St. Anthony Connects – The week of May 30 – June 3


St. Anthony This Week

Monday, May 30

Grade 6 Scientists in School Workshop – Flight

Christie Lake

Christie Lake Kids and Rec Link Meeting with Parents – 4:30 – 7:00 PM – please contact Laura at



Tuesday, May 31
Rosary schedule
10:30 to 11:15 JK & FDK Natalie Schlesak
12:15 to 12:40 Grades 2 Shannon Draper

12:45 to 1:05 Grade 1 Meg Myers
12:15-1:30 Grade 4/5 French: Sylvain Girard
1:45-2:15 Grade 3/4: Maria Manzoli
2:20 -3:00 Grade 5/6: Nora Colaiacovo /Denis Chartrand

SAN Track and Field Try-outs, Adult High School field (junior students)


Wednesday, June 1

Waste-free Wednesday

Gr. 1 and 2 to Gatineau Park a.m. only

Camp Smitty Presentation  – 12:30


Culture Shock Hip Hop Dance Lessons

Thursday, June 2

Experimental Farm Trip FDK 9:00 – 1:30 PM

Recycle Day at St. Anthony Catholic School- PLEASE recycle today – all material to be left inside  near the parking lot door


Friday, June 3

Last day of EQAO-O Canada and announcements at 11:10

Pizza Day!

Teacher Notes for the Week

FDK News for May 30 – June 3

We are very excited to see how our caterpillars have transformed and are now in the chrysalis stage of their life cycle!  Our students are fascinated with the process and are anxiously awaiting for the butterflies to finally emerge!!
We will be traveling by school bus on Thursday June 2 to the Central Experimental Farm.  We can not wait to see the cows, goats, pigs, sheep, horses and all the new life on the farm.  Many new baby farm animals have just been born!  Thank you to all of our volunteers!  We can not do these trips without you!  Your time and dedication to our FDK students is so appreciated!  Please DRESS your child in their BLUE ST ANTHONY SHIRT on Thursday!

We will read farm stories, sing farm songs and find out what life on a farm is really like!  Let’s hope for a great day of weather for our first bus trip of the year!
A special thank you to Ms. Myers Grade 1 class who came to visit us on Friday to read their amazing stories.  We love having friends read to us and we are learning to be such a great audience.  Thanks Grade 1’s for all of your great work reading your stories to us!
Please apply sunscreen to your child everyday!  A sun hat and water bottle are also highly encouraged.

Grade 1 Storytelling!



Grade One Ms. Myers

The “Wonderful Ones” are expecting!!!….Chicks, that is!! This past week our incubator and eggs arrived from Sunwing Gardens!  With help from farmers Tammy and Rene, we set up the incubator and the grade ones placed the eggs inside. In the coming week, Tammy and Rene will “candle” the eggs which will allow us to see what is happening inside!  We are observing and monitoring our eggs with anticipation!  The grade ones generated lots of great questions for Farmer Rene and we have already learned so much about the life cycle of a chick.  This Wednesday morning we will be going on our trip Gatineau Park. Please listen to the forecast for the day so that your child is prepared for the weather. Undoubtedly, there will be bugs!  Long sleeve shirts and long pants will help protect your child from unwanted bites.  As well, please pack a healthy lunch that includes water. We will be eating our lunch at the park following our hike. In math we will be exploring symmetry and spatial relationships. We will be using words such as “beside,” “above,” “left,” and “right,” to describe where one object is in relation to another. Saturday, June 4th is National Health and Fitness Day! As we continue to talk about healthy and active lifestyles, grade ones and their families are encouraged to participate in the “Community 10,000 Steps Challenge” beginning at 9:30 from Plant Recreation Centre. 10,000 steps is the recommended daily number of steps for heart health! Participate if you can! 

grade 1

Ms. Moga’s Grade two class

The warmer temperatures have arrived! Although we try our best to keep the classroom cool (blinds down, windows open, fan on, lights off), because we get the afternoon sun it can get quite warm in our classroom. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the warmer temperatures. I also encourage sending a water bottle that can be left on your child’s desk to he/she can be properly hydrated and not be at the water fountain too often.

Wednesday, June 1st is our field trip to Gatineau Park! Please check the weather for that day and dress your child accordingly. A light shirt and pants may also be helpful given that there will be bugs.  Please pack a healthy lunch including water as we will be eating at the park.

Curriculum Notes

In Language, we continue to work on our narratives. Each student wrote a plan, a rough copy and have now moved onto their good copies. Once all their writing is complete, they will add pictures and create a cover.

In Math, we touched upon transformations (flips, slides, turns) in geometry. We have moved onto probability. Students are working on describing the chances or likelihood of something happening. We are discussing the likelihood of events in our everyday lives (e.g. if I go to the library I am likely to take out a book), as well as in simple games involving coin tosses, dice, and spinners.

In Science, we are continuing our unit on Air and Water in the environment.

In Religion and Family Life, we have wrapped up Theme 3. The students asked some excellent and relevant questions during our discussions! The next theme is “Growing in Commitment”. In this theme we will learn more about being dependable by exploring the commitments of community workers, examine what it means to keep our word and why it is important, and analyze situations that involve making decisions.

In Art, we will be wrapping up our Dance unit and moving onto Drama. The students have showed some of the best collaboration yet in creating their short dance pieces and will present to the class this week.

Please contact me via the agenda if you have any questions or concerns.
Ms. Moga

grade 2

Ms. Manzoli’s Class
Last week we survived the hot temperatures and the Grade 3’s successfully completed their first 3 days of EQAO. This week the 3’s will continue the second part starting on Wednesday. We end testing on Friday and celebrating our hard work. Reminder that students come to school well rested and eat a good breakfast which helps with their concentration and focus. Bringing a water bottle would be beneficial too. The students were able to visit the library on Friday due to the library being not available on Monday. A reminder as well that Friday is pizza day. As we end the month, homework calendars are due on Tuesday. As the end of the year approaches there will be no assigned homework for June. However, students should be keeping up with their reading and math programs independently.

