward to this special time of year in Catholic Education where we prepare in our hearts for the birth of Jesus.  Please look for a purple note on Monday that explains our Advent Outreach Project this year.

This Friday, we will have a special Winter Hibernation Day for all kindergarten students.  We will be going on a hibernation walk in the community in search of the perfect place to hibernate our stuffed bears.  We read “Time to Sleep” and “A Little Bit of Winter” to get ready.  We will continue to read stories about changing season, what we do to get ready for winter and what animals hibernate!  Watch for a note coming home in the mailbags on Monday!  Please join us if you can!
Thanks for returning the Starr Gymnastics permission form.  We look forward to two more visits on December 5 and December 12.  So many great things happening at St Anthony School.


Grade One-Two Ms Myers’ Class

This week we will focus on the season of Advent. The children have prepared our classroom prayer table with the symbols of this Church season. We will discuss how Advent is a time for preparing our hearts for the coming of Baby Jesus. We do this through acts of kindness and thinking of others. Each day in our classroom we will pray for friends and families within our St. Anthony school community. Our first school-wide Advent celebration will take place on Thursday at 9:15 a.m.  Families are welcome to attend.  Our school Advent outreach project will be in support of St. Luke’s Table. We will be collecting items such as Kleenex, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, bar soap, and various other personal care products. A list will be sent home with your child. Thank you, in advance, for considering a contribution to our Advent project.  In math we will finish up our unit on patterning and move on with data management. In science we continue to inquire about seasonal changes and the impact these changes have on living things. We were lucky to spot some winter birds feeding at the pumpkin feeders in our schoolyard!  This sparked some discussion about living things that migrate and those that make adaptations to stay year round.  Please look for a December newsletter and homework calendar that will be sent home in your child’s agenda in the coming days.  Check out this website for some simple ways you can celebrate Advent as a family! Have a great first week of Advent!


Ms Moga’s Grade two-three class


It’s hard to believe that it will be December on Thursday! Last week, the students enjoyed our second visit to Starr Gymnastics and playing outside after our first significant snowfall.  

Writing-  We are continuing our unit on descriptive writing. Last week, we researched information on Polar Bears and organized our facts together. This week, the students will research their chosen animals and fill out their own organizer.

Reading- We explored several features of nonfiction text and discussed how they help readers determine what is important (or what the author wants us to remember). The students looked through nonfiction books to find examples of each feature. We will do this again this week with the remaining features.

Math- We began our unit on Data Management. Students gathered data and made pictographs and bar graphs. We will continue making bar graphs this week and conduct surveys and graph the results.

Science- We will be wrapping up our unit on animals. The students descriptive writing animal report will act as their final assignment for this unit.

Religion- Advent begins today! Our focus for the next month will be preparing our hearts and minds for Christmas.

Art- We discussed perspective and different techniques to show background and foreground when drawing. We will finish these pictures this week.

Have a great week!
Ms. Moga

Mrs. Rupnik’s Language Class


Our student desks have been rearranged and reorganized.  The students are now seating in pairs. Ask your child about his/her partner. This desk configuration has created more space for whole class teaching in front of the SMARTBOARD. My hope is also to maximize student interactions and give them the opportunity to practise ‘caring and sharing’ with their partners (our Social Language focus).  


We will continue to work on descriptive writing. The students have really enjoyed the game ‘Guess What/Guess Who’. Here is a brief description of our game. AR had a picture of balloons taped on the back of his chair. He has not yet seen the picture. The students provide clues about the picture and AR tries to guess the unknown object in the picture. Here are the clues:



AB- “You can get it from a clown.”

CT- “It floats in the air.”

KG-G- “It’s for a birthday party!”

KV- “It can bounce and I can kick with my foot.”

FB-B- “I can play it and fly it.”


This is a simple oral language activity you can try at home. Cut out a photograph from a magazine and have your child use words to describe the object in the photograph.

