St. Anthony Connects – The week of May 19- 22



June 11th is the day for our big year-end social – this will be great!!  

We really hope that all families will attend and have a great time!


Tuesday, May 19

 Chess club celebration

 Ms. Rupnik’s Class Rosemount Library 12:30

 Table Tennis – end of day

 Wednesday, May 20

Weeding Wednesday Session for the GREEN Club

 Thursday, May 21

 Recycling Day – 

 Peace Festival West – St. Anthony participating 

 Friday, May 22

 Gr. 4/5 Rosemount Library 10am

 Monthly Assembly: I have a Voice – (PM)


Teacher Notes for the Week

Ms Myers – Grade 1

Hopefully everyone’s bean plant made it home safely last week! We have loved observing these amazing

beanstalks grow before our very eyes! If you are able to replant your child’s bean plant in a garden, it will

produce lovely scarlet flowers – and hopefully a few beans!! In math this week we will be working on

strategies that help us when we are adding (e.g. counting on from a larger number and knowing “double

facts” ). In Family Life we will begin our unit “Created Sexual: Male and Female.” A note will go home on

Tuesday with further information for families. The grade ones will also be exploring the Catholic Graduate

Expectation “I have a voice”. We will be considering things like: I speak, write, and listen as Jesus would

want me; I am honest; I think carefully before I react and speak. We look forward to a short but busy




Ms Rupnik’s Class

This short week, we would like to share the activities we have worked on in our class over the past several weeks, for example our Google slide presentations with personal digital photographs, our Imagistory narratives in video format, the beginnings of our creative stories, etc. On Tuesday, May 19, I will be sending home your child’s Google account information. Take the time to sit with your child and login into his/her drive. Start by checking the Google slide presentations and the Imagistory narratives. You will be impressed! In our Social Language program, we will focus on using self-control. Students will have an opportunity to role-play some ‘cool-off’ situations.


M Girard

2/3e Études Sociales: Les communautés du Canada de 1780 à 1850, leçon 3: les contributions des différentes communautés
4/5e Cycle de lecture «Vendredi 13», étapes 1 et 2: comprendre le texte (dictionnaires, Google translate) et répondre aux questions de compréhension 
5/6e Cycle de lecture «Ma phobie», étapes 1,2 et 3: comprendre le texte (dictionnaires, Google translate),  répondre aux questions de compréhension et résumer par écrit 
4e Immersion Dictée mai «Quel beau rêve»(50 mots), Arts: les couleurs de notre pommier à la Van Gogh, Théâtre: travail sur une courte pièce inspirée de la dernière impro «Le chinois qui avait peur» Education Physique: lancer de la balle
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