Mrs. Rupnik’s Class 

This week in the Primary Language Class, we will continue to practice our play, The Little Red Hen. We will begin to add gestures/actions to our words. Remember to have your child practice his/her lines with you at home daily.  Invitations will be sent home this Friday. We look forward to having you visit with us. Please take some time to read our May class newsletter.  June homework calendars come home on Wednesday, June 1, 2016.

Our wonderful book club led by Ms. Iverson!

Our wonderful book club led by Ms. Iverson!

May 30 – June 3

Mrs. Troccoli’s Grade 4/5 Team News

We are in the home stretch of this school year, as June makes its appearance, with lots of action still on the horizon!

The students have been given their public library cards which allows them to access all the magnificent resources that are free to everyone.  Lots of programs are available both online and at the libraries all around the city. The students are encouraged to take advantage of all it has to offer.

We have completed Unit 3 – Created Sexual: Male and Female.  The students were very respectful and we had some good discussions.  Ask your child some of the conversations we were engaged in and what they learned.

The students enjoyed the conclusion to the teacher read aloud book, “Bud, not Buddy”. There were lots of twists and turns in our exciting book.  The students appreciated the joys of a good story. They have been encouraged to use some of the elements they heard as they come to the final stages of crafting their Pourquoi Tales. We look forward to hearing them present their tales to their classmates.

In math,  the Grade 4s are working on a “Fraction Pizza Project” where they are demonstrating many of the concepts we have learned using a real life situation.  The Grade 5s have been delving deeper into fraction concepts like mixed and improper fractions and converting fractions to decimals. The students were tested last week on fractions and decimals where they were able to demonstrate their understanding.  They should continue to review concepts regularly so they are able to use them when needed.

Our next strand in math will be 3-D Geometry.  We will be examining shapes and solids, and learning to identify, build, and describe 3-D objects, such as different types of prisms and pyramids.  They will also be exploring the relationships between 3-D shapes and their flattened nets. The students can be finding and listing things in our environment that are shaped like a pyramid or a prism, and discuss their properties, such as the number of faces, edges, or sides, parallel sides, congruent faces, and the shapes of faces.

On Tuesday the students will be participating in our school track and field day.  We will walk over to the adult high school and compete in a variety of running and field events.  We will use this morning to choose students for our board wide track meet to be held in June.  Students should come to school ready to participate with comfortable clothes, running shoes, sunscreen, hat and plenty of water to drink.

For homework this week students are required to read on RazKids for 45 mins and to complete the Fractions activities on Mathletics.  As well, they should be spending time memorizing their chosen poem in preparation for their oral presentation the week of June 6th.

Students need to remain focused as there is lots of curriculum still to be covered.  The expectations remain the same with students always taking the time to do their best.

Thank you for your continued support!

Have a wonderful week!

Together Everyone Achieves More

Ms. Colaiacovo’s grade 5/6 notes
During the  past week, the grade 6 students completed the first three mornings of EQAO testing and the grade 5 students were lucky to be hosted by Mrs. Troccoli and her grade 4/5 students.

Here is a brief overview of important upcoming events: 

Parents and grade 6 students are reminded that the remaining three days of EQAO will take place on Wednesday,Thursday and Friday of this coming week (June 1,2,3). Please ensure that your child is in attendance, on time for school and ensure that there are no appointments booked for your child on these three mornings, especially.
The students in the junior division will go to the field at the Adult High School on Tuesday morning (May 31) to try out for the track and field team that will represent our school at the Board meet on June 21. Please remind your child to dress appropriately for this event and to bring healthy snacks and refillable water bottles.
The grade 6 students will enjoy their end-of-year trip to Christie Lake Kids Camp on June 15.
The year-end mass and grade 6 leaving ceremony will take place at St. Anthony Church at 9:00 a.m. on June 22,with a luncheon for students and parents to follow at the school.  The awards ceremony for all St. Anthony students will take place on June 23. 
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation as we progress through these last few very important weeks of school.
M. Girard’s note for the week

2e Français oral: préparer la présentation de ton patrimoine familial à la classe

Études Sociales : les moyens de transport à travers le monde

3/4e Français oral : retour sur les quatre versions de la pièce de théâtre «beau temps, mauvais temps»(visionnement)

Français lecture/écriture : lire et comprendre le bulletin météo pour une ville canadienne

Études Sociales : 6 provinces et trois territoires se joignrent à la confédération (chronologie)

Musique 4: la flûte à bec-lecture des notes et doigté de la main gauche (during gr.3 EQAO)

4/5e Immersion

Français Oral: préparation à la récitation des poèmes ; prononciation et intonations

Français lecture: choix d’un magazine, les caractéristiques d’un article  

Français écrit: présentation des dictées juin, 4e  «les grandes vacances» (69 mots), 5e «Madame Touille» (55 mots)

Arts:  projet 3 «transformations par rabattement» (la forme), répétition de notre chanson avec notre artiste-invité Wise Atangana

Études Sociales : épidémies chez les Premières Nations (1644) 

St. Anthony Connects The week of May 24 – 27


St. Anthony This Week

Tuesday. May 24

Culture Shock Hip Hop Dance Lessons

PLC afternoon group to Rosemount Library: Geraldine & Teresa

Orkidstra Today

Wednesday, May 25

Wastefree Wednesday Today

Weeding Wednesday at lunch with the Green Club

EQAO begins block 1-O Canada and announcements at 11:10

Orkidstra Today – at Cambridge

Thursday, May 26

EQAO-O Canada and announcements at 11:10

Recycle Day at St. Anthony Catholic School- PLEASE recycle today – all material to be left inside  near the parking lot door

Orkidstra Today

Friday, May 27

Papa Jack Popcorn

Teacher Notes for this week

FDK News

We hope you are having a great long weekend.  The FDK students enjoyed two live performances last week, Hansel and Gretel and our grade 3/4 class put on an excellent show for us too.  We are learning to be a great audience and to give five, eyes are looking, ears are listening, brain is thinking, mouth is quiet and body is still.  Great job FDK students!

