St. Anthony Connects – The week of September 26 – 30

St. Anthony Superstars!
(Based on Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations) 
Well done Kindergarten and Primary Language Class students! Your “I Care” assembly last week was fantastic! Through a short video and a storybook, these students identified concrete examples of caring (for example: sharing with friends, helping family members, caring for pets, donating cans of food, raising money and walking for an important cause like the Terry Fox annual school event, etc.).
Until the end of October, all students are encouraged to demonstrate acts of kindness and caring. Tokens will be given to students when caught caring. At the end of each week, Mr. McGuire will announce the class with the most tokens and this winning class will be named the St. Anthony Superstars and receive a trophy.

St. Anthony This Week

Monday, September 26

Photo Day Edge Imaging

Tuesday, September 27

Terry Fox Day 

ESPN Documentary

Green Club meeting with Andrew Harvey (Evergreen Canada) in the Learning Commons – 11:35


Wednesday, September 28

Wastefree Wednesdays

Boys Soccer Team Tournament St. Gemma

Thursday, September 29

Math workshop RMS Math Strategies 

Friday, September 30

St. Anthony Superstars!

Grade 5/6 swimming lessons at Plant Bath 12:30 – 2:15 PM

 Teacher Notes for this Week
Kindergarten News for September 26-30, 2016

The Kindergarten students are settling into their routines very well.  They return their mailbags daily, they have their lunch kits ready with their water bottles and they come ready for learning!  A special thank you to our partners in education, our wonderful parents for making the transition to a full day learning very successful for our amazing group of students!  As always, we are available to discuss any concerns you may have once all students are safely dismissed at the end of the day, at 3:00pm.  The Kindergarten Team is always at the back door for dismissal and usually able to assist with finding a lost coat, water bottle or to touch base about the day!

We were part of many great school wide initiatives last week.  We attended and participated in our St Anthony Superstars assembly by launching a new Catholic Graduate expectation of “I care”.   The students in Kindergarten stood up in front of the whole school and challenged everyone by asking “What will you do?”

The SK’s also participated in a city wide event called ” Cleaning Up the Capital”. They picked up twigs and debris on the schoolyard.  A great example of caring for our environment.  They also attended a Terry Fox assembly to learn more about our true Canadian Hero.  Thank you for sending in Toonies for Terry!  We will have our Terry Fox Walk on Tuesday September 27th at 9:00 am.  We will start off in the gym with a great pep rally and meet our own special hero, a former student named Sam!  Sam will then lead us all around the school yard for our walk!  Parents feel free to join us!!
Monday is Picture Day at St Anthony School!  Bring your smile!

In the next couple of weeks, the students will be counting to 5 or 10. They will be asked to identify groups of numbers to 5 and 10. Please take some time to review counting to 5 or 10. Ask them to identify ‘How many in a group.’  Rolling dice is a great way to identify groups of numbers and to ask ‘How many..’  Thank you for your support.
The Kindergarten Team!
Ms Myers Grade One – Two Class

Last week your child arrived home with a creatively decorated “Word Bag!” This is intended as a place where our weekly word wall words can be kept for regular practice. A note accompanied your child’s bag with suggestions for fun activities that can reinforce these sight words. The children were really excited to bring home their first five words!  As part of our health and physical education curriculum, we learned about the importance of proper hand washing. Using resources from Ottawa Public Health, the children reviewed the procedure for proper hand washing and the “Glitterbug” helped us find out if our hands are truly clean or not!  This is an essential habit for the children to practice, especially as we enter cold and flu season. This week we look forward to participating in our Terry Fox walk. It will take place on Tuesday, September 27. Keep those “toonies” coming in!! We have been adding them up each day and our class has raised almost $30.00!! Thank you, again, for your support of this worthwhile activity. A reminder that Monday, September 26 is photo day…hopefully everyone comes with big smiles!    

Grade Two-Three Ms Moga’s Class

Fall is here! It’s hard to believe that it’s already the last week of September. Time flies when you’re learning and having fun. Please remember to dress appropriately for the weather.

Reminders– Homework due this Friday, September 30th.

Writing–  This past week the students wrote in their journals. They practiced using the word wall words and personal dictionaries when trying to spell words. We also began our first writing form- recounts! This is similar to a journal; students write about an event or experience giving details in order and include a personal comment at the end. This week I will model how to write a recount, and then we will write one as a class before the students begin their own.

Reading– Last week we discussed two fix-up strategies to help with figuring out words when reading: tap each word when you read, and check the picture. This week the students will see how to use a few more fix-up strategies when reading.
Math- Students have enjoyed playing various games and doing hands-on activities to help with learning place value. This week, we will continue our focus on numbers: we will practice counting by 1’s. 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, 25’s to 200, as well as backwards from 50 by 1’s using number lines and hundreds charts to help.

Science– This past week we discussed how baby animals look different from adult animals- we discovered that animals grow and change in many different ways. We realized that animals can be grouped based on various characteristics. We then began learning about one category- mammals. We will continue discussing mammals this week.

Religion– Last week we learned about the different families we are a part of (home, school, community, church) and how they can help us. This week, the students will be introduced to the Apostles’ Creed and learn how it describes what Christians believe.

Art– Last week, we continued another project using different kinds of lines. Students learned that there are five patterns often found in nature (spiral, meander, packing, branching, and explosion) and created their own “pop-art” pictures using these patterns. We will make a fall themed picture this week.

Have a great week!

Ms. Moga



Mrs. Manzoli’s Notes for this Week    

Last week was a very busy week for  the Grade 3 class.  We had another successful day with our “Friends for Life” where we talked about things we like to do and things we do best at.  We listened to a cute story called “What I do best at”.  Students created posters and wrote the things they liked to do. We look forward to another great day with our friends on Tuesday.  We were inspired by listening to a member of the Terry Fox Foundation on Friday with more stories about who Terry Fox was and the struggles he endured.  


Please continue to bring in those toonies for Terry.  Our walk is scheduled for Tuesday followed by an assembly afterwards.  We hope to reach our goal of $375.  Mother nature was on our side while the Grade 3 class participated in cleaning the Capital Friday morning. The students worked as a team as we weeded our garden in our school yard. Our plants now have room to grow. We demonstrated that WE CARE, our new Superstar Theme for this term.   