Remember to keep making connections when reading with your child at home. This will help reinforce what we are learning in our class. 

Please take some time this week to read our November class newsletter. New December homework calendars will be sent home on Thursday, December 1, 2016.

 The snow season has arrived! Please ensure your child has an inexpensive pair of shoes that could be left at St. Anthony Catholic School. The shoes should be shoes he/she can put on easily on their own (i.e. without laces if your child is unable to tie his/her shoes yet).  Please be sure to write your child’s name in the shoes clearly.  

M Girard’s French Classes

2/3e Français oral : lecture à voix haute des scripts, répétition en sous-groupe des quatre scènes de la pièce «Dans les nuages», premières mises en scène (déplacements)

Lecture : choix individuels avec questions de compréhension

Écriture : étude des structures écrites pour répondre à des questions (Qui ?, Quand ? Où ? Quoi ? Pourquoi ?)

3e Théâtre : lecture à voix haute des scripts, répétition en sous-groupe des quatre scènes de la pièce «Dans les nuages», premières mises en scène (déplacements)

 5/6e Immersion

Français lecture : le royaume ; test-maison de compréhension (à remettre le mercredi 30 novembre)

Etudes Sociales : la ligne de temps du moyen-âge (enquête)  

Musique : flûte à bec; les 3 parties de la suite folklorique en sol majeur et évaluation

Sciences : rédaction d’un rapport de laboratoire (suite)

Santé : les substances nocives

The 3 swimming monitors were impressed with the thank you card our students made. Rachel presented it (of course).

Ms Solymar’s Grade 3 Class


Here is my blog post for the week. I hope you are having a good weekend!
The highlight of this week was that the Grade 3’s won the Caught you Caring! I am so proud of them all and they deserved the trophy this week!
This week we also got to experience a presentation by Ontario Dairy Farmers and after learning how milk is processed, we got to make and eat our own butter. 
Coming up this week:
Math – This week we are going to start looking at different types of graphs and how we can gather data and show it using graphs and tables. 
Language – Now that we know how to write a good paragraph, we are going to start expanding our writing by using descriptive words. 
Religion – It is officially the Christmas season, so this week we will start talking about Advent. 
Reminders for the week:
1. Star Gymnastics Monday Morning (wear comfortable cloths and socks)
2. Popcorn Day on Thursday
Mr. Nixon’s Extended French Class

This week students progressed well in grades 3, 4, 5, and 6!

Grade 3: Students had fun playing matching verb online games to review their knowledge of the verbs aller (to go), avoir (to have), and also être (to be). Students also began to use these verbs to write short sentences with pictures to demonstrate their understanding of each verb in different contexts. As an additional challenge, students worked in teams of four to put their knowledge of these verbs together to compete with other groups in digital class games. Superbe travail!

Next week:


French Language: Students will work on a variety of in class activities related to conjugation of the verb faire (to do) and begin to use this verb in proper sentence structures.


Grade 4/5: Students enjoyed playing a recall online verb game to assess their knowledge of the verbs aller (to go), avoir (to have), and also être (to be). Students also began to use these verbs to write short sentences with pictures to demonstrate their understanding of each verb in different contexts. As an additional challenge, students worked in teams of four to put their knowledge of these verbs together to compete with other groups in digital class games. During social studies, students showed passion and engagement in completing their research on ancient civilizations. Students, finished their drafts, edited, and published their findings in their digital portfolios.  In addition, students began to create beautifully detailed posters to display their research in the hallways. For music, students worked on duration to better understand the time intervals when singing the song “L’oiseau et l’enfant”. Très impressionnés!


Next Week:


French Language: Students will work on a variety of in class activities related to conjugation of the verb faire (to do) and begin to use this verb in proper sentence structures.


Social Studies:  Students will examine and research differences between modern Canadian society and the ancient civilisation they chose to study for their posters. 