Our caterpillars are on their way to the next stage of their life cycle.  We are so excited to see how much they grew this week!  We are also amazed to see how much our sunflowers and our bean plants have grown!  We are great little scientists, gardeners and explorers!

We love our story”The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and we are using all our story props to retell the story.  We are busy making butterflies, caterpillars and drawing the life cycle.  So many creative artists in our class!
In Math, we are learning the value of many coins.  Through many hands-on learning centers students will use play money and coins to discover how to use money in real life situations.

Thank you for returning the Farm Field Trip Form.
Looking forward to a great week in FDK!

We hope you are having a great long weekend.  The FDK students enjoyed two live performances last week, Hansel and Gretel and our grade 3/4 class put on an excellent show for us too.  We are learning to be a great audience and to give five, eyes are looking, ears are listening, brain is thinking, mouth is quiet and body is still.  Great job FDK students!

Our caterpillars are on their way to the next stage of their life cycle.  We are so excited to see how much they grew this week!  We are also amazed to see how much our sunflowers and our bean plants have grown!  We are great little scientists, gardeners and explorers!

We love our story”The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and we are using all our story props to retell the story.  We are busy making butterflies, caterpillars and drawing the life cycle.  So many creative artists in our class!
In Math, we are learning the value of many coins.  Through many hands-on learning centers students will use play money and coins to discover how to use money in real life situations.

Thank you for returning the Farm Field Trip Form.
Looking forward to a great week in FDK!

Ms. Myers Grade One:

I hope everyone took advantage of the wonderful weather over the long weekend!  It feels like summer is around the corner – but we still have so much to look forward to in Grade One!  We have a short but busy week ahead! There was a “change of plans” with the delivery of the incubator last week (apparently the chicks weren’t quite finished hatching at their other school!). We really hope it will arrive early this week so we can get on with the business of hatching eggs!  Last week we enjoyed a presentation of “Hansel and Gretel” – with a little twist on the traditional fairy tale. The children in this version teach the witch about the importance of healthy eating and an active lifestyle! We have been reading and talking a lot about healthy foods and the importance of eating a balanced diet and will continue to do so in the coming week. Hopefully the grade one authors will have completed their stories by the end of this week so they can be displayed on our bulletin board for everyone’s reading pleasure! Have a great week!

Manzoli stars this week…

Hope everyone enjoyed a beautiful long weekend with the beautiful weather. Welcome to summer! Last week we were surprised with a wonderful performance by the kids entertainment from Toronto. The students enjoyed watching ‘Hansel and  Gretel’ as they demonstrated the importance of healthy living.  We also had a great day on Friday at the Rosemount library, what a wonderful resource. The students really enjoyed the bus ride too. The grade three’s focused on reviewing for EQAO that begins this week. Take some time to visit the website. Please make sure the students have a good rest and a good breakfast. We also remind students to arrive at school on time in order to begin promptly. I encourage the students to bring a water bottle to keep hydrated from the warm temperatures this week.  We will continue with regular routines in the afternoons.
A reminder that Friday is Papa Jack popcorn sale.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Manzoli

Mrs. Rupnik’s Class 

I hope you enjoyed the long weekend with your family and friends.  To help foster oral language in the Primary Language Class, the children will be performing a small play for parents and different classes called “The Little Red Hen.” Each student has been assigned a role. Please help your child learn his or her lines. Have him/her practice with you at home daily.  We look forward to having you visit with us. We will work on invitations this week and they will be sent home shortly. We will also start working on our masks. In our Social Language program, we will focus on using self-control at school and at home. 

M. Girard’s classes this week

2e Français oral: discussion : ton apparence (héritée de tes deux parents), tes talents (arts, sport ou cuisine etc.)

Français lecture:  «Bien vivre ensemble» (volume bleu) p. 56 à 59

Études Sociales : ton patrimoine familial



Français lecture: fiche personnelle pour chacun des huit pères de la confédération (rôle, naissance, résidence et principales réussites)

Études Sociales : les pères de la confédération.


4/5e Immersion

Français Oral: préparation à la récitation des poèmes ; prononciation et intonations

Français lecture: choix d’un magazine, les caractéristiques d’un article  

Français écrit: enregistrement de la chanson sur le thème «la beauté» avec notre artiste-invité Wise Atangana  

Arts:  projet 2 «carton/papier transformés» (textures)

Études Sociales : épidémies chez les Premières Nations (1644) 




Green Club News: Weeding Wednesdays Begins!

Spring has finally arrived (we hope!). With the warmer sunny weather upon us, the Green Club has started Weeding Wednesdays sessions during lunch hour recess. Equipped with garden gloves and simple tools, students in the Green Club remove weeds from the flowerbeds found inside the playground area once a week. This will encourage the daffodils, tulips, lilies and other plants to grow and blossom. It’s also an important learning opportunity for the students. When students work in gardens, they experience being in nature and learn to take care of living things. Way to go, Green Club! 