Learning Goals for this week…

In Language Arts we are on our way towards our third daily 5 station.  We have been working on what we do when ‘reading to self’ and ‘reading to someone’. Things we have been talking about are:  How do know when a book is Just Right?  How do we use our 5 finger rule? How can our reading buddy help with our Fix Up strategies?  This week the students will be introduced to ‘Listening to Reading’.  We continue to use ‘Raz Kids’  a web-based reading program.  Students may access this program through their student portal.  We will also begin looking at how to be a good writer by looking at proper sentence structures when we write.  How do you write a proper sentence?

In Math, we continue to work on number sense and place value of a number.  Students were able to show numbers in standard form and expanded form. This week we will use Mathletics to practice these concepts.  They will be given their usernames and passwords to be able to access this program at home.

In Science we have begun our first unit on Soils and the students were able gather different samples of soil and examine what soil is made of.

Reminders for this week…

  • Students borrowed their first book from the library last week. They need to return them by Wednesday in order to be able to borrow a new book.
  • It’s picture day on Monday, come to school with your smile. : )
  • Homework folders are due on Friday.  


 M Girard’s French Classes

2/3e Français oral : activité «la chanson arrêtée», téléfrançais 4, expressions utiles en salle de classe («J’ai une question» etc.)

 Lecture : des aviateurs et des aviatrices d’aujourd’hui (Visages 2 thème 4, p.44-45)

 écriture:  structure d’un phrase avec les adjectifs qualificatifs des aviateurs et aviatrices (aventureux/aventureuses, imaginatifs/imaginatives, confiants/confiantes, indépendants/indépendantes)


Français oral : série «les devinettes de Reinette (3)» (Idello) , «Vive les aviateurs et les aviatrices» (chant)

théâtre: structure d’un phrase avec les adjectifs qualificatifs des aviateurs et aviatrices et mimes (Visages 2 thème 4, act. 1.2)

Lecture : repérer les adjectifs dans un texte authentique


5/6e Immersion

Français Oral : une école spéciale en Hollande (partage des similitudes et différences), structures de phrases pour converser durant le goûter

Français lecture : site web «le moyen âge au primaire», questionnaire «La seigneurie : un domaine agricole» , bande dessinée : le Royaume (2)

Danse: exercices et mouvements de danse (DVD), révision des attentes de la tâche finale

Études Sociales : la seigneurie : les rôles respectifs des paysans et de leur seigneur 

Mrs. Rupnik’s Class

This week in the Primary Language Class, we will focus on journal writing using new vocabulary for the season of Autumn. As they write, students will be encouraged to center on the individual writing goals set last week.


Some other important notes:

*  Picture day is on Monday, September 26

* Thank-you for sending a toonie for our annual Terry Fox walk. We will continue to collect toonies all week. The Terry Fox walk is scheduled for the morning of Tuesday, September 27th. 

* Remember to return the September homework calendars signed on Wednesday, September 28, 2016.

* As our days get shorter and the weather cools, please remember to dress your child appropriately for recess.

* We are beginning Guest Reader sessions soon. One day each month, a Guest Reader will visit and read a story to the class. I will present the class with a riddle and together we will try to figure out who is coming. This is a great language activity because it involves vocabulary, logic reasoning, exclusion, listening to the main idea, etc.   If you are interested and have a small amount of time to spare, consider volunteering for one session (about 15 minutes). Please write me a note in the agenda and I will contact you to set up a specific day/time.  It’s a real good way to involve parents and demonstrate to students that adults like moms and dads read too!   

Mrs. Troccoli’s Grade 4/5 Team News

Happy Fall!!!  I hope everyone brings their smiles for picture day on Monday! A great way to start the week – with lots of smiles!

The students enjoyed a powerful presentation on Friday from a representative from the Terry Fox Foundation. She was a wonderful motivator as we prepare for our 5th Annual Terry Fox Event on Tuesday.  You are welcome to join us on Tuesday morning as we walk the streets of our community, all in the name of Terry Fox and cancer research.

The students enjoyed our first “Text Talk” with the story of “ A Bad Case of the Stripes”.  Ask your child to retell the story and the wonderful message that it sent to the kids.  In short – Be yourself!!!

They have also learned our first 6 “WOW” words: contagious, distraction, altered, remedies, vanished and perplexed. Ask your child what they mean and to use them in a sentence for you.

We have begun our lessons on Digital Citizenship and will continue with these meaningful lessons this week.

Their homework duotangs will be sent home Monday with a special assignment. They will be preparing for their first Book Talk.  We will go over the expectations in class and they will bring home the outline to share with you.  They will be asked to choose a book, at their reading level, and to share the story and feelings about it orally to the class.   

In math, we continue to work with numbers.  We have started estimating and rounding numbers to 10, 100, 1000, 10 000.  These are skills that can be practiced orally with any number that pops up in the environment. The students have also been signed up with Mathletics. This will be a valuable tool we will be using throughout the school year.  Assignments will be assigned at school and will also be assigned for homework at times.  

Lots going on – it’s all good stuff!!

Reminders:  Money for pizza and milk is due by Friday, Sept. 30.

                   Library day is Wednesday.

                   Gym days are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

                   Collecting Toonies for Terry

Thank you for your continued support!

Have a great week!

Together Everyone Achieves More

Mrs. S. Troccoli

Mrs Colaiacovo’s Grade five-six class

Another busy week was passed in the grade 5/6 class as the students participated in soccer tournaments (girls) and tryouts (boys), swimming lessons, assemblies, our first Papa Jack popcorn fundraising sale and still covered a whole lot of important curriculum in math, language arts, and science! We continue moving forward with number sense and numeration as students take what they have learned about place value and move into adding and subtracting whole and decimal numbers. We began our digital literacy unit last week during language arts and will continue this week. Our student teacher, Mr. Bannan returned on Wednesday and had the students investigating and plotting biodiversity in our school yard. He will be with us every Wednesday for the next 6 weeks, then return to the classroom every day until the Christmas break.