Music: Students will continue practicing the lyrics of the song “L’oiseau et l’enfant”, and begin to work on improving their pitch.


Grade 5/6: Students enjoyed playing online verb games to review their knowledge of the verbs aller (to go), avoir (to have), and also être (to be). Students also began to use these verbs to write short sentences with pictures to demonstrate their understanding of each verb in different contexts. As an added challenge, students worked in teams of four to put their knowledge of these verbs together to compete with other groups in digital class games. For social studies, students continued to research Canada’s diverse population, and created digital word clouds that displayed a variety of Canada’s religions, ethnicities, and cultures. For music, students worked on duration to better understand the time intervals when singing the song “L’oiseau et l’enfant”. Bravo!


Additionally, students made a giant thank you card for the wonderful lifeguards that helped to improve their swimming skills on Fridays at the pool. This card in was put together in collaboration with Mr. Girard’s class, and presented to the lifeguards on the last swimming day this week as a means for students to show their appreciation.


Next week:

French Language: Students will work on a variety of in class activities related to conjugation of the verb faire (to do) and begin to use this verb in proper sentence structures.

Social Studies:  Students will research and examine how to determine the importance of various geographical and societal events in Canadian society.

Music: Students will continue practicing the lyrics of the song “L’oiseau et l’enfant”, and begin to work on improving their pitch.


Nov. 28 – Dec. 2

Mrs. Troccoli’s Grade 4/5 Team News

December is in sight! With it comes Advent and all the joys and anticipation it brings as we prepare for the Birth of Jesus. We will be observing Advent through our school weekly Advent celebrations as well as in class activities.  

We will begin the week with our first visit to Starr Gymnastics.  The students will be enjoying using a variety of apparatus in a safe gym environment with qualified gymnastics instructors.

Mr. Moleski continues with his visit our class on Wednesday with a focus on summarizing.  We are using Teaching Kids News to read current articles and using the read and write app to help summarize what we are reading.

In Math we have started using Number Talks to reinforce a variety of mental math strategies to calculate addition and subtraction equations. Ask your child about the ‘friendly number’ and the ‘open number line’ strategies. Very exciting!

In Language I look forward to hearing the students present their second Book Talk. I expect to see a greater comfort level in the presentations which represents greater preparation. The summary should be brief, but clearly  explained, to give their peers a sneak peak into their book. The students have had the outline and rubric in their homework book for almost a month now so the expectations are very clear.

We will also be starting a novel study with the book, Hana’s Suitcase.  We will have discussions and the students will be responding to the story by answering questions based on what they have heard.  Ask your child to tell you about the events in this true story of a little girl named Hana who lived in Europe during the time of the Second World War.


In Science, the students did a wonderful job with their research projects on the Human Body.  We learned so much from each other about different diseases and how they affect our body.  We are certainly more aware of the need to take good care of our bodies by increasing the activities we do and watching what we put into our bodies.  The presentation by the Dairy Farmers reinforced the need to help keep our bodies healthy by drinking milk with all its wonderful nutrients.  We all need to get up and get moving!!

For the next few weeks we will be focussing on the Advent season and preparing for the birth of Christ.  Our Advent Outreach project is to support St. Luke’s Table.  A note will be sent home with each student explaining this wonderful project and how each one of us can help and “Be the Good News”!

Have a great week!

Together Everyone Achieves More!

St. Anthony Connects – the week of November 14 – 18

Monday, November 14


Office Hours Rec Link Mondays 9:00 – 3:00PM



Starr Gymnastics schedule


Monday, November 14th

Starr Gymnastics Schedule:

9:00 to 10:00 – Group 1 (50 Kids)

Grades 1/2/3 Primary Language Class Teresa Rupnik (10 students)

Grade ½ Myers (19 students)

29 Students

10:30 to 11:30 – Group 2 (50 Kids)

Moga ⅔ (17 students)

FDK 1 class only (23 students)

Tuesday, November 15


Lunch Lady in Today!