St. Anthony Connects – The week of May 16-20

St. Anthony This week

Monday, May 16

Tuesday, May 17

Hip Hop lessons at lunchtime

Orkidstra in learning commons

Wednesday, May 18

Wastefree Wednesday Today

Big Kid Entertainment

Big Kid Entertainment  Hansel and Gretel. (AM) all students

Weeding Wednesday at lunch with the Green Club

Orkidstra at Cambridge

Thursday, May 19

Recycle Day at St. Anthony Catholic School- PLEASE recycle today – all material to be left inside  near the parking lot door

Peace Festival West – St. Paul H.S. – 10am to 1:30pm  

Orkidstra in learning commons

Friday, May 20

Rosemount library visit grade 3/4 class at 12:30

Pizza today!

Teacher Notes for the week of May 16-20

FDK news for May 16-20, 2016

A special note of thanks to all of our wonderful volunteers who participated in our walking field trip to the Tulip Festival on Thursday May 12th!  It was a perfect day to see the tulips and get out in nature and enjoy the beautiful scenery!

The caterpillars are here!  We have started our daily observations of our caterpillars by drawing and recording our ideas and thinking!  We are very curious as to how these tiny caterpillars will eventually turn into beautiful butterflies!  At this time, it seems rather unbelievable to us!!

We enjoyed practicing our song “Mr Sun” and performing to a larger audience in the gym on Friday!  Ask your child to sing it to you, they love to sing!  Hermie the worm,  little Arabella Millar, and Banana song are a few other favorites too!

Please find a permission form for the Central Experimental Farm trip taking place on June 2, 2016,  this week in your child’s mailbag!  This is our first bus trip and the permission form will require some additional information.  Please read and return the signed pages and permission form this week!
Thanking you in advance for your continued support!
The FDK Team


Ms. Myers’ Grade One Class

Congratulations to all those students who prepared for the morning announcements last week. They all did a super job!  Our class will have one more chance to prepare the prayer for daily announcements in June. If your child has not yet volunteered, please encourage them to “take a risk” and try it out!  Opportunities such as this help build your child’s confidence. Our trip to Rosemount Library was a wonderful success! The children enjoyed perusing all the terrific books and learning materials – and the  ride on  the #14 bus was a highlight, too! In math this week we will be working on strategies that help us when we are adding and subtracting (e.g. counting on/back from a larger number and knowing “double facts”). The “Wonderful Ones” continue working on their narrative writing. They have come up with some interesting ideas for their stories! In Family Life we will begin our unit “Created Sexual: Male and Female.” A note went home with your child last week with more information. If you have a baby photograph of your child that you would like to send in, that would be great! This week we expect to receive our incubator from Sunwing Gardens! Once the temperature has been regulated the eggs will be delivered. A reminder that Monday, May 23rd is Victoria Day. There is no school on that day.  Have a great week!  


Ms. Moga’s Grade 2 class May 16- 20

We had another week full of learning in grade 2! The students all enjoyed their visit to the Rosemount Public Library: they learned about different materials they can borrow, when the library is open, and that it has air conditioning (great to visit on a hot summer day)!

Here’s what we will be up to this week:

Math- we are continuing with division. Students are also practicing how to answer word problems, ensuring they show their work with pictures, numbers and words.

Language- we are ready to start writing our own narratives (stories). The students’ first narrative story will be their own version of “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day” by Judith Viorst.

Science- we began our unit on Air and Water. The students explored the Science TechBook site on the Chromebooks and answered questions about air and wind. We will continue to use this resource throughout the unit, which will allow students to guide some of their own learning through inquiry.

Art- we are focusing on dance at the moment. In Grade 2, students need an understanding of the first two elements of dance: body and space. 

Family Life-  we are ready to begin Theme Three: “Created Sexual: Male and Female”. A letter explaining vocabulary and topics covered in this unit will be sent home tomorrow (Monday). Please review this letter. If you have any questions, you may contact me via your child’s agenda.

Have a great week!
Ms. Moga



Mrs. Rupnik’s Class (May 16-20)

This week in the Primary Language Class, we will continue with our narrative writing unit.  We co-created two stories as a class last week about a lost wallet on an Octranspo bus (morning class) and a lost cat belonging to Father Felix (afternoon class). Students had some great ideas and hopefully will be motivated to write their very own story with vivid character descriptions, interesting story lines, and much more.  Take the time this week to tell a story or two to your child about a moment or event that means a lot to you.  Additional important notes:

  1. Google Student Accounts: A small note was sent home last Friday with updated personal login information and passwords. 
  2. Upcoming Field Trips: The afternoon Primary Language Class students will be walking to the Tulip Festival at Commissioners Park (Dows Lake) on Friday, weather permitting. The Rosemount Public Library for the afternoon class is the following week on Tuesday, May 24, 2016.
  3. Scavenger Hunt: Please see our morning class pictures of the Tulip Festival at Commissioners Park (Dows Lake). We had a great time! Thanks Ms. Jackman for joining us!



M. Girard’s French classes this week

2e Français oral: discussion : ton plat préféré et celui de ta famille, Téléfrançais

Français lecture:  livret «festins de famille»

Études Sociales : 8 mets internationaux


Français oral: comment faire vivre un script de pièce de théâtre

Français lecture: pièce de théâtre «Beau temps, mauvais temps»

Études Sociales : les raisons pour lesquels les quatre premières colonies britanniques se sont unies en 1867 (la Confédération)

4/5e Immersion

Français Oral: 2 rencontres d’impro

Français lecture: choix d’un magazine, les caractéristiques d’un article  

Français écrit:écriture d’une chanson avec notre artiste-invité Wise Atangana, dictée 4e «Quelle beau rêve»-50 mots, dictée 5e «Si seulement…»-81 mots

Arts: Fin du projet «En harmonie avec la nature» (lignes et couleurs)

Études Sociales : objets de traite/objets de fascination

Ms. Troccoli's class - the winners of the St. Anthony Super Stars last week

Ms. Troccoli’s class – the winners of the St. Anthony Super Stars last week


May 16 – May 20

Mrs. Troccoli’s Grade 4/5 Team News

The students have been very enthusiastic, active learners in lots of inquiry-based activities.  They have been working with fractions and decimals through smartboard activities, group activities, along with games to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts being taught.  It is important that they practice and review these concepts regularly at home to be able to apply them confidently to all areas of the curriculum.