Our week begins with photo day on Monday, September 26, our 5th annual Terry Fox event on Tuesday, boys soccer tournament on Wednesday and on-going cross-country tryouts throughout the week. I am happy to report a 100% return rate of the students’ first homework assignment!!! This week, I will be sending the homework duo tang with mathematics only again. The students will also be getting their first book talk assignment of the year, but I will be sending this electronically and will ask students to do their preparation for the talk in a Google document. 
A reminder that students need to be attending school consistently and on time each day. These routines are essential to their continued acadenic and social development. In addition, if you have not already done so, please send activity fees and forms to school as soon as possible. Some students are still not changing into indoor shoes. Please ensure that your son/daughter has a pair of running shoes designated for indoor use. Thank you for your continued support of your child’s learning.

St. Anthony Connects – the week of September 19 – 23

St. Anthony this Week (a busy week!!)

Monday, September 19

Glitter bug arrives Gr. 1/2

Tuesday, September 20

Wednesday, September 21

Wastefree Wednesdays

 Our Green Club meeting and all students voted to continue this St. Anthony Catholic School tradition.  The students from the Green Club will continue to lead monthly assemblies. Thanks Maria for helping with this.

Girl’s Soccer Tournament at McMaster School









St. Anthony Superstars Assembly – 2:00 PM


Thursday, September 22

Friday, September 23

Annual Fall Cleanup- City of Ottawa


Presentation by representative of Terry Fox Foundation, All grades, LC – 2:00 pm

Teacher Notes for this week


Kindergarten News for September 19-23, 2016

We have adjusted well to our first full week.  Students are getting used to the new routine and enjoying their time in the Kindergarten rooms!  We made playdough and read some great stories, “If you give a Mouse a Cookie” and “The Kissing Hand”.  We are learning many new songs and students are following along by doing actions.  Ask them to sing our “Finger Family song” and “3 Little Monkies”.

We will participate in a school-wide assembly on Wednesday called St Anthony Superstars.  We are launching the new year with the theme of “I Care “.   Our Kindergarten students will ask the whole school “What will you do?”  Please feel free to join us for this short assembly at 2:00pm on Wednesday!

A special thank you to all parents for labeling all items that come to school.  We have noticed a decrease in lost items and this helps us to manage our daily routines.  Thank you for establishing good bedtime routines too.  Students are arriving to school on time and ready to learn.  Lastly, there are just two more forms left to return if you would like pizza and/or milk.  Thank you for checking mailbags, sending notes and signing appropriate forms!  We look forward to another great week in Kindergarten!!!

Writing our Friend’s Names!!


Ms. Myers Grade 1-2 Class

The “Wonderful Ones and Terrific Twos” worked together to create a class promise which everyone pledged to try and keep. They are very proud of ideas they generated! We will continue to emphasize the importance of being responsible and respectful members of our school community as the year progresses. September 15th marked “International Dot Day!”  It celebrates a wonderful story by Peter Reynolds about a little girl who learns to trust in her ability and believe that she can “make her mark.” Following our reading, we made “dots” of our own that will be on display in our library. The students showed great imagination and creativity…just like the main character in the story! Our library and gym days have been established. Tuesdays and Thursdays we will have gym. Wednesdays will be our library book exchange day. The children will bring home 1 book each week and will be expected to return it on the following Wednesday. In math we are exploring numbers all around us and how they are used – on calendars, on book pages, and in many other places in our classroom and at school. We will also practice our skip counting skills as we collect “toonies” for our upcoming Terry Fox walk! Thank you for your support in this endeavor.  


Grade 2-3 News from Ms. Moga

What a great week in Grade 2/3! Thank you to those who brought in Toonies for Terry. We will continue to collect Toonies until our walk on September 17th. On Monday, we will have our first visit to the Library. This will be our regular library time each week, and the students may check out 1 book each. They are invited to bring it home to read, and return it the following Monday. On Friday, we have our annual fall cleanup- the students will work together to tidy our yard and prepare it for the changing seasons.


Writing- Last week we discussed topics we could write about in our journals, as well as what a journal entry should look like. This week we will begin recount writing, which is a way of retelling an important event or describing an experience that you have had.

Reading- We will focus on Fix-Up Strategies. These are a set of strategies students can use if they get stuck when reading.

Math- We are focusing on numbers- we will practice our skip counting (on a number line and hundreds chart), as well as continue to represent whole numbers with concrete materials (Base Ten Blocks) and drawings (tally marks, 10 frames).

Science- This past week we discussed physical characteristics and how they help us identify different animals. This week we will look more closely at the physical characteristics of certain animals and discuss how they help the animals do different things (e.g. Why do birds have wings? What do they use them for?)
Religion- We are focusing on the question “How do we gather as God’s Family?”
Art- we will continue discussing different types of lines we see and can use in art.

Have a great week!

Ms. Moga


Mrs. Rupnik’s Primary Language Class

This week we will begin work on individual reading programs. We will also start work on new vocabulary for the season of Autumn. Please note that our September homework calendar officially begins this week. Help your child make a plan to work around outside commitments (for example: sport, clubs, etc.).  The activities on the monthly homework calendars are short and require about 5-10 minutes to complete. In addition to the homework calendar activities, it is very beneficial to read to and with your child every night. 

News for this week in Grade 3…Ms. Manzoli

The Grade 3 students had a successful second week of school.  So nice to see the boys and girls settle into their class routines.  We also welcomed Rosy to our class. We were able to enjoy some cooler weather too.  

As we look forward to this week, there are a few different activities happening. We have begun our Digital Citizen lessons which focus the students on staying safe while on line.  We  will be continuing those lessons this week, make sure you ask your child what they learned.  We also had the privilege to meet Kimberly who comes to us from the Somerset West Community Health Centre.  The students were given a letter that was sent home about the program she will be giving to our class.  She will be coming every Tuesday for the next 10 weeks to offer strategies and tips on ways to control some of our feelings that we may experience during different situations of our lives.  Remember to ask your child what was their ‘good thing’ that happen in their day.  On Wednesday we will be having an assembly to launch our new Graduate Expectation (Super Stars).  We are very excited to begin collecting class tokens! Friday is clean the Capital at St. Anthony’s, students will have an opportunity to help our Earth by picking up garbage around our yard.  What a nice way to show an act of kindness.  We will end our week with a presentation from the the Terry Fox Foundation that will speak to the students about the importance of donating Toonies for Terry.  Our Terry Fox walk is scheduled for Wednesday September 28th.  Please continue to bring those Toonies!