Goodlife – Ms Troccoli 12:50


Wednesday, November 16

Y Kids Academy – Grade 6

Junior division to 67’s game

Our first School Wide Waste Audit for 2016-7

Goodlife Gymnastics – Grade 3 -2:00 pm

Thursday, November 17

Boys Volleyball Tournament – St. George Nora out

Pizza Day

Pap Jack Popcorn

Friday, November 18

PD Day – school closed

Teacher Notes for this week

Kindergarten News for November 14-17, 2016


> It was a pleasure meeting many of the parents on Thursday for parent-teacher interviews. It is great to highlight the strengths of our students and we are very proud of their accomplishments to date.  We encourage on-going communication so please feel free to contact us by telephone or in person before or after school.

> We participated in a beautiful Remembrance Day Ceremony in the gym on Friday.  All of our students were so respectful, and really listened to the songs, prayers, videos and The Last Post.  Our students prepared for this ceremony by making wreaths and participating in class discussions about “why we are proud to live in Canada”.  We also used pictures to highlight the amazing work our peacekeepers do and focused on being a true hero!  Please ask your child “Why you are proud to live in Canada?”  It is amazing to see how they respond!!  (I feel safe, I love Canada, it is a great country, We have parks were just a few of our responses)
> In French, the students have been learning the sounds of the alphabet for many weeks now. We sound out the letters in the ‘Star of the Day’s’ name every morning.  We encourage that when you work on letter recognition with your child that you focus on the sound the letter makes and words that produce the sound. They are very good at associating the name of a student whose name begins with that letter.
> The sentence starter this week will be ‘Je vois .,,’ (I see …). They can pick the name of a student in the class.

> We will begin a new theme this week on Hibernation.  We will read stories, learn songs and make our own bear cave!  It is a great topic to discuss how we get ready for winter, how the seasons change and what animals do to adapt to their environments.

> In mathematics, we will begin to measure objects in the classroom using non-standard units of measure such as our hands, feet, fingers, as well as cubes.

> K1 class will be going to Starr Gymnastics on Monday!!!  K2 will be going the following Monday, November 21st!  Thanks for returning all permission forms and for our many volunteers!

Writing names of Superheros!!

Ms Myers’ Grade one-two class

As the “Wonderful Ones” marked Remembrance Day on November 11th, we took the opportunity to think carefully about how each of us can be an instrument of God’s peace. We read the story I Call My Hand Gentle  and the children came up with some great ideas of how they could use their hands in peaceful, positive ways.  We will continue to think about how we can create peace in our world as we  explore the story of the Good Samaritan. In math, we will focus on sorting objects into groups based on various attributes (i.e. the objects’ colour, size, shape, design, or use).  You can reinforce this concept at home by sorting items you have (e.g. toys, socks, kitchen objects) into 2 or 3 groups and asking your child to try to guess what rule you used to sort the objects. We will have our first visit to Starr Gymnastics this Monday morning. Please ensure your child is wearing comfortable clothing. Thank you to all parents who took the time to attend their child’s parent-teacher interview last week.   Your insight and feedback is invaluable. We look forward to a short but busy week! Friday, November 18 is a P. D. day – no school for students!  


Grade two-three Ms Moga’s Class


We had a busy week in Grade 2/3, finishing up with our Remembrance Day Ceremony on Friday. The students’ poppies turned out great and made for a beautiful class wreath.

This week, we have Starr Gymnastics on Monday. Please remember to have your child wear comfortable clothing that he/she can move around in. Friday is a PD Day.

Writing-  We will begin descriptive writing. In a couple weeks, this will connect with our final project for our animal unit in Science.

Reading- We will be reading non-fiction texts, and examining the features (e.g. subtitles, captions, glossary)/ This will help the students determine what is important when reading these kinds of texts.

Math- We will finish up our patterning unit with shrinking patterns. Our next unit is Data Management (collect, organize, and display data).

