St. Anthony Connects the week of Feb 2 – 6


download (1)Kids and Mental Health


One in five children in Ontario has a mental health problem. Changes to your child’s mental health may

not be obvious.

Warning signs to look for:

 Mood swings and changes in eating habits.

 Headaches and sore stomach.

 Low energy and not sleeping well.

 Missing school and/or having trouble at school.

 Spending less time with friends and family.

 Wanting to be left alone.

 Feelings of anger and rage.


 Listen to your child and trust your judgment.

 You are the best person to notice changes.

 Talk to your child’s teacher, he or she may have seen some changes too.

 It’s okay to ask for help and talk to your family doctor.

For more information on kids and mental health please visit ,, or Ottawa Public Health at 613 580-6744,




St. Anthony This Week

Monday, February 2

Pizza numbers going in today for next week – students who did not order last week can order for the upcoming weeks, please see Ms Pollock for a form – next Pizza Day Friday, February 13th

Tuesday, February 3

chess at lunch

Table Tennis 3:15 – 4:15

Wednesday, February 4

Cathlee O’Connell to read with Mrs.Rupnik’s class

Rosary visit to St. Anthony:

Every 1st Wednesday of the month, beginning October 1st

FDK1 10:30-10:45
FDK2 10:45-11

1/2 Cook: 12:15-12:35 (Maruka)
1 and 2/3: 12:35-12:55 (Maruka-Learning Commons)
Gr. 4/5 Mr. Girard: 12:55-1:25 (Lucy)
Gr. 5/6 1:45-2:30 (Lucy)

Dorothy reading with Mrs. Rupnik’s class

Y Kids Academy – 11:30 – 1:30 Grade 5/6 class

Thursday, February 5

Mill of Kintail Trip Gr. 1 and 1/2

Free Throw Forms due Gr 5 & 6

Young Rembrandts – session # 3 after school

Friday, February 6

Little Horn Theatre MUSIC WITH AUDREY LEMIEUX – same schedule as previous weeks

Pizza numbers going in today for next week – students who did not order last week can order for the upcoming weeks, please see Krista for a form

Girls leaving for girls camp – Christie Lake – returning Sunday


Teacher Notes for this week

Ms Myers Grade 1

This week the “Wonderful Ones” are looking forward to their trip to the Mill of Kintail Conservation Area, February 5th. Please check the weather forecast to ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the day. On Monday, February 1st, a new calendar and monthly newsletter will be going home. Please check your child’s agenda for this information. Both items are posted on our school website under “Teacher Links” in the event you misplace your paper copies.

Mr. Cook Grade 1-2

Mr. Cook is still waiting for homework folders to be handed in. February calendars will be sent home next week after they have all been marked. For homework this week, the students will be working on making graphs at home. They will be sent home on Monday in their agenda bags and are to be returned on Thursday. The children are encouraged to read each night as well for 10 minutes (grade 1) and 15 minutes (grade 2).

 We have our field trip on Thursday, February 5th to Mill of Kintail. Please make sure your child is dressed warm for the weather as we will spend much of the day outdoors. Also, please ensure that your child has a healthy lunch packed for the day. 

 – Math –> We will be finishing our data management unit. The children have done their own surveys and on Mondaythey will be graphing their data. We will review some concepts for number sense and numeration (adding and subtracting to and from 20 – grade 1) and 2 digit addition and subtraction using rods and units (grade 2).

 – Language –> We will continue to learn about procedural writing. The students are encouraged to think about things that they are able to do for when they work on their writing assignment independently (e.g., tying my shoes, making my bed etc…). This week’s word wall words will focus on long vowel sounds and will be written into student agendasMonday.

 -Religion/Art –> We will learn about how to appreciate the variety of gifts the earth has to offer. We will be making collages and displaying them in the classroom.

 – Gym –> We will be doing relay races and working on our basketball dribbling skills.

– Library on Monday –> a few of the students still have library books that need to be returned. Those who have returned their library books will get to take out a new book and bring it home to enjoy for the week.

– Sianna was this month’s winner for our waste free lunches. Next month we will choose a new winner. Parents are encouraged to send litterless lunches for their kids to school (fruit, containers etc…). Good job to our winners so far this year!

This will be a fun week! Let’s pray for nice weather on Thursday so the kids can have a great time on our field trip!

 All the best to everyone!


 Mr. Cook

Ms Rupnik’s class:

This week, we will begin to work on a new writing form called “procedural writing”.  New February homework calendars arrive home on Monday. Please work with your child to complete these activities daily. The activities are short and require about 5 minutes to complete. Most activities are done orally and do not have a written component. In addition to the homework calendar activities, it is very beneficial to read to and with your child every night. 

Ms Manzoli’s Grade 2-3 Class

This week the students will be working on their “Story in a Box” writing.  The students have been working on narrative stories looking at the setting, characters and problem of fairy tales.  We have been forcusing on using past tense verbs when we write stories.  In reading we are focusing on picking out the important information and how to infer when asked questions of a text.  In math we continue to explore money, we have investigated different money around the world. Thank you to the students who we able to bring in money from their countries.  This week we focus on learning to give back change (Grade 2 to the $1:00 and Grade 3 to the $10:00).  Please give your child the opportunity to practice this concept at home using real life situations.  It is a good way to reinforce their adding and subtracting skills too.  This week we continue to inquire about Structures in Science.

M Girard:

2/3e Lecture (reading:) Chez Lucie (Visages 2, thème 1, activité 1.3)
4/5e Études Sociales: Problèmes environnementaux de quatre régions à l’étude (suite) 5/6e: révision des nombres et dictées de numéros de téléphone (service de livraison d’un restaurant)
4e Immersion:dictée février- verbe aimer au passé composé (69 mots) 
Dans la classe de Mr. Chartrand:
Grade 1/2
In Social Studies, we are continuing to work on buildings in our neighbourhood and are also learning about community helpers.   There will be a short quiz on Thursday.
Grade 2’s:  We are finishing our work about Nunavut this week and then compare Canada with Mexico and their country of origin.
Grade 1’s:  neighbourhood map and community helpers 
We are completing our work with the “on/om” sound this week.  We will practice to pronounce it, find it in words and study vocabulary with the sound.
In writing, we are describing our snowman.
The words wall words for this week are:  
jouer (to play), marcher (to walk), sauter (to jump), parler (to talk)
*  Please practice the words at home.  I will be sending word wall work homework again.  Please return it by the end of the week.
*  Please have the Grade 2 students bring their Country projects to school to work on Thursday’s and Friday’s if its possible.
Grade 4 (Immersion)
We will continue to work on “Les roches et les minéraux”.
We will continue our focus on the “rock cycle” and how to identify them in a lab this week.
Ms Hubert’s Grade 5-6 class
This week will see the Grade 5/6 class attend their third session at the YMCA on Wednesday afternoon. In Science we are starting a new unit on Flight and we will begin by looking at the history of the first airplane.  In Language Arts we are starting to review for EQAO, as well as looking at procedural writing.  In Physical Education we will be learning to play Tchoukball, a new and exciting game.  

 Short video on Little Horn Theatre

We started with hip hop and now we have move on music instruction.  This video shows some of the highlights from Friday’s workshop with the grade 4/5 class and Audrey Lemieux.  She is doing a wonderful job with the kids and they are learning some new elements of music each week.  Audrey will be with us for three more weeks.

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