Things to remember:


  • First Library visit on Wednesday
  • Homework Calendars due September 30th
  • Agendas should be checked and initialled each day


Have a great week!


Sept. 19 – Sept. 23

Mrs. Troccoli’s Grade 4/5 Team News


The team scored big during their first full week of school.  They brought their A game!  The students worked cooperatively to create effective posters for our Terry Fox Event.  They will be posted around the school to encourage everyone to contribute a toonie to help reach our goal of $375 to help keep Terry’s dream, of a life without cancer, alive.  We have also read stories and learned about another Canadian hero, Rick Hansen, who is a Champion of individuals with spinal cord injuries. Ask your child about his inspirational journey and no matter the challenge, ‘can’t’ is not a word in his vocabulary, nor does it belong in our class.

The students have brought home their chromebooks and are reminded that this is a privilege that must be respected and is to be used to enhance their learning. It must be brought to school everyday charged and ready to use. We will spend the week learning about Digital Citizenship.  Through a variety of activities we will be learning proper, safe and respectful use of technology with a look at social media. Ask your child throughout the week the new information they have discovered.

In math, we have worked cooperatively, through inquiry, to represent larger numbers in a variety of ways.  Ask your child to read large numbers found in the environment and to tell you the value of each digit. Students should also be practising multiplication facts regularly so that they can be recalled easily.  

In Science, our unit on the human body has begun with a focus on the nervous system. This has   helped us understand the injury of Rick Hanson and the obstacles he overcame to achieve his goals.  We will continue to look at the fascinating systems that make up our body.

Have a great week!

Together Everyone Achieves More

Mrs. S. Troccoli


M. Girard’s French Class News

2/3e Français oral : «la chanson de la rentrée», téléfrançais 3, expressions utiles en salle de classe («J’ai une question» etc.)

 Lecture : des aviateurs et des aviatrices d’aujourd’hui (Visages 2 thème 4 p.44-45)

 écriture:  structure d’un phrase avec le vocabulaire de la ligne de temps de l’histoire de l’aviation et quelques verbes (voler, flotter, planer, monter, foncer, s’arrêter)


Français oral : série «les devinettes de Reinette» (Idello) , «Qu’est qu’il y a dans le ciel ?» (vrai ou faux)

théâtre: découvrir des verbes utiles avec la ligne de temps de l’histoire de l’aviation et des mimes

  5/6e Immersion

Français Oral : une école spéciale au Brésil (partage des similitudes et différences)

Français lecture : questionnaire sur le système féodal, bande dessinée : le Royaume (2)

Danse: gestes et mouvements avec un leader, révision des trois rythmes de la tâche finale

Études Sociales : le système féodal, les rôles respectifs des paysans et de leur seigneur 


M.Chartrand’s Classes
1re année
En français, we are finishing our work on the letter A, a and beginning the letter E, e.  Students often mistaken e and the i sound in French.  Word Wall Words for grade 1 are:  ami, fille, garçon, oui, non.  Word Wall Words for grade 2 are province, ville, pays, Canada, besoin.  I will send home the notebook to sign.  Please practice with your child.  Children have learned the vocabulary for all school things.  We will focus on All About Me and family.
I have sent home a High-Frequency Word Book “Qu’est-ce que c’est” with the grade 1’s.  Please practice recognizing the words “c’est”, “un” and “une” and practice identifying the animals.  Grade 2’s are reading “Maria va à l’école”.  I will read with them in groups this week.
4ième/5ième année (Immersion)
En Science, we are working on “Les Habitats”.  We have studied, what is a habitat and reviewed food chains.  Science vocabulary to study for the end of the month is:  habitat, carnivore, omnivore, herbivore, consommateur, producteur, décomposeur, espèces, écosystème, prédateur, proie, photosynthèse, chlorophylle, chaîne alimentaire, champignon.  They will have to create a food chain this week and then present it en Français.
En Sciences Sociales, we have begun a unit on the Physical Regions of Canada.  Students are creating a passport booklet about the different provinces and we will study Canada’s natural resources across the physical regions.
En Français, we are finally beginning our unit on “Au Restaurant”, Our first dictée was Friday.  The unit project will finally be available on Google Drive.  Hapara has been fixed for French Immersion classes.  Every week students have 6 words to study and an oral test every 2 weeks.  I have also sent home a Reminder Book.  If the Notebook is blank then there is no homework.
En Arts, we will study different lines and create a lion and draw a monochromatic 3d picture of Albert Einstein.
Ms. Colaiacovo’s Grade 5-6 class
Our 5/6 class will begin selling Papa Jack popcorn on Thursday, September 22 and every 2ndThursday until the end of the year. $1.00 per bag.

St. Anthony Connects Community Blog for the week of September 12 – 16

St. Anthony This Week

There are no planned activities this week.  We continue to collect student verification sheets, student activity fees and the Media Release form.  This week students from grades 3-6 will be receiving their laptops.  It is very important that students return their Acceptable Use Forms so that they can receive their laptops on time.

Pizza and milk order forms will be coming home this week.  This year we will be doing pizza every week.

We will also be having our first School Council meeting this Thursday at 6:30 PM – all parents and guardians are welcome to attend this very important meeting.