Science- This week we will learn about animal adaptations, as well as,  helpful and hurtful animals.

Religion- Our focus question this week is: “Why does God forgive us?” We will read and discuss the stories of Lazarus and Zacchaeus to help us answer this question.

Have a great week!
Ms. Moga

Grade 3 Ms Solymar

The grade three students worked really hard this week! We began our new unit on Math exploring patterns. We also started investigating force and movement in Science. We also enjoyed our session with Goodlife Fitness on Wednesday, celebrating Remembrance Day, and watching “Slumberland” at the National Art Centre. 
Coming up next week:
Math – We will continue investigating patterns by using skip counting and finishing our drawings of patterns that we see in nature. 
Science – In Science we are going to start looking at the different forces in nature and how they affect humans. 
Family Life – Last week, we started looking how our names have special meanings. This week, we will continue with this topic and look at how we are all unique and special to God. 
Friends for Life – We are coming to the end of our time with Friends for Life. We will finish our work with them on Monday and Tuesday we are going to celebrate all of our hard work with pizza party! 
Reminders for this week: 
1. Return library books on Wednesday.
2. Popcorn Day and Pizza Day on Thursday

3. Friday is a P.D. Day!


M Girard’s French Classes this week

Français oral : chanson «dans les nuages», conversation «Otto Lilienthal et sa fiancée», téléfrançais 10

Lecture : «les deltaplanes» (Visages 2, p.47) et questions de compréhension

3e Études Sociales :fin de la première partie du thème : «travailler en Ontario» Théâtre : lecture et geste de la pièce d’introduction «Vive les oiseaux!»

 5/6e Immersion

Français lecture : le royaume p. 43 à 45 et compréhension

Musique : suite folklorique en sol majeur (2e partie)

Sciences : les élèves présentent six expériences scientifiques de leur choix. Rédaction d’un rapport de «lab»

Mr. Nixon’s French classes
  1. Nixon’s Extended French Class

We had an eventful week in grades 3, 4, 5, and 6!

Grade 3: Students enjoyed learning vocabulary related to Le jour du Souvenir (Remembrance Day). We played individual, team and whole classroom digital games as a fun and interactive way to practice reading, writing, and pronunciation of important and frequently used vocabulary in French. In addition, students typed and wrote their own sentences using models provided in class. Bravo!  


Next week: French Language: students will work on in class activities related to the conjugation of the verbs aller (to go) and avoir (to have).

Grade 4/5: Students had the privilege of watering newly planted trees at St. Anthony’s that will require regular watering every two weeks! Grade 4/5 also increased their understanding of French vocabulary by writing and playing games using words related to Le jour du Souvenir (Remembrance Day). In addition, students created a French class couronne (wreath) for the St. Anthony Remembrance Day ceremony. Excellent travail!


Next week: French Language: students will work on in class activities related to the conjugation of the verbs aller (to go) and avoir (to have).

Social Studies:  Students will examine differences between Canadian society and societies of the past.


Music: Students will practice singing the French song “L’oiseau et l’enfant”.

Grade 5/6: Students listened to a Remembrance Day story and enjoyed working in teams to play a variety of games to practice vocabulary related to Le jour du Souvenir (Remembrance Day). Students also practiced reading, writing and orally pronouncing their own sentences and paragraphs in French using models provided in class. Bien fait!


Next week: French Language: students will work on in class activities related to the conjugation of the verbs aller (to go) and avoir (to have).

Social Studies:  Students will examine how different communities have contributed to the Canadian identity.

Music: Students will practice singing the French song “L’oiseau et l’enfant”.


M Chartrand’s French Classes


1re année

En français, we are currently studying the sound “eu”.  Students often have difficulty recognizing this sound in French.  We are reading the comptine “Devine un peu” and then we will focus on the sounds “é” and “è”.  We will be reviewing all the November word wall words this week:  deux, trois, quatre, dix, vingt, trente, fleur, église, souvenir, pays, Canada, dans, ici, aider, jouer.  