In Language we have been exploring Pourquoi tales.  Ask your child “Why Rabbit Has a short Tail” or “How the Birds got their Colours”.  We have learned about the elements of a Pourquoi Tale and have analyzed a variety of different tales.  The students have been given a graphic organizer to start creating their own Pourquoi Tale that would explain a natural occurrence in our world. They will be crafting their tales before they are ready to edit, publish and present.


The homework duotangs will be sent home on Monday with activities to be completed and returned by Friday.  They will also be expected to read for 40 minutes on Raz Kids using their chromebooks by Friday.

Thank you for your continued support!

Have a wonderful week!

Together Everyone Achieves More

Ms. Colaiacovo’s Grade 5/6 News

As we move into mid-May there are a number of important updates, notes and dates to report on:

  • Several of the grade 5 and 6 students will be attending the OCSB Peacekeeper Festival on Thursday, May 19 at St. Paul High School. This is a great opportunity for students to have fun and to share some camaraderie with students from several other schools throughout the city.
  • EQAO testing will begin on Wednesday, May 25 and will continue on the mornings of May 26, 27, 31, and June 1 and 2. Please ensure that your child attends school, on time on each of these days. Please book important appointments on other days, or in the afternoon, if it must be on one of these days.
  • Top Marks will be at Notre Dame High School on June 14 from 3:00 to 7:00 in the cafeteria for students to try on and purchase uniform clothing.
  • The grade 6 end-of-year trip to Christie Lake Kids Camp is scheduled for June 15. A permission form with important information will be sent home within the next couple of weeks.
  • The grade 6 Leaving Ceremony and year-end mass is scheduled for June 22 and the awards ceremony for the rest of the school population will be on the afternoon of June 23. Please mark your calendars with these important dates.


Grade 5/6 students are finishing the fractions strand of Number Sense and Numeracy and will be moving forward to 3-D geometry very soon. In language arts, the students are working on a procedural text to impart all their knowledge of “how to” to their peers. We have completed “Created Sexual” in Family Life and the students responded to the material in an appropriately curious and respectful manner. Our physical education focus over the next little while will be divided between dance and track and field….sometimes being guided by Mother Nature. The students have been busy rehearsing plays to present to each other and hopefully, to students in the primary grades. Please help them out by offering to rehearse at home with them.


Your child should be reading each evening for a minimum of 20 mins. He/she should also take the time to practice and review any concepts they have been taught in school and practice their basic math facts regularly.  The Chromebooks were assigned to the students to help with schoolwork and to give them the necessary tools to help them excel in all areas of the curriculum. They are not intended for the students to spend hours each evening playing games or chatting with friends. If you find it is not being used for the intended purpose please let me know and we will keep it at school.


Enjoy your week!


St. Anthony Connects – The week of May 9 – 13

St. Anthony This Week

Monday, May 9

20160204-Web-branch-Rosemount (1)

grade 4/5 to Rosemount Library: Sandra, Geraldine



Tuesday, May 10

Dorothy Stanyar, volunteer, in Mrs. Rupnik’s class PM only

Rosemount Library trip with PLC class and Mrs. Wallace

Culture Shock Hip Hop Dance Lessons


Orkidstra today


Wednesday, May 11

Waste-free Wednesday

Grade 1 to Rosemount Library: Meg & Geraldine

Orkidstra today – at Cambridge

Thursday, May 12


Recycle Day at St. Anthony Catholic School- PLEASE recycle today 

Ottawa U Science Workshops PM Grades 1, 3, 5

Orkidstra today

Friday, May 13





Tulip Festival Walking Trip FDK and PLC (AM only)

Papa Jack Popcorn

Volunteer Appreciation- PM

Teacher Notes for the week of May 9 – 13

FDK News for May 9-13

Happy Mother’s Day to all of our wonderful mother’s!
We hope you enjoyed a wonderful Mother’s Day!  The flowers were planted with love for all our moms and the cards were hand-made with our own fingerprints!  The FDK students were so proud to share their gifts!

Thank you for returning the permission forms for our Walking Field Trip to the Tulip Festival this Friday!  We look forward to walking to Commissioner’s Park to see the beautiful tulips at 10:00am on Friday May 13th.   Thank you in advance to all our parent volunteers!

We will be singing a special song on Friday afternoon for all of our parent volunteers.  We will gather in the gym on Friday for our Volunteer Appreciation Day!

Another great week of learning ahead…..our caterpillars are arriving this week!  We will be watching them grow and transform into beautiful butterflies!  Stay tuned for Butterfly Release Day.  We will be reading “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and learning about the butterfly life cycle.  We are also going to be learning about living and non-living things!
Have a great week!