Teacher Notes for the week

Kindergarten News for the week of September 12-16th, 2016

What a great week in Kindergarten!  We are off to a great start!  Thank you to all parents for preparing your child for their transition to Kindergarten!  We had a very successful week, full of smiles, laughs and many new friendships made!   
Please note, your child may be tired at the end of the day and will need to have a regular bedtime routine as they adjust to their new environment at St Anthony School. We do have a rest time after lunch recess from approximately 12:30-1:10 pm. All Kindergarten students are given a nice mat to have rest/quiet time.  Our Kindergarten students are very good at coming in and settling to allow for a well-deserved rest.  
We are looking forward to a new full 5 day week where we will be establishing routines and setting the tone for the school year!  We will be meeting new friends and teachers, touring the school, visiting the gym and library and developing a sense of belonging to our whole Catholic school community at St Anthony.  
The Kindergarten Team is always available if you have any questions or concerns at the end of the day, 3:00pm, once all students are safely dismissed.  We can also return phone calls at that time too.
A reminder to all Kindergarten parents to send in a change of clothing in a labelled ziplock bag. Accidents do happen and every student needs a change of clothing (i.e 2 pairs of underwear, pants, pants, a top, and 2 pairs of socks). 
Each student is expected to have a pair of indoor shoes. Lots of sand and grit enters the classrooms if they do not change their shoes. 
Thank you to all the parents who have completed all the forms that have gone home this week. If you have not sent in the walking form, verification form (home and work contact information), activity fee of $25.00, and technology form please send in as soon as possible. 
Have a great week, 
The Kindergarten Team, Madame S (French Teacher), Mrs. Draper (English Teacher) Mrs. Turner (Early Childhood Educator) and Mrs. V (Educational Assistant)


Ms. Myers’ Grade 1/2 class

It was great to meet so many of you on our first day of school! If you were not able to attend, here is a link to a short slide presentation highlighting some important information shared on Day 1! We had a great time talking about our first day feelings and connecting them to some favourite back to school stories. The delicious  “Jitter Juice” we made seemed to help everyone’s “butterflies” fly away! We are looking forward to another busy week. The children are becoming familiar with class and school routines (thanks in large part to my “Terrific Twos” who have been so willing to provide a great example!). We are  exploring the concept of responsibility – one of our important learning skills. We read a story called How Dinosaurs Go to School and are thinking about how being responsible can help make our class and school a happy and safe place for everyone. Thank you for attending to notes and requests that are sent home in your child’s agenda. The  children are becoming increasingly responsible as they bring their agendas home and back to school each day!


Ms. Moga’s Grade 2/3 class

Welcome to the second week of Grade 2/3 ! We spent much of last week learning new routines, getting to know one another, and getting ready to learn new and exciting things!
This week, we will continue to review our classroom routines and procedures, as well as delve into the curriculum.

Here is a quick rundown of our units this month:

Reading: Fix-Up Strategies
Writing: Recount

Math: Number Sense and Numeration (counting, place value)

Science: Growth and Changes in Animals

Religion: We Belong to God’s Family

Art: Visual Arts
Phys Ed: Rules, Safety, Movement Skills

Thank you to everyone who was able to stop by on the first day of school! It was a pleasure meeting you. If you were unable to make it, please return any unsigned forms as soon as possible.

Have a great week,
Ms. Moga


Mrs. Rupnik’s Primary Language Class

Welcome to our second week of school. This week, we will review classroom routines, procedures, and rules. We will also begin our Social Language program called Room 14. This program presents students with common social situations, many of which take place in the classroom. Through personal stories and role-playing, students discuss possible solutions.

Special Note: Once your child arrives home, please think about going beyond “How was your day?” Here is a short list of questions you can ask your child after school to get a conversation started.

  1. What was the best thing that happened at school today?
  2. Tell me about the story Mrs. Rupnik read to the class today.
  3. How were you a good friend today?
  4. What part of school is your favourite?
  5. Tell me the name of the children you played with at recess today.
  6. Were you able to finish all of your work today?
  7. If I called Mrs.Rupnik tonight what would she tell me about your day?
  8. What made you happy today?
  9. Did anything make you sad today?
  10. How did you help somebody today?



Mrs. Manzoli’s Grade 3 class  Grade 3 News for this week…

Welcome Back after a long and hot week last week.  We hope that the weather will cool down this week for our second week.  Thank you for all the parents who were able to come out on our first day.  Lots of information was given out, we will continue to review all the expectations and routines this week.  If you have not submitted all the school forms please do so that we may update our files.  

As we take a look at this week the students will be working on setting down rules and routines of the classroom.  We will be going to gym on Monday and Wednesdays.  We will be visiting the library once a week on Wednesday.

 In Math we have started working on Number Sense and we are reviewing how numbers are used in our everyday life.  We will explore number lines, comparing numbers and moving into place value.

In Language we have begun looking at stories and how to be a good reader by reading the pictures and reading the words.

Homework will be handed out this week, in order to reduce paper consumption I am going to use a monthly calendar. Folders will be given out on Monday. I will also at times be posting assignments on line. Students will be using chromebooks frequently, this week we will begin looking at ways to stay safe when using various computer apps and sites. Please remember to communicate these safety tips at home. Each student will have access to their own email address and password.

Finally, last week we had our first launch assembly for our Terry Fox fundraiser which will take place last week of September. We are going to begin collecting toonies for Terry. Donations will be going to cancer research for the Terry Fox Foundation.

If you require any information regarding your child please write me a note in your child’s agenda. Remember to initial them each day. This will be the main way to stay connected.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Manzoli

Ms. Troccoli’s Grade 4/5 class News

The Grade 4/5 Team had a great start to the school year!  All the students were motivated and worked very well.  We enjoyed sharing our “All About Me Bags”. Lots of interesting items were brought in to help us learn more about each other.  The last few students will get a chance to share this week.  In math the students used numbers to describe themselves.  Another way we learned more about each other.  We will continue to look at numbers in math with an emphasis on Place Value and larger numbers.  

In Language the students helped prepare a school-wide presentation about our Terry Fox Event taking place on September 27th. They did a wonderful job getting all the staff and students excited about a very special day that brings our whole community together for one common cause – the Dream that Terry Fox started – to find a cure for Cancer! The students will also use media expectations to create posters to display around the school to encourage students to contribute a toonie for our Terry Fox Event.  We have also been following the progress of the Paralympics taking place in Rio.  They inspire us to believe that we can do anything we set our minds to.  We will look at the different events, athletes and research how they overcome the challenges they face to become elite athletes.  

In Science we have begun our Unit on The Human body.  We will look at the different body systems and how we can keep them working well and healthy.

Look for their homework duotang coming home Monday.  Please take the time to review the homework with your child.  It is to be returned to school on Friday, completed to the best of their ability.  Only their best will do.

Thank you for sending such healthy snacks to school.  We are off to a wonderful start!