With Remembrance Day finished, the grades 1’s are focussing on what is happening in our neighbourhood and Ottawa, while the grade 2’s on comparing Canada with other countries in the world.

I have sent home High-Frequency Word Book and Guided reading books.  Please continue to practice reading these books with your child.  We read them at school on a daily basis.  We are focussing on modes of transportation this week.  Here are two books that your child is reading at school.


4ième/5ième année (Immersion)

En Science, we have finished our unit on “Les Habitats”.  Here are examples of level 4 work posted in the class:  Une chaîne alimentaire and a unit test.


Our next science unit will begin in two weeks:  Les Roches et les Minéraux.

En Sciences Sociales, we are finishing our unit on the Physical Regions of Canada.  Examples of work are on the ”Le Canada” board in the hallway outside my classroom.  We are finishing “Vor visite le Canada” story this week and we will have an online quiz (Kahoot and Quizlet) on Thursday.  

En Français, Our unit “Au Restaurant” is done.  Students did a great job presenting their skits with professional looking Menus.  Here are two examples:


Our week 2 dictée will be Monday as Friday was Remembrance Day and we were at the Slumberland play in afternoon.  Week 3 words are:  bouclier, plaines, basses-terres, appalaches, cordillères, montagnes.  

Dictée – jeudi, le 17 novembre, 2016.

Vocabulaire de la semaine 1

avec le son “oi et ai” (62 mots)

Mots à étudier…

Bouclier         monnaie   feuillus lait parfaitement    framboises     plaines    Appalaches      basses-terres     conifères      fertiles     montagnes          éloignées

À mémoriser….

  1. Les _________________ sauvages sont trouvés dans les  _____________ et les ________- __________ du Saint-Laurent.
  1.  Les _____________ sont très _____________ d’Ottawa.
  1. Les ________________ poussent sur le _______________ Canadien.
  1. Les _______________ sont  __________________ plates avec des sols ______________.
  1. Il y a plusieurs ____________________ qui poussent dans les Appalaches.
  1.  La ____________ est nécessaire pour acheter du ____________.

Date de la dictée: jeudi le 17 novembre.

En Arts, Musique, Drame, Dance:, we will finally get to focus on the Arts.  We will draw a monochromatic 3d picture of Albert Einstein.  Students will pick a melody for their creative Dance and I will start teaching them the piano.  Each student will be responsible to play 1 song from the play “Le Petit Prince”.


M Chartrand

Mrs. Rupnik’s Primary Language Class

A big thank-you to Ms. Patenaude, our Speech-Language Pathologist, for being our Guest Readers last week. I presented the class with a riddle containing new vocabulary (bride, groom, gown, bouquet, veil, tie, ceremony, reception) and together we tried to figure out who was coming. This is a great oral language activity because it involves developing new vocabulary, logic reasoning, exclusion, and listening to the main idea.  Please call or write me a note in the agenda if you are interested in being our Guest Reader. The more Guest Readers we have, the better! We love Guest Reader sessions.

Thank-you for coming to our scheduled Parent-Teacher Conferences at St. Anthony Catholic School last week. Research has shown over and over again that the most successful students have a high percentage of parent involvement.  

This week we will continue to work with the story “The Grasshopper and the Ant”. This story is a fairy tale about a grasshopper that spends all his time singing while the ant works hard to prepare for the cold  months ahead. Once the winter season arrives, the grasshopper finds himself hungry and cold while the ant has lots and lots of food to carry him throughout the cold winter.  The story ends with the ant inviting the grasshopper to his home and sharing his food and warm home.  This fairy tale story helps the students to learn about hard work and responsibility. We will make connections and ask questions based on content and illustrations.  