Ms. Myers’ Grade One Class

It was great to see so many of you during Catholic Education Week! The children enjoyed some special presentations including a visit from a biology student from the University of Ottawa. “Scientist Riyanna” discussed the differences between herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores using real mammal skulls! The grade ones were suitably impressed! Last week our awesome bean plants were sent home!  The classroom may feel a little lonely this week – but not for long as we anticipate the arrival of our incubating eggs in the weeks to come! This Wednesday, May 11th, we look forward to our visit to the Rosemount Public Library. In math this week we will explore how to measure the capacity of different containers. If you are cooking at home, include your child in measuring out ingredients, this will help them to see the real life application of skills we learn in mathematics. In language, the “Wonderful Ones” will busy writing their own narratives. We have some great story-tellers in the class!  Permission forms for our Gatineau Park trip went home last week. Please ensure you sign and return this form to school so everyone will be included on June 1st. As well, the “Wonderful Ones” will be leading the morning announcements this week. If your child has been asked to say a prayer, please have them practice reading it aloud to you in preparation. Have a great week!

grade 1

Ms. Moga’s Grade two class

Catholic Education was a great success. Thank you to all the parents who were able to stop by and visit our classroom. The students enjoyed the Beebot Workshop, visiting the book fair, and our last Rosary visit for this school year.

This week, we will be visiting the Rosemount Public Library on Thursday afternoon.

Math- we are continuing our unit on multiplication and division.

Language- we are beginning a new unit on narrative (story) writing. In grade 2, students are expected to write an original story or an extension of a familiar story. We will first work on a story together as a class before students’ write their own.

Science- we are beginning our unit on Air and Water in the Environment. The big ideas for this unit are: air and water are a major part of the environment; living things need air and water to survive; changes to air and water affect living things and the environment, our actions affect the quality of air and water, and its ability to sustain life.

Religion- we continue to discuss forgiveness in preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion.

Finally, please sign and return the permission form for our trip to Gatineau Park on June 1st.
Have a great week!
Ms. Moga

grade 2

Mrs. Rupnik’s Class 

This week in the Primary Language Class, we will move from telling stories to writing stories together as a class, using the special anchor chart we created a few weeks ago.   We will also continue to work on the Little Red Hen story, specifically making connections and retelling the story from memory.  The Retelling Journal arrives home on Friday. Be sure to sit with your child and listen to him/her retell this story.  Then write the retelling in the journal. Have him/her draw a picture in the journal as well.  Return the Retelling Journal to school on Monday, May 16. In our Social Language program, we will focus on handling our feelings at school and at home. Please note: The morning Primary Language Class students will be attending two field trips this week: Rosemount Public Library on Tuesday and Tulip Festival at Commissioners Park (Dows Lake) on Friday. 

Note: Congratulations to my morning class who led the Catholic Education Week mass on Thursday at St. Anthony Church. I am so very proud of you all!


Ms. Manzoli’s Class – Grade 3 /4 Class this week…

We ended Education week with many fun and interesting activities and visits from various presenters.  This week we try to get back to a regular routine.  A reminder that if your child still wishes to purchase a book from the book fair it will be open this week.

In language this week we will begin exploring persuasive writing.  We will look at how having strong arguments versus the pros or cons of a topic makes your persuasion more convincing.

The grade 3 students will be also focusing on EQAO preparation questions for Language.  There will be no new words of the week introduced for the remainder of the year.  We will focus on reviewing difficult words and word patterns.

In Math, we looked at how fractions are parts of a whole last week.  This week we will look at how fractions are used as we explore linear,measurements.  We will investigate the mm, cm, m, and km.  We will look at the metric system and learn how to convert smaller units of measurement into larger ones.  The grade 3 students will also look at sample EQAO questions.

A reminder for those students receiving First Reconciliation on Friday to please arrive 15 minutes earlier to the church for a quick rehearsal.  First Holy Communion will be Saturday at 5 PM during the regular Saturday Mass.  Please arrive 15 minutes before mass begins so that families may sit at the front of the church and we can go over the details of the mass.  Make sure that the children are dressed appropriately and have well rehearsed their prayers.


  • No library book exchange this week
  • Papa Jack popcorn sale on Friday
  • Volunteer Appreciation assembly on Friday at 2:00

M. Girard’s French Classes

2e Français oral: discussion : jour férié, Confédération, trèfle et fleur de lys
Français lecture: document «les fêtes au Canada»
Français écrit: justifier par écrit ton choix d’un symbole canadien sur ton timbre commémoratif
Études Sociales : les fêtes nationales du Canada

Français oral: comment faire vivre un script de pièce de théâtre
Français lecture: script: «Beau temps, mauvais temps»
Études Sociales : contributions de ces communautés qui enrichissent le Canada de 1780 à 1850 (suite)

4/5e Immersion
Français Oral: 2 rencontres d’impro
Français lecture: choix d’un magazine, les caractéristiques d’un article
Français écrit: repérer des noms, des adjectifs et/ou des expressions sur le thème de la beauté (écriture d’une chanson avec notre artiste-invité Wise Atangana)
Arts: Fin du projet «En harmonie avec la nature» (lignes et couleurs)
Études Sociales : revision de la leçon précédente avec le film «Champlain» partie 2

M. Girard's immersion students working in the park on a sunny Friday

M. Girard’s immersion students working in the park on a sunny Friday

May 9 – May 13

Mrs. Troccoli’s Grade 4/5 Team News

I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend.  Education week was a flurry of activity that was enjoyed by all. It was nice to see some of our parents able to join us.

We will start the week with our  rescheduled visit to the Rosemount Library on Monday morning.  It is a wonderful free resource with lots of activities for the students to participate in during the summer months.

In language we completed our read aloud book To the Top of Everest where we used the reading strategy of predicting.  It was a fascinating nonfiction story with lots of life lessons to be learned from it.  Ask your child about some of the highlights of one man’s extraordinary journey.

This week we will read several pour quoi tales before the students embark on writing their own tale.

In math we will continue to explore Fractions.  We will use inquiry, manipulatives as well as Mathletics to allow the students ample opportunities to be able to work with fractions confidently.

In Family Life we will begin Unit 3 : Created Sexual – Male and Female.  A note was sent home on Friday outlining the topics and information that will be taught during this unit.  Please feel free to contact me at the school if you have any questions.