M. Girard’s French classes

2/3e Français oral : chanson «C’est la rentrée?», téléfrançais 1, «trouve quelqu’un» question et réponses (évaluation)

 Lecture : Il y a longtemps (Visages 2 thème 4 p.42-43)

 écriture:  vocabulaire de la ligne de temps de l’histoire de l’aviation (oiseaux, nuages, ballons, deltaplane, avion, jet, vaisseau spatial)



Français oral : série «les devinettes de Reinette» (Idello) , «Qu’est qu’il y a dans le ciel ?» (vrai ou faux)

théâtre: découvrir vocabulaire de la ligne de temps de l’histoire de l’aviation, chanson d’introduction «Nous sommes les oiseaux»


5/6e Immersion

Français Oral : l’école primaire au Maroc (partage des similitudes et différences), conversation : «Tu cherches quelqu’un ? Bonne chance ! (évaluation)

Français lecture : fin des questions (chanson Boum Boum) bande dessinée : le Royaume (1)

Écriture: présentation de la dictée 6e septembre (78 mots) et de la dictée 5e (50 mots)

Danse: révision des gestes et mouvements

Études Sociales : la ligne de temps du Moyen Âge 


Ms. Colaiacovo’s grade 5/6 class

The grade 5/6 class spent week one getting re-acquainted and learning more about those who are new to our class, while settling into their roles as leaders in the school. The” All About Me” oral language activity allowed the children to reveal a few more details about what makes them “tick” and hopefully served as a nice ice-breaker to get students used to presenting in front of others …. we will be doing a lot of that throughout the school year! Mr. Bannen, our University of Ottawa student teacher, has demonstrated great enthusiasm for teaching and is enjoying getting to know all of the students. 
As a junior division, we presented the kick-off “Toonies for Terry” assembly on Friday to the rest of the school community. Our students effectively demonstrated enthusiasm and maturity throughout the assembly to set the tone for the younger students in the school. Please remember to send in your donations for this important event (the 5th annual for St. Anthony!). We will continue to emphasize the importance of this event throughout the month of September, culminating in our walk on the 28th.
Parents and students are reminded of the need for a pair of indoor shoes which are to be left at school. In addition, please return any forms/permission slips and activity fees that are still outstanding. It is very important that all of this information is returned promptly so that we can distribute Chromebooks, plan walking excursions, and make arrangements for special activities in, and out of our classrooms.
Homework duotangs will be sent home on Monday and are to be returned on/byFriday…. NO exceptions! Thank you for your continued cooperation in supporting your child’s learning. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Nora Colaiacovo


Dear Parents,
We will be participating in a National School Run Day in support of Terry Fox and his dream of finding a cure for cancer.  Thirty – five years after he succumbed to his own battle with cancer, Terry remains a true Canadian hero and, as a school community, we are inspired to work together in support of his dream.
On Tuesday, September 27th the students and staff of St. Anthony Catholic School will walk together on the sidewalks in our community.

We are asking each student to bring in a toonie in support of Terry and his dream.  If everyone brings in a toonie, we will reach our goal of $375.
You can also watch our progress on the display in front of the school office. Please join us in this worthy cause. Together, we can make a difference — and help make Terry’s dream come true!!!
Thank you,

The Staff at St. Anthony Catholic School



St. Anthony Connects – the first post for a new year!

Adobe Spark

St. Anthony This Week

Welcome back everyone!  We are looking forward to a great new year with a great new yard.  If you haven’t seen it yet, here is my introductory message to all of you!

Below you will find teacher notes and the schedule for the first week.  There are not lots of special activities planned for the first week so we can get forms collected and classes well organized.

I am looking forward to seeing you and your children very soon!

Paul McGuire

Principal, St. Anthony School

Tuesday, September 6

Meet the Teacher Day

  • Students and parents enter the school at 8:30 bell (message to parents)
  • short introduction and welcoming in the gym
  • students form up with their teachers and go to class – parents follow
  • coffee and snacks in the hallway right outside the office
  • teachers intro to parents and teachers – hope to get as many forms signed as possible – non-homeroom teachers assist with in-class sessions
  • emphasis on media form – looking for 100% ‘YES’
  • Meet the teacher done by recess – National Anthem and announcements to be done just before recess to set up the ground rules for the new yard (ie. no jumping off the rocks in the outdoor classroom etc)
  • Tweets today #ocsbfirstday

Wednesday, September 7

No events are on the calendar for the remainder of the week – we will use this time to distribute computers and forms that need to be returned and to collect the student fee.


  • media form
  • Acceptable Use Policy for Computers – must be signed by a parent before machines can go home
  • Student Verification and CASL form
  • Walking Letter
  • Student Activity Fee letter
  • Pizza and Milk forms will be distributed later in the month – Pizza will be once per week this year.

Thursday, September 8

Friday, September 9

Teacher Notes for the First

Week of School


Kindergarten News for September 6th-10th, 2016

Welcome back to all of our St Anthony School community!  We hope you had a great summer and enjoyed the beautiful weather.  We look forward to welcoming you and your child back to school on the first day of school for our Meet the Teacher event.  All parents are invited to come to the gym and then to their child’s classroom on Tuesday September 6, 2016 at 8:30 am.  We hope to provide you with some important information and to answer any questions you may have!

Just a reminder all Senior Kindergarten students start on Tuesday September 6, 2016.  The Junior Kindergarten students will have an Orientation Interview on Tuesday.  Most Junior Kindergarten students start on Thursday, September 8, 2016. Junior Kindergarten students registered in the Extended Day Program after school start Wednesday, September 7th
We can’t wait to meet all of our new Junior Kindergarten students and their families, as well as welcome back our Senior Kindergarten students!  The Kindergarten Team was busy getting the classrooms ready for your arrival to school and we can’t wait to get started!  Our schoolyard received an amazing makeover that we are sure all students will enjoy!
We look forward to a great year!
The Kindergarten Team!

Ready for learning…..and some fun too!


Extended Day Program

Welcome to the Extended Day Program at St. Anthony.

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome back some of our families and friends, and at the same time extend a warm welcome to all of our new families.  We look forward to another fun-filled learning experience for all, during the 2016-17 school year.

The Supervisor of St. Anthony Extended Day Program is Ms. Young.

