St. Anthony this week

Spaces in Squirmies and Game Pack still available.  Ability to pay is not a factor – fun is!  Please register your child if interested. Just send in the form.  Registration extended until Friday, September 26th.


St. Anthony this week

Wednesday, September 24 – Terry Fox Day!

Our plan is to do the walk then meet in the gym and we will dye Mr. McGuire’s hair in front of the students – then Mr. McGuire will don his princess costume for the afternoon!.

For our Terry Fox Event next Wednesday I have a note to send home for parent volunteers if you need them for your class during our walk.

The plan is to have the whole school walk around the schoolyard 2 times with the kindergarten students first.  Then the kinders will go back to class while the rest of the classes walk up booth street towards Dows Lake.  We will do a little loop in the park and walk back up Booth Street to St. Anthony School.

After the walk, Mr. McGuire will have his hair dyed pink and he will dress up as a princess!  









Thursday, September 25

Shayna Tate – mural artist visiting St. Anthony to consult students

Shayna will try  to get to every room and spend 10-15 minutes or so talking to each class (depending on what the teachers prefer)

Due to smaller size of mural, all students in school may not have a chance to paint with me. It is up to teachers to decide students selected and sign then up on my schedule day of. All students ideas will be considered however and the goal is to be inclusive in this way. They are partners with me in designing the theme. 


This will allow for a better quality mural. 

a sample of Shayna’s work

Teacher plans for the week

Grade 2-3 Ms. Manzoli:  

The grade 2/3 class will be introduced to the fourth center of our “daily Five” (working on writing).
In math we continue to work on number sense and focus on rounding numbers to the nearest ten and hundred. 
We will also begin our first science unit.
The Primary Language Class Ms. Rupnik:
This week in the Primary Language Class, we will begin work on individual reading programs and start work on new vocabulary for the season of Autumn orally and in written form. We will continue our Social Language activities, focusing on introducing ourselves!
Finally…..Parents, please make sure to let the office know if there is a change in
pick-up plans for your child at the end of the day