The students will bring home their work folder this week to share with you.  Please review the work with your child, sign it and return it to school with your child.

Your child should be reading each evening for a minimum of 20 mins. They should also take the time to practice and review any concepts they have been taught in school and practice their basic math facts regularly.  The Chromebooks were assigned to the students to help with their schoolwork and to give them the necessary tools to help them excel in all areas of the curriculum.  It is not intended for the students to spend hours each evening playing games or chatting with friends.  If you find it is not being used for the intended purpose please let me know and we will keep it at school.

Thank you for your continued support!

Have a wonderful week!

Together Everyone Achieves More


St. Anthony Connects – Catholic Education Week Edition!

2016 Education Week.pdf

St. Anthony this Week  -Catholic Education Week!

Monday, May 2

Scholastic Book Sale all week

Family portraits all week







Tuesday, May 3

Open House for new students coming in September to Language Class – 9:00 am

Grade 6 students going to Notre Dame High School for their first visit

maker mobile

Maker Mobile visit to St. Anthony – gym closed all day

8:30: Grade 4/5 Mrs. Troccoli – 3D Printing
8:30 Grade 1 Mrs. Myers – Beebot Mazerunner
10:15 Grade 2 Mrs. Moga – Beebot Mazerunner
12:30 Grade 4/5 M. Girard (Immersion)Codemaker Programming
14:00 Grade 3 Mrs. Manzoli – Codemaker Programming

Scholastic Book Sale all week

Family portraits all week

Orkidstra today

Catholic Education Week Mass – 7:30 pm






Wednesday, May 4

Open House – Community Breakfast

  • gather in gym at 8:30 – coffee and snacks
  • showing of St. Anthony film – introduced by creators of the film!
  • school council chair to talk to parents
  • parents visit the classes and book sale
  • Rec Link also attending

rec link






Grade 4/5 to Rosemount Library-Sandra, Geraldine – block 2

10:50 songs practice in gym for tomorrow’s Mass

Wastefree Wednesday

Scholastic Book Sale all week

Family portraits all week

Rosary visit
St.Anthony Catholic School

Rosary schedule
10:30 to 11:15 JK & FDK Natalie Schlesak
12:15 to 12:40 Grades 2 Shannon Draper

12:45 to 1:05 Grade 1 Meg Myers
12:15-1:30 Grade 4/5 French: Sylvain Girard
1:45-2:15 Grade 3/4: Maria Manzoli
2:20 -3:00 Grade 5/6: Nora Colaiacovo /Denis Chartrand

Orkidstra today at Cambridge

Thursday, May 5

Education Week Mass at St. Anthony Parish – 9:00 am

Recycle Day at St. Anthony Catholic School- PLEASE recycle today 

Scholastic Book Sale all week

Family portraits all week

Ottawa U Science Workshops Gr. 1,3,5

Orkidstra today

Gym closed for construction 2:00PM and all day Friday

Welcome to Kindergarten! – 3:30PM

Friday, May 6

Scholastic Book Sale all week

Grade 5/6 to Rosemount Library

Kindness Project with Lindsey Barr and Mrs. Rupnik’s classes

Family portraits all week

Pizza Day!

Chris Nihmey in for workshops half day – grade 1 and Grade 3/4 classes

St. Anthony Superstars!!

You can see the entire schedule here


Teacher Notes for Education Week


FDK News for May 2 – May 6, 2016!

We had a great week in FDK!  We started our week with a great trip to our local fire station.  Thank you so much to all of our wonderful parent volunteers!  We had an amazing time climbing into all of the fire trucks and rescue boat.  It was great to meet the real heroes in our community, our local firefighters!
Bubbles was back this week from Starr Gymnastics.  We had so much fun in the gym with all of the special equipment.  We are great gymnasts!
We are decorating our classroom doors for our Doors of Mercy.  FDK 1’s theme is Comfort the Sick and FDK2 is Give Drink to the Thirsty.  FDK2 put these words into action by giving water to each student in the school after their time in the gym. Way to go FDK2!
This will be a very eventful week in FDK!  Please check the school website for a summary of the many events taking place during this very important week in Catholic Education!  This week we the students had the opportunity to plant sunflowers in soil. We will be watching them grow and then we will transplant them in the school garden. We look forward to seeing you during Catholic Education Week!


Ms. Myers’ Grade One Class

The “Stuffy Sleepover” was a great success!  The children loved having their animal friends at school – they introduced their “stuffies,” measured them, read them a bedtime story in the library and tucked them in…only to be very surprised the next morning!!  Come by the bulletin board outside our classroom and find out what exactly happens when stuffed animals stay in school overnight….!!!  Last Tuesday, Ms. Wilcox gave a great presentation about biking and walking safety. She distributed important information from Ottawa Public Health regarding the importance of wearing helmets when biking and skateboarding. A May newsletter and homework calendar will be going home next week. As we prepare for our trip to the Rosemount Library on Wednesday, May 11th, please ensure you have returned the permission form. There are a variety of activities taking place at St. Anthony next week as we celebrate Catholic Education Week, including our Book Fair (taking place in the library). Check Mr. McGuire’s updates and join in when you are able! Have a great week!


stuffed animals 1


Ms. Moga’s Grade 2 class May 2- 6

Welcome to May! We have two months left in the school year and lots of learning still to come!

Last week I was very fortunate to attend the Connect 2016 Conference. I attended various presentations on current and upcoming technology that I hope to begin using what I learned into the grade 2 class as soon as possible.

This week is Catholic Education Week! Many activities are taking place including: Scholastic Book Fair, Beebot Mazerunner Workshop (students will  learn to program by giving directional instructions to the robot and then creating a maze for the bee to follow), Mass, and our monthly Rosary visit.  