The staff in the Kindergarten program is Ms. Young.

The staff in the School age program is Ms. Katy.

Our emergency cell phone number is 613 914 7028.

Our program opens at 7:00am and closes promptly at 6:00pm.  All children must be signed in and out by a person over the age of 16 years.  Children will only be released by the program staff upon verification of your pick up people you have listed as well as proper photo identification. Please ensure that you see a staff member to get the Safe Welcome Keypad code.  All emergency/pick up persons on your list should be given this information as well. Please keep this code confidential and do not provide the code to your child/ren at any time.

Your online account in the Child Care Registry and Waitlist system belongs to you only.  Please be aware that program staff cannot make/request changes.  Each individual person that has registered a child in the program is responsible for making any additions and or changes over the course of your child’s school year in the Extended Day Program.  Should you have any technical difficulties with the online system you can contact 1-888-722-1540 for support.

Families are encouraged to visit our Family Bulletin Board for more information on our menus, activities and programs.  Should you have any questions or concerns about your child’s care in our program please feel free to speak with the supervisor at any time.  We look forward to building another wonderful year together.  

St. Anthony Extended Day Program Staff

Ms. Myers Grade One/Two

Welcome Back!  I hope everyone enjoyed their summer and is ready to begin school rested and ready to learn! This year I look forward to welcoming both grade one and two students! I hope parents will be able to join their children on the first day of school. We will gather in the gym and then go to our classroom where we will have a chance to meet each other properly!  Your child will be bringing home a school agenda containing various information items that require your review and attention. Please check your child’s backpack!  “Happy New Year” to all new and returning families!

Grade Two/Three Ms. Moga

Dear Parents/Guardians,

September is a time of new beginnings, which I look forward to sharing with your child. Once a week, I will write a short post for the St. Anthony Connects Blog to keep you up to date with classroom and school activities.  This year, I will also have a class site that you may wish to visit ( I look forward to meeting you and your child on the first day of school!

Yours truly,

Ms. Moga



Ms. Manzoli’s Opening note to grade 3 parents

Welcome Back News From Mrs. Manzoli’s Class

Dear Parents,

Welcome back for another exciting educational journey.  Hello, my name is Mrs. Manzoli and I will be your child’s grade 3 teacher for the 2016-2017 school year.  This year your child will have the opportunity to grow and learn about the world that surrounds them.  It will be my privilege to work with you to provide a rich, loving, learning environment for your child.  I will strive to keep you informed of our activities throughout the year via your child’s agenda, monthly newsletters and information that will also be posted on the “St. Anthony Connects” blog (  You may also contract me via your child’s agenda or by phoning me at St. Anthony’s Catholic school (613-235-0340).

Today your child will be coming home with an agenda and may information items. Please take some time with your child to review the information and become familiar with your child’s agenda. This will be a crucial tool in order to keep lines of communication open between school and home.  Agendas will be checked daily.  

Your child will need to provide the following classroom items this year:

  • A box of Kleenex and 5 zip lock freezer bags.
  • Indoor running shoes that will remain at school.  
  • Clearly label all clothing
  • Knapsack and Lunch box which will include two snacks and a healthy lunch. St. Anthony Catholic continues to run a recycling program that includes paper and compost only.  Your child will be asked to bring home any other garbage home. Please check your child’s lunch boxes daily to ensure that these items are removed from their bags.  We will continue to encourage “waste-free” lunches, packed in reusable containers.

Please remember that a large part of your child’s educational experience takes place outside of the classroom.  Take the time to find out about their school day, read with them, review their daily work and encourage their successes.

Yours truly,

Mrs. Manzoli                         

Mr. Nixon – Our new Primary and Junior French  Teacher!    


Dear Parents & Guardians,

It is with pleasure that I introduce myself as your child’s French teacher for the 2016-2017 school year.

My name is Christopher Nixon and this will be my first year teaching at St. Anthony School. Over the last 4 years, I taught in various regions of Quebec and Ontario. I will be teaching Extended French in grades 4, 5, and 6, and Extended in grade 3.

Lessons in class will focus on a combination of listening, speaking, reading and writing in French. My goal is to increase your child’s interest in the French language and improve their ability to communicate with others. In addition, I am planning classes to be highly interactive and engaging in order to meet the needs and interest of every student.

I look forward to helping your child succeed in learning the French language, and look forward to meeting you and your child to discuss progress in class throughout the year.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by e-mail:


Christopher Nixon

M. Chartrand French Classes

Let me introduce myself again; my name is Mr. Chartrand. I have 20 years of experience in teaching a second language. I will be your child’s Grade 1 French Teacher and Grade 4/5 French Immersion teacher. I can’t wait to begin another exciting year at St. Anthony’s. Please read the Newsletter found on St. Anthony’s school website. I have provided a paper copy for the first newsletter only.

1re année

En français, we will work on our vowel sounds and focus on the letter A, a. Our theme this month will be All About Me and Things at School.

4ième/5ième année (Immersion)

En Science, this week we will work on Les Habitats.

En Sciences Sociales, we will begin a review of the Physical Regions of Canada and link the science unit “Les Habitats”

En Français, we will begin our unit on Au Restaurant, we have our first dictée next Friday with a vocabulary test as well. The unit project has been introduced and the outline is available on-line. Groups will be determined next week and I will need to know the name of the Restaurant.

En Arts, we will study different lines and draw a monochromatic 3d picture of Albert Einstein.


In Kindergarten, we are focussing on routines, rules and regulations in the gym, demonstrating an awareness of health and safety practices and a basic awareness of their own well-being.

Mrs. Rupnik’s Primary Language Class

I hope your family enjoyed a wonderful summer and that your child is excited to start a new school year! I have been working hard, setting up our classroom and getting ready for our first day of school. The first week of school is always busy as families settle into the familiar back to school routine.


Please make sure to read the ‘welcome class newsletter’ that will be sent home on Tuesday along with other important school information. I look forward to meeting you at our Open House on Tuesday, September 6 (morning class 8:30-9:15 and the afternoon class 12:30-1:15 pm).


For daily information on St. Anthony Catholic School, please check on social media feeds below.