On Monday, November 14 and Monday, November 21,  the students in the morning class will be travelling by school bus to Starr Gymnastics.  The bus arrives at 8:40 am and returns to school by 10:20 am. Students are encouraged to dress in comfortable clothing.

A rhyming booklet will be sent on Thursday for homework. Please sit with your child and review the rhyming words in the booklet. Rhyming is important because it helps prepare children for early reading and it also helps to support oral language development.

Friday, November  18, 2016 is a PD Day and school will be closed.  Enjoy the long weekend with your family.



Nov. 14 – Nov. 18

Mrs. Troccoli’s Grade 4/5 Team News


The students participated in a wonderful school wide ceremony to commemorate Remembrance Day.  This related directly to the activities the students completed in the classroom. The Grade 4/5 team has an appreciation for how fortunate we are to live in such a peaceful and free country like Canada.

It was great to meet parents during interviews or speak with parents on the phone. Your continued support in your child’s education makes for greater gains in your child’s learning.

Thank you!!

Gatineau Park came to our classroom.  The program was called “Gatineau Park Animals Tell It Like It Is”.  A park naturalist led a role-playing activity where each student represented one of the animals found in Gatineau Park and speaks from that animal’s point of view.  Dynamic, structured conversations revealed the issues that affect the health of all Park animals, as well as the many ways in which they are linked together.  The aim of the activity was to convey the environmental values of conservation and protection of nature and wildlife. The students learned how human beings help to maintain a healthy, ecologically balanced habitat for all living beings.


In Language, after a final edit, the students will publish their dream paragraphs.  The students will also be given the outline for their next booktalk.  Your child should be reading their chosen book so they can confidently talk about the book to their peers.

In Math, the students will be exploring patterns involving shapes and numbers.  Patterns are used in math to help solve problems.  Much of your child’s later number learning, such as multiplication, will be easier if he/she can recognize patterns. The goal will be for your child to recognize, extend, create, and describe shape patterns and number sequences.  

In science, the students created a healthy menu for a day.  The students are aware of the 4 food groups and the foods that help to keep their body systems healthy.  In keeping with a healthy lifestyle the junior division will be taking in a junior 67s hockey game on Wednesday.  It will be a fun event watching elite athletes compete in their chosen sport.  Go 67s!

A reminder that Friday is a PD day so there will be no school for the students.

Have a great week!

Together Everyone Achieves More!

St. Anthony Connect – Parent Report – Thursday, November 26th

Principal’s Report – Thursday, November 26




  1. Orkidstra We have started this program at St. Anthony.  The Orkidstra program is based on a program started in 1997 by Dr José Antonio Abreu.  The Venezuelan program has helped thousands of children in underprivileged areas to acquire instruments, receive music training and experience the joy of playing and singing with others in orchestras and choirs. Today El Sistema involves over 400,000 children and young people and it has inspired programs all over the world. Ottawa’s OrKidstra music initiative is the oldest of such programs outside of South America.  We have 14 students enrolled in the program and we are very excited to have this program here at St. Anthony.
  1.  November 30th AssemblyWe Help Each Other – On November 30th, we will be hosting Pierangela Pica and Angela Ierullo and other organizers of the St. Anthony Gala.  The Gala raised $25,000.00 for the school’s greening project in September.  The assembly gives us the opportunity to thank Pierangela for creating our school song – We Help Each Other.  We are playing this song every day at school to get ready for the assembly.  Angela Ierullo will also be honoured for all the work she did organizing the Gala Fundraiser.

we help each other

We Help Each Other

Step by step You’re one of a kind

Day by day

Keep that in mind

We help each other

Each time you start

Along the way

A brand new day

Building tomorrow

Put out your hand

Reach for the stars

Hang on to mine

Be true to yourself

We’ll help each other

Shine wherever you are

We’ll be just fine


This is your time Your roots are your gift

This is your place  To share everyday

We are a family You make a difference

Stand tall with pride Along the way

It’s your community You are an ocean

Whatever tomorrow brings Of colour and light

You can do anything You are the music

Just believe in yourself  Making everything bright

And hold onto your dreams

Music and Lyrics by Pierangela Pica   Musical arrangement by Rob Clarot

   Copyright 2015

  1.  TechnologyWe have received a $3000.00 grant from Telus to purchase materials for our makerspaces.  The money will be split between the learning commons maker space and the science makerspace.  We are very excited about this partnership with Telus and we hope this is something we can continue in the future.  We are in the process of purchasing more chromebooks with our own money.  We will not be receiving any computers from the board this year.