Curriculum Notes:
Math- we are moving onto multiplication and division. Please see the attached picture for more details and at-home activity suggestions.

Science- we are nearing the end of our unit on Properties of Matter. This week we will discuss floating (buoyancy) and absorbency.

Language- we are continuing with inferring as our reading strategy. This week students will work on explaining their inferences (what clues helped them infer, what background knowledge did they use). In writing, our next unit is narrative (story writing).

Religion- we are discussing how to be more like Jesus and spread the Good News. This is linked to the students’ preparations for First Reconciliation and First Communion.

Please come visit our classroom on Wednesday morning during our Education Week Open House.

Ms. Moga

Moga 1

Moga 2

Mrs. Rupnik’s Class (May 2- May 6)

Welcome to Catholic Education Week! We have many special activities planned this week, starting with our Open House on Tuesday, May 3. This will be a time to welcome the new students who will be joining the Primary Language Class in the fall.  We hope you can join us for one of our many school-wide activities such as our community breakfast, Family Portrait day, mass at St. Anthony Church, Book Fair, etc.  This week we will continue to use wordless picture books to tell stories. To increase our comprehension, we will also begin to explore the story The Little Red Hen on a deeper level. We will explore different points of view and start to evaluate the story (for example: Did the ending surprise you?; Do you think the Little Red Hen was right in not sharing, or should she have given the other animals some bread?; What do you think will happen the next time Little Red Hen asks her friends to help; What lesson can we learn from this story?; etc.).  Please take some time to read our April class newsletter. New May homework calendars will be sent home on Monday, May 2, 2016.  


Manzoli Stars…

Manzoli 1

We ended our week on Friday with our last Starr Gymnastics with “Bubbles”.  The students truly enjoyed their time with him and had an opportunity to learn some terrific movements.  Please consider checking them out on their website for those students who would like to continue pursuing their talent.

This week we look forward to a week devoted to Education.  Beginning with our school wide book fair that will run all week in the learning commons.  Students will be able to preview the books on Monday and then will be able to make a purchase on Wednesday.  This would be a great chance to fill up your home libraries.  On Tuesday the makerspace mobile is coming to St. Anthony’s, the class will be exploring codemaking.

Wednesday begins with our open house with coffee and muffins in the gym followed by a slide presentation.  You are also invited to come down and visit your child’s class and have a chance to see some of their wonderful learning.  On Thursday we begin with a mass at 9:00 at the St. Anthony church in the afternoon our class will have an opportunity to explore with a workshop offered by Ottawa University’s Engineers.  We also will be having a visit from an Ottawa author “Chris Nihmey”  who will be reading his new book called “Sally” and discuss some of his techniques in becoming a writer.  We end our week on Friday with Pizza day.

Manzoli 2

For all mothers celebrating Mother’s Day on Sunday. I wish you all a happy day : )


  • No library book exchange on Monday
  • Homework Calendars are due Monday

M. Girard’s French classes for this week

2e Français oral: Téléfrançais, le calendrier quotidien

Français lecture:  recherche d’un symbole pour un timbre commémoratif dans le document «Canada : fêtes et symboles»

Français écrit: justifier par écrit ton choix d’un symbole canadien

Études Sociales : les fêtes au calendrier (1er juillet, la fête de la reine Victoria, la fête du travail etc.)


Français oral: Bulletin météo général pour tout le pays et local pour une ville canadienne

Français lecture: pièce de théâtre «Beau temps, mauvais temps»

Études Sociales : contributions de ces communautés qui enrichissent le Canada de 1780 à 1850

4/5e Immersion

Français Oral: 2 rencontres d’impro

Français lecture: choix d’un magazine, les caractéristiques d’un article  

Français écrit: présentation des dictées mai, «Quel beau rêve» (4e année) et «Si seulement» (5e année)

Arts: visite au parc du lac Dow pour la leçon «En harmonie avec la nature» (lignes et couleurs)

May 2 – May 6

Mrs. Troccoli’s Grade 4/5 Team News

We get to start the month of May with Education Week!!  There are lots of activities taking place this week.  Some of the highlights for the Grade 4/5  class are: visiting the Rosemount library on Wednesday,  a school mass on Thursday and a book fair in our own learning commons.  Please check the school website for all the wonderful things happening this week.  

The students did a great job presenting their biography book talk.  The confidence and comfort level has improved significantly for many of the students over the previous book talks.  Credit goes to the students and all the effort they put into preparing for their presentations.  We all learned lots of interesting information about fascinating people. Well Done!!

The students will have the opportunity to share their Biography Digital Posters this week. They will be hanging proudly in the halls of St. Anthony for all to see and enjoy.  

The students have also been working on the writing skill of summarizing.  Under the guidance of Mr. Moleski we have used the website Teaching Kids News. The students have been reading news articles, finding the main facts while using the read and write app to write a summary of the article.  This is an important skill that students will be able to use throughout their academic careers and beyond.

In math, we continue to work with fractions.  We will use the inquiry method as well as mathletics to learn about the concepts in this strand of math.  I encourage you to talk about fractions in everyday life.  We see them involving food sharing, money, things that come in sets and groups of objects.  The more the students see the relationship to real life the easier it is to understand the concepts.

Homework duotangs will be sent home on Monday with math activities to reinforce  Fraction concepts.  They will also be responsible for completing the summary they started last week on an article from Teaching Kids News.  They are to put it into their Language Folder on their Chromebooks where I can check their completed paragraph.  All work is to be completed by Friday.  

Thank you for your continued support!

Have a wonderful week!

Together Everyone Achieves More


 Ms. Colaiacovo’s Grade May Newsletter