Sept. 5 – Sept. 9

Mrs. Troccoli’s Grade 4/5 Team News

Welcome back to a new school year!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer enjoying all the beauty of the outdoors! I look forward to getting started with my new team and hope to meet many of our parents during our Open House Tuesday morning – the first day of school!


We will spend the week getting to know each other as we begin to learn together.  There will be lots of important information going home with your child in their ‘mailbag’.  There is also our class newsletter with details of what to expect in our class in the coming month. Please read all the information carefully with your child and return any notes to school as soon as possible. If you ever have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call the school and I will return your call or you can send a note in your child’s ‘Reminders’ notebook.

I am looking forward to a wonderful year working cooperatively with you and your child.

I strongly believe….Together Everyone Achieves More

Mrs. S. Troccoli

Ms. Nora Colaiacovo grade 5/6 class


Hello Parents,

Welcome back to a 2016-17 school year, I really look forward to spending the coming school year with your sons and daughters!  I will teach your child Math and Language Arts in the morning and our afternoon schedule will vary to cover the remainder of the curriculum (Science, the Arts, Religion and Family Life, and Phys. Ed. and Health). M. Girard and M. Nixon will teach immersion or extended French during 3rd block each day. There are many exciting activities planned for the year ahead and I am looking forward to working with you and your child. Together, as parents and teachers we can truly provide a comfortable, motivating, stimulating and challenging environment for your child.

Classroom Expectations

Our class has established some basic rules that we will use to guide us throughout the year.  I would like to share them with you:

    1 – Respect Yourself

           2 – Respect Others

3 – Respect Property

We will concentrate on taking responsibility for our own actions and learning.  Therefore, responsibility and respect will be major themes in our classroom.  It is also our goal to lead students to become lifelong learners and to help build positive character.  This will also be reinforced by our school board spiritual theme  “Sent to be the Good News”.  We will work together to support each other to be the best we can be socially, academically and spiritually and to live the Gospel Values.


In order to maintain the cleanliness of our school and classroom environment, it is essential that students have a pair of indoor shoes that can be left at school. In addition, I ask that each child bring a pencil case. I have provided pencils to get the school year started, for which each student is responsible. Your child has been supplied with a Chromebook that will assist with tracking of assignments, tests, and special events.  Please use your child’s Chromebook as a communication tool with us. I have also supplied your child with a “mailbag” for transporting important notes to and from school and I will occasionally use this to keep you up to date on your child’s progress.  Work will be sent home for your signature periodically. Our class newsletter will be posted on the Saint Anthony Blog each month and I will share the newsletter to each student’s Gmail account, so in the interest of saving paper, I will no longer send home hard copies.


A homework duotang has been assigned to each student.  Homework will be sent home with your child in the duotang every second Monday.  Along with completing the homework, your child is also required to read for a minimum of 20 minutes each evening. Completed homework is to be returned to school on Friday. Most major projects will be completed in class, but occasionally work that is not completed during class time will be sent home.  


Our first unit will be Numeration.  Your child will read, represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 100,00 (grade 5) and 1,000,000 (grade 6), decimal numbers to thousandths, proper and improper fractions, and mixed numbers. We will use various manipulatives and place value charts to represent and explore relationships among numbers. A thorough understanding of place-value concepts permits students to work confidently with very large or very small numbers. Along with this, we will work toward learning the multiplication tables.  Please review multiplication facts to 10 with your son/daughter regularly at home.   

Throughout this time, you and your child may engage in activities such as:

  •         read and write numbers found in newspapers or magazines
  •         compare and order examples of numbers found in the newspaper.
  •         your child can count out the amount of money needed when you are purchasing items together at a store.

Language Arts

Although the teaching of literacy skills is embedded across all curricula, it is the language curriculum that is dedicated to instruction in the areas of specific knowledge and skills – listening and speaking, reading, writing, and viewing and representing – which helps all students become successful language learners.

The areas of focus throughout this month in reading will be making connections through shared and guided reading, and read-aloud activities. The students  continue to learn about each other through short writing and oral language activities. They will consider and discuss bullying, ways to solve problems, how to make friends, and how to understand different points of view. Media literacy will be another focus as the students prepare slogans and posters in class to motivate and inspire the rest of the St. Anthony School community to become involved in the Terry Fox Run.

Nora 2

Ways You Can Help Your Child At Home:


  • Set aside time for homework each night
  • Talk about what happened at school each day
  • Please check your child’s Google calendar every day
  • Practice basic Math facts regularly (addition, subtraction and multiplication)
  • Encourage independent problem solving
  • Have your child read each evening for 20 minutes


Important dates:

Friday, September 23: Clean up the Capital at St. Anthony Catholic School

Tuesday, September 27: Terry Fox Event (watch for more information being sent home)

Finally, I sincerely believe that by working together we can achieve anything we set our minds to. I encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns. You can leave a message for me at the school office at 613-235-0340 or write a note and send it in your child’s mailbag.

I am looking forward to a great year with your kids!!!!

Mrs. N. Colaiacovo

   How to Motivate      Your Child


  • Help them set goals


Goals help turn expectations into reality / Post goals where your children can see them often / Goals should be measurable, specific, time sensitive, and attainable


  • Encourage resiliency


Resiliency helps children be ready for whatever comes their way / Resiliency helps children solve their own problems, focus on their strengths and learn from mistakes


  • Set proper expectations


Children are keenly aware of how their parents view them / Have high expectations and communicate them with your child / Re-evaluate expectations when necessary / Base expectations on child’s strengths and weaknesses


  • Support their learning style


Does your child learn best by hearing, seeing or doing? / Auditory learners are engaged when they can incorporate listening into learning / Visual learners are engaged when they can incorporate seeing into learning / Kinesthetic learners are engaged when they can incorporate doing into their learning


  • Show that school is important


Maintain a good relationship with your child’s teacher / Know what’s happening in the classroom / Be positive about school and homework / Encourage consistent attendance and timeliness


  • Use encouraging words


Encouragement has a larger impact than praise / Notice effort – “ You are really working hard!” / Use descriptive words / Encouragement can be given regardless of performance


  • Reinforce learning


Watch a movie of a book that your child is reading in school and discuss / Visit museums / Learn together as a family about different cultures / Explore new interests / Read with your child