  1.  Christmas celebrationwe will be having a sing-along on the last day before Christmas.  This event will be planned by the teachers and the School Council – all parents are welcome to this event.starr gymnastics
  2. Future ProgramsIn February we will be starting the STARR Gymnastics program.  This is a great program for kids and every student will get four sessions with the STAR Gymnastics instructors.  After the program finishes, we will offer a lunch-time gymnastics program for students who would like to continue their gymnastics training.  The lunchtime program will be subsidized for all parents who require one.
  3. Christmas Food HampersHoly Trinity High School will again be helping us by providing family support at Christmas.  This year, instead of hampers, we will be providing gift cards to families in need.  We will be contacting families over the next few days to find out what store they would like their gift card to come from.  If you are in need of some assistance, please let us know by calling the school.  We are also working to make sure all our students have the appropriate winter wear for the coming cold months.  If you need boots, hats or snowsuits, please let us know and we will arrange for you to get what you need.

Next School Council Meeting – January 21 6:30 pm, then February 18th at 6:30 pm

 Teacher’s Report

November Teacher Report – Parent Council, November 26, 2015

Girls and Boys Volleyball

  • Both teams attended tournaments at St. George Catholic School and represented St. Anthony very well, both in terms of their skills (both teams won 5 out of their 7 games) and team spirit!


Pedestrian Safety Presentations

  • A School crossing guard visited and reviewed the rules of street safety – in particular crossing at the lights, ensuring eye contact with drivers and staying within the white lines of the crossing area.


Remembrance Day Celebration

  • Various classes presented poems they had learned, in both English and French. It was the 100th anniversary of the poem “In Flanders Field” so special attention was given to this work. Mr. McGuire live-streamed the ceremony from the War Museum.


Waste Audit

  • This week St. Anthony Catholic School held the first school wide waste audit for the 2015-2016 school year. With the help of several students and staff, we gathered garbage, recycling, and compost materials for a 24 hour period. We then weighed the clear plastic garbage bags and filled in the worksheets, assessing all the data visually. The results indicate that we are doing very well with the compost (food waste and organics measured at 90%) and recycling (paper, cardboard, and newsprint measured at 80%). Garbage was the area we can improve on this school year. In the garbage bags, we found materials that can be composted like food leftovers, pencil shavings. We also found “boomerang” items. These are things that students are encouraged to bring back home for recycling such as yogurt/fruit/jello cups, plastic spoons, and juice boxes. We will have another school wide waste audit in the winter months and hope to see some improvement in the area of garbage.
  • Students from the Green Club will present the findings at our next assembly.
  • Anthony is working on the eco-school application in the hopes of achieving silver status..or maybe even gold!


Looking at Pictures Presentation

  • The Grades 1, 2, 3 /4 and 5 / 6 attended in-school presentation from a volunteer from the National Gallery of Canada. She lead us on an interactive journey towards greater art appreciation using a number of visual art reproductions borrowed from the gallery.


Upcoming Advent Liturgies

  • 30 – 1:45 p.m.
  • December 7: 10:00 a.m.
  • December 14: 10:00 a.m.
  • During Advent we have an outreach project – this year each class will make cards for the residents of St. Vincent Hospital – a long term care facility in our community. Representatives from each class will bring the school cards to the hospital and enjoy a sing-along with residents at some point during the final week